Fenrir continued to teach us more.

"You know about the three predominant Sigil Forms don't you?" Fenrir asked.

"Yeah, the Dormant State where the Sigil appears in its material form but doesn't have much elemental energy focused into it. The Active State where the Sigil takes on a form that allows it to channel the Elemental Affinities of the Dream Knight and the Living Sigil State where the Sigil takes on a life of its own and possesses the capacity to make decisions concerning the Dream Knight autonomous of the Dream Knight's conscious will" Saito explained.

"We're also aware of the Seven Predominant Sigil Classes" Mitsuki added.

"Well then, today, I shall teach you about the Two Predominant Sigil Types" Fenrir said.

We listened closely.

"There are Two Predominant Types Of Sigils. They are classified under Combative Type Sigils and Support Type Sigils. Sigil Types have their properties greatly determined by their Elemental Category. Sigils summoned by Dream Knights who have Elemental Affinities falling under the category of Elements Of Generation most often tend to be Support Type Sigils. On the other hand, Sigils that have their Elemental Affinities falling under the category of Elements Of Destruction more often than naught tend to be Combative Types" Fenrir explained.

Concordia recalled Keiran's lessons.

"Every Element has characteristics of both Generation and Destruction. In other words, every element possesses the capacity to act as both an Enhancing and Deteriorating Element. I'll give you three examples. Fire for instance provides the Warmth needed to sustain Life on Earth. This is visible via the Sun's effect on Plants and even Waterbodies. However, the same Fire that gives life can also destroy Life. You've heard of Wildfires and the damage they can cause. Water is also a giver of Life. We need a constant intake of Water to survive however, an excess of Water can create Floods that are capable of destroying lives. We need Air to survive as well. The oxygen we breathe in triggers the release of energy stored in our Blood Cells however the same Wind that sustains life can manifest as a Storm with the capacity to cause extensive damage" Fenrir explained.

"That makes sense" I recalled my lessons under my Gramps' tutorship.

"As such, the very first thing any Dream Knight acting as a Mentor teaches his Students are the capabilities of their Sigil for both Support and Harm. The awareness of these possibilities is hammered into any Dream Knight aspirant. The next thing they are taught are the Supportive Capabilities of their Sigil and finally the Combative. When dealing with Elements, you can liken the scenario to a Scale. Every application of an Elemental Affinity has a counterbalance. Think of it like this, in combat, you can punch a person however, you also experience backlash in the form of pain where your fist made contact with the person. It's also like trying to hold a boiling pan of Water. One who masters the Combative Applications of an Element without first learning about the Supportive Applications is like a person attempting to lift a boiling pan of Water without the aid of an Insulator such as a Napkin. You will burn your hands and if unfortunate might get scalded by the Boiling Water as a bonus" Fenrir said.

"Harsh!" we all thought in shock.

"The Supportive Applications of an Element act as a brace or an Insulator to nullify the backlash effect. You can think of it like this. If you stand only on one side of a scale, the scale will tip over and you might plummet to your doom. However, if two people with equivalent weights stood on either side of the scale, the scale would be balanced and both parties would be safe" Fenrir explained.