Concordia kept her eyes on the Sky. Her Mom's arrows scouted the entire area.

"So this is Mom's Bow Of Orion huh? This is my first time seeing it up close. It's rumoured that the Bow Of Orion was originally summoned by Mom during the battle against Zanböngfar. At the point of its initial summoning, it took on the form of an ivory bow with crystal arrows. However, after the battle, Mom worked to develop her sigil and managed to transform it into an Aerial Scout Formation. It's something between Arlene's Christopher and my Kraken Andromeda" Concordia thought seriously. "I cannot leave this position with the Aerial Trackers in the Sky. If I do, I could be assaulted but at the same time, even if I do not move, I remain confined to this location so Mom's Formation has become both a Tracking Type and Zone Control Technique" Concordia realized.

"You should make a move and attempt to reclaim the initiative Concordia. For as long as you don't you remain confined. In actual battles, there are times when an adversary forces an army to retreat behind a fortification and then cuts off all Supply Routes for Basic Amenities. This is similar to a Hunter burning piles of straw at the entrance to the dwelling place of prey in order to smoke them out once they run out of air. That is quite an accurate way to describe your current situation" Victoria thought seriously.

"I'll have to figure out Mom's range to attempt to reclaim the initiative. With Kraken Andromeda, I can generate countless arrows but I can only coordinate them in directions and locations that are visible to me so it utilizes line of sight coordination to an extent. With Arlene's Christopher, I can boost my range and coordinate Kraken Andromeda omnidirectionally. Mom can only attack me…if she can see me so the real question is…what sort of Sensory Technique is she employing? The answer to that question might be the key to determining her range. I should be able to triangulate her position by measuring the current position of her arrows against her range to determine her likely hiding spots" Concordia thought seriously. "I see…so this is how to apply the Scorpio System's Ecological Trace Mode huh?" Concordia realized.

Victoria and Concordia waited patiently to see which one would make the wrong move and give away their position.

"One of the greatest virtues of the Archer is having the patience to outlast your adversary" Victoria thought.

"The first thing I need to do is send out Scout Type Versions of my Kraken Andromeda as well. If Mom can achieve this with her arrows, then it is doable with Kraken Andromeda as well. All I'm missing is the ability to integrate Sensory Techniques into my Arrows" Concordia thought seriously.

"What you should know about Aerial Sensory Techniques is this, to every action there is a preparatory action as well as a likely result. Learning to read the preparatory action to every action grants you the foresight needed to prepare to counter an unfavourable result. This is the ancient art referred to as 'Reading The Wind' and is a very important component of Archery. You could also call it 'Anticipation' and it's how Archers predominantly down Mobile Targets. You utilized this technique in sync with Arlene's Christopher when you activated Kraken Andromeda's Coordinated Assault Mode. Now you must master that technique as an individual. To read the Wind is why Wind Vanes were invented" Concordia recalled her Mom's words.

"WIND VANES?!" she realized in shock. "Could Mom somehow be reading the Wind via Wind Vanes or a technique of like nature?" Concordia recalled the training Keiran had her undergo in the field of Wind. "I used it once so it is doable. Plus Wind is also a form of Energy. If Mom has found a way to convert Wind Energy to Light Energy, then it is indeed possible for her to scan her surroundings via Wind Vanes!" Concordia realized in awe.