As we had done in the previous Halls, we spent most of our free time training in the Hall Of Lightning.

"Let's resume your lesson" Fenrir said one day.

We paid close attention.

"Today, I will be teaching you about Sigils. This lesson should be very helpful to San and Ciella who are still very inexperienced in the utilization of Sigils" Fenrir said.

"Okay, we're listening" I said.

"Let's start with the process behind the birth of Sigils" Fenrir said.

We listened closely.

"Every Sigil before it takes on material form begins first as an impression. It's a sort of impression that lingers on and becomes a kind of guidepost. Experiences may strengthen this impression adding more and more associations to it. Associations as I explained earlier on are the feelings assigned to an impression. Over time, the impression deepens and transforms into a 'Goal'. At this point it's no longer merely an impression. There is a conscious effort on the part of a person to hold on to that impression and bring it to fruition. This is what we call a 'Dream'. As a person places more and more effort into bringing this Dream to Reality, it may evolve into what we call a 'Conviction'. At this point, a person becomes willing to defend that Dream against attack and others that may attempt to demean it. When this Conviction becomes the embodiment of all that a person is, it now becomes an Ideal. At this point, a person has acquired a tremendous understanding of what began as an impression. They now possess the ability to transform it from an abstract concept into a very practical one. It is at this point that a Sigil materializes. Sigils are conductors of sorts that channel the ideals and affinities of a Dream Knight. Even their very form and functionalities can in a sense be said to be a glimpse of who a Dream Knight is and what they believe in. In other words, you could say a Sigil is an Ideal brought to life, in a very literal sense" Fenrir said very seriously.

We listened closely.

"A Sigil's capabilities are to a large extent determined by how intensely a Dream Knight believes in a particular Ideal. This alone can determine how powerful a Sigil is. A Dream Knight may not necessarily need to understand the applications of their Sigil to generate a powerful Sigil. It comes down to how strongly they believe in their ideals and comprehend their own identities. Having said that, this scenario could be likened to placing a Tank or Cannon in the hands of a Child. It may be a powerful weapon, however if one cannot comprehend its applications, it's practically useless. So it's equally important for a Dream Knight to put a lot of effort into comprehending the Practical Applications of their Sigil. At this point, one does not necessarily attempt to hone brute force but rather precision. A very skilled person can turn an insignificant object into a potent tool" Fenrir explained.

"What happens if a Dream Knight masters application but doesn't have enough confidence in their ideal?" Keiran asked.

"In such cases, the precision of the Sigil increases however, it doesn't carry much force. The force of the Sigil becomes diffused instead of focused and the person might eventually run into an insurmountable Wall" Fenrir explained.

"I see, so both extremes are bad huh?" I realized.

"Yes, it's important to hone one's ideal as well as the practical applications of that ideal" Fenrir explained.