Our lessons resumed.

"Today, we shall be learning a bit about the basic structure of a Sigil as well as a few Sigil Categories" Fenrir said.

"We're listening" I said.

"There are many categories of Sigils. These categories are classified according to the functionalities of the Sigil. I'll teach you about a few categories. We'll specifically be learning about the categories of Support Type Sigils. The first category I'll teach you about are Sensory Type Sigils. You may have learnt a bit about this category of Sigil from Ai and Aileen I" Fenrir said.

We nodded as we recalled our lessons on Waves.

"Sensory Type Sigils are Sigils that exist to expand the senses of a Dream Knight. They come in many forms but predominantly expand one of the five human senses. They can expand the field of vision of a Dream Knight as well as their range and are very necessary in battles. Dream Knights with Sensory Type Sigils are not usually Combat Types however they are a very invaluable asset in battle. They narrow the blindspots of their comrades, coordinate them and can help them avoid ambushes and things of the like. They can also aid a Dream Knight in terrains where there is poor Visibility" Fenrir explained.

We listened closely.

"The basic structure of a Sensory Type Sigil goes something like this. The first component is what we call a 'Sensor'. A Sensor like the Human Senses is a device that is sensitive to Energy or a particular form of Energy in the environment. It's a device that can basically capture some form of Energy in the environment. The next component is an 'Energy Converter'. An Energy Converter acts like the Neurones in the body that convert a perceived form of Energy in the Environment into an Electrical Impulse that can be transmitted. Energy Converters basically exist to convert perceived Energy in one's surroundings into a form that can allow it to be transmitted from location to location. The next necessary component is a 'Circulatory System' or 'Transmission System'. These act like the Nervous System or the Circulatory System in the body of Living Beings that transmit Nerve Impulses and Blood respectively to the parts of the Body. They're basically composed of the Wired Components and such in any Device. The Circulatory System is also what determines the range of a Sensory Type Sigil. How vast the Circulatory System is determines the range of a Dream Knight's Vision with regards to his Sigil if it is a Sensory Type. Range can be boosted by another set of Components called 'Amplifiers'. Amplifiers can extend the range of a Dream Knight's Vision by boosting Electrical Impulses that lose strength during Signal Transmission. The next set of components needed for a Sensory Type Sigil are called 'Nullifiers'. To be specific, I'm referring to 'Suppressors'. Suppressors exist to ensure that the amount of Energy absorbed by the Sensory Sigil does not exceed what it can handle. If the Sigil absorbs much more energy than it can take, it runs the risk of damage. You can think of it like the Natural Limiters that exist in the Brain to limit the amount of Data that flows into the Brain and the amount of data that flows from the Brain to other parts of the Body. In a sense, it's because of this limiter that all humans naturally have a limited range of perception. To put it simply, we are not exactly capable of simultaneously perceiving everything in our environment. If we could, we would be overwhelmed by all the Data coming into our Brain from our environment. It's for this reason that 'focus' exists. It exists to eliminate the threat that comes from being exposed to an overwhelming amount of information coming in from the environment. It's a kind of 'filter', a 'Suppressor' to be exact" Fenrir explained.

"I see" Concordia realized what Fenrir was getting at.

"The next component that is needed is an 'Energy Processor'. An Energy Processor exists to translate the Energy that has been captured by the Sensory Sigil into a logical format that the Dream Knight can comprehend and make use of. It's basically like the Brain that translates the Energy our senses perceive into abilities such as Sight, Hearing, Scent, Taste and Touch" Fenrir said.

We listened closely.

"And of course, there is the 'Energy Source' itself that sustains the Sigil and keeps it functioning. For a Dream Knight, that Energy Source is their 'Ideal' and their 'faith' in their 'Ideal'. This is what is channeled into the Sigil in the form of Energy and determines its capabilities and force" Fenrir finally concluded the lesson.