Concordia remained concealed.

"What do I do? Should I wait for Mom's arrows to leave this location before attempting to track her or should I go on the offensive? The fact remains that for as long as Mom remains concealed and I'm unaware of her location…to go on the offensive with her Aerial Trackers still in the sky would be to attempt Archery blindfolded" Concordia thought.

Concordia recalled one of her training sessions with her father Boniface Kenyah.

"Dad, why is your Dream Knight House also known as the House Of The Hound?" young Concordia had asked.

"It's because of our bond with Hounds. The Kenyah House was originally a House Of Hunters. We initially had very bad luck whenever we went out on Hunts. That was until we began to observe the impeccable Hunting Prowess of Wolves. We knew they'd be great Hunting Partners so we began to feed them until they preferred to remain in our Villages rather than in the Wild. In so doing, we earned their loyalty and they in turn began to act as Trackers whenever we went out on Hunts. We studied their Tracking Capabilities and came to the realization that their great Hunting Instincts were tied to their sense of smell. Hence the Symbol Of Our House became the Hound to connote Hunting Prowess" Face, Concordia's father had explained.

"But what if you went out on a Hunt and were faced by a predator much stronger than you and your Hound were?" young Concordia had asked.

"In the first place, it is for that very reason that Wolves hunt in packs. Concordia, there really will be times when you will be confronted by an adversary many times stronger than you are. At times like that, make a record of what you do understand and have seen so far. The more records you make, the greater your increase in comprehension with regards to your adversary's strengths. In time, you will begin to discover patterns. Everything in this world has a Natural Law governing its operation and even what we consider Supernatural Laws are more often than not, extensions of more basic Natural Laws or an amalgamation of Natural Laws so there isn't really any truly 'random' event in existence with regards to Nature" Face had explained.

"I see…Dad's House Of Dream Knights predominantly tracks by Scent. Typically, when Dream Knights summon their sigils, the initial resting place for the sigil is in the hands of the Dream Knight. I bypass the initial summoning phase by always keeping a prior summoned compact version of Kraken Andromeda in my briefcase. That way, in battle, I do not have to go through the process of summoning Kraken Andromeda. When the sigil is initially summoned, it typically appears in its dormant state until it is upgraded. On the other hand, it can be summoned in an upgraded form. Still, the sigil has to be in the immediate vicinity of the Dream Knight during the summoning. The first thing I need to do…is summon a stealthy version of my sigil" Concordia thought as piles of rocky arrows appeared on the ground around her however within her Porcupine Defense Mode.

"If I can alter the elemental composition of my sigil, then I can alter its form as well like I did when I utilized the Wind Vanes. DISINTEGRATE!" Concordia ordered and the rocky arrows on the ground turned to dust.

Concordia smiled.

"My greatest advantage lies in my ability to coordinate each of my arrows independently" Concordia thought and caused the particles of dust to spread into the air.

"Next, I've got to mark each of Mom's arrows" Concordia thought and assigned particles of dust to each of the arrows.

At that moment, Victoria's arrows stopped moving and froze.

"Was I spotted?!" Concordia thought in alarm.

Victoria in her hiding place assumed a serious look.

"So Concordia is in this general vicinity huh?" she thought. "You really should pay attention to your surroundings Concordia. You would have escaped my notice if you had paid attention to the direction and intensity of the Wind. Dust does not fly against the direction of the Wind and it certainly does not fly in an area without Wind" Victoria thought as her arrows began to rain on the surrounding area.

"An Aerial Volley?! She's guessed I am somewhere in this general vicinity however she lacks knowledge of my actual hiding place so she's resorting to a wide range brute force Aerial Volley! At this point…it's only a matter of time before she hits home! I don't have any time to waste! I've got to act quickly!" Concordia thought as she generated countless dust particles via the surrounding dust and used them to mask the area.