My Dad stood before my Gramps deeper into the Mountain.

"Have you learnt anything new regarding the recent attacks on Dream City?" my Dad asked my Gramps.

"You're worried about San aren't you?" my Gramps asked.

"Yes, I am" my Dad said.

"I had Aileen analyze the video recorded by Great Dreamers' High's News Committee with her sigil Atlas. After she was done with her analysis, I took a look at the video…and as I suspected…this is the true nature of the adversary San confronted on that day" my Gramps said and handed my Dad a mini-representation of Atlas.

My Dad stared at it seriously.

"This is…!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, their corporeal forms were destroyed but they have gradually been growing in strength and as their strength has been increasing they have regained the ability to generate corporeal forms and infiltrate the World Of Reality though their new forms are not nearly as powerful as the previous forms they took on over twenty years ago. The kids defeated three of them and Chaos as you know was never really on Zanfar's side. San destroyed this one's corporeal form however…" my Gramps paused his statement.

"… 'if they've recovered this much in just over twenty years, then Zanböngfar's regenerative abilities might be on the verge of restoration' is what you want to say isn't that so Dad?" my Dad asked.

"Exactly, it's disturbing to even imagine what might have happened if you hadn't neutralized the vast majority of Zanböngfar's negative energy" my Gramps said.

"Yeah, but doing that sort of linked Zanböngfar to myself" my Dad said seriously.

"That also might be a blessing in disguise. If you weren't linked to Zanböngfar as you are now, we'd have been completely in the dark regarding all of this as well as the scale in the increase of his strength" my Gramps said.

My Dad smiled.

"That's true" he said with a sigh.

"Thankfully, 'he' intervened right around the time you began to experience dreams of primal memories. In a sense…it was good judgement on our part to break down the abilities of the Kommeno Syndesmo and channel its abilities into the conceptualization of XCalibur AOP 2. Ayumi also presented the original Kommeno Syndesmo to the Phoenix Clan in the World Of Jo-lan. Right now, all we can do is wait and hope that San begins to perceive 'his' presence soon. Until that moment, the only thing we can do is work to diminish Zanböngfar's influence. Currently, we've succeeded in completely shutting off the portals of infiltration for Zanböngfar's Fire and Wind Tails. Chaos who became a Soul Of Virtue shut off the portal of infiltration for Zanböngfar's Time Tail as well. One more Tail was beaten leaving two Tails currently, out of which one of these remaining Tails is this so called 'Armoured Tank'" my Gramps said seriously.

"Well, we should watch over the kids to ensure no one gets fatally wounded. We'll intervene if the situation becomes critical however…" my Dad said with a smirk.

"…if San successfully masters the abilities of his Cape up to the third level…even the Tails would be small fry" my Gramps said with a confident smile.

"About the Stones Of Virtue" my Gramps said.

"Ayu and I scattered them across various eras in Jo-lan's history. We'll leave them in Josec's hands. Zanböngfar should be unable to claim them from our end but until the Kommeno Syndesmo's Abilities are fully realized…even Josec's crew might currently be at a stalemate" my Dad said seriously.

"Then it would be best we expedite things on our end" my Gramps said.

"San is slowly growing in maturity…it's only a matter of Time until he begins to perceive…Benedict's Ark" my Gramps said.