We spent some time reflecting on Amplifiers and Nullifiers. Eventually, we assembled before the elderly Dream Knights once more.

"Today, we'll teach you about Elemental Media" Face said.

"Elemental Media?" Concordia asked.

"Yes, in a sense, you can consider them as Amplifiers. A medium is any element that can carry or channel another element. In a sense, you can think of them as vessels or vehicles. Elemental Media have a variety of applications depending on the element they channel. Their most predominant trait though is the extension of range" Face explained.

"The extension of range?" I asked.

"This extension of range more often than naught also extends Sensory Capabilities and in some rare cases can also awaken Extra-Sensory Capabilities. There are Five Major Elements that can act as a medium for other elements. They are Air, Water, Earth, Heat(Fire) and Light. A secondary function of a medium is to act as an intermediary between two elements that naturally nullify each other. In this case, the medium prevents the dominant element from exerting direct influence over the less dominant element which could result in the nullification of the less dominant element. In cases like this, the medium becomes a Shield for the less dominant element" Aileen I explained.

"Here are a few examples of media and the elements they channel. Air can channel Heat and Light. It can also act as a conductor for the Lightning generated via Friction amongst particles of Air. It can also extend the range of Sound which travels faster in Air than any other medium. The reason for this is that Air particles are less densely packed than liquid or solid particles and can thus easily extend the vibrations caused by Sound. Bats utilize this principle for echolocation. Air can also act as a medium for Water when Water is vapourized. That's how Clouds are formed basically, from Vapour" Victoria explained.

"Next in line is Water. Water can act as a medium for Light. When Light penetrates Water, refraction occurs and this refraction possesses the special trait to alter perception of distance. Water can also conduct Lightning. It can also conduct Heat. Water though not to the same extent as Air can also conduct Sound Waves which is how Whales are able to perceive their surroundings via echolocation" my Aunt Ai explained.

"Now I'll explain the concept of Earth as a medium. Refined forms of Earth such as glass and other transparent or translucent materials can act as a channel for Light. Some of these materials such as Prisms can refract Light. Others such as Mirrors can reflect Light. Refraction as Ai explained earlier can alter perception of distance. Reflection can generate an almost accurate image of any object standing between the Source Of Light and the Reflective Surface. Earth may not necessarily possess the ability to act as a medium for Sound however it can reflect Sound. When this occurs, an echo is created which is an almost accurate reproduction of the Sound emitted by the Source Of The Sound. Earth in its most basic form nullifies Lightning and some forms of Earth such as Wood and Rubber act as Insulators for Lightning however other forms such as Metal can act as conductors to amplify the range of Lightning. When this occurs, there are times Magnetism can be achieved as a result thus Earth with its capacity to act as both a Conductor and an Insulator possesses the unique trait of Polarity. Earth can act as a conductor for Heat generated via Fire. In this case, it can shield elements that are naturally antithetical to each other and can nullify each other by acting as a Shield or intermediary as in the case of a boiling pan of Water on a Furnace. This Pan separates the Water from the Flames and can channel the Heat of the Flame into the Water while preventing the Water from nullifying the Flame via direct contact" Face explained.

"The last two elements, Heat (Fire) and Light are forms of energy and cannot exactly be considered separate from each other since energy can transition in form. Every form of energy possesses the capacity to act as a medium for other forms of energy thus they can be converted into other forms of energy and back to their original form. Thus Light and Heat can serve as mediums for Sound, Lightning, Wind and all other forms of energy" my Mom concluded the lesson.