Fenrir continued to teach us more.

"There are many varieties of Sensory Category Sigils. They range from Sigils designed to detect various forms of Energy in one's environment to Sigils designed to transmit Energy for the purposes of Communication and Coordination. Arlene's Christopher is a good example of a Sensory Category Sigil" Fenrir explained.

Arlene nodded.

"That's true" she said.

"Today, I will be teaching you about another Category Of Sigil, the Healing Category" Fenrir said.

Ariel listened closely. She appeared to be very interested in this lesson.

"I've already told you that the senses exist to detect various forms of energy in the environment and transmit these to the brain via the nerves for decoding right?" Fenrir asked.

Ariel nodded.

We listened closely.

"Well every living creature and every Human Being has an Ideal State Of Being. This ideal state of being is what we call the 'Healthy State'. To a very large extent, this Healthy State is determined by two predominant factors. The first is 'Affinity' which is derived from both 'Hereditary' and 'Experiential' Factors. The second is 'Environment'" Fenrir explained.

"Affinity and environment?" I wondered.

"You could say every Living Being with a specific affinity has an ideal environment in which they can thrive. When they are taken out of this environment and into an environment that conflicts with their affinities, their Health may begin to diminish. In a sense, you could say this is also how Pathogens operate. Pathogens are living organisms that cause disease. When a Pathogen is introduced into the environment of a Living Being, it may flourish if that environment is ideal for its purposes. In contrast, the Health of the Living Beings in that environment will start to diminish. If however, the environment the Pathogen finds itself in does not suit its purposes, it will die out and the Living Beings in that environment will maintain a Healthy State. This logic applies not only to Pathogens but to all Living Beings" Fenrir explained.

"That is true" Ariel realized.

"Having said that, you all took a look at your stats the moment you began the game didn't you?" Fenrir asked.

"Yeah, our stats are divided into three main categories. HP, MP and a third slot that shows our overall health in the form of stat buffs and debuffs" I said.

"Good, you noticed. Well, there are many types of Debilitating Stats however they all fall under three main categories. Likewise, there are three main categories of Healing Techniques" Fenrir said.

"Three main categories?" Ariel wondered.

"You could say there are three major ways you could be attacked by the Weaver Of Calamity and his forces. As such, there are three major ways to defend against such attacks" Fenrir said.

"The first category of Debilitating Techs or the first way the Weaver Of Calamity could attack you is to attack your Body. These attacks are mostly of the Physical Variety. Debilitating Attacks such as these are designed to harm a person by altering or damaging their Physical Environment. They tend either to introduce a Pathogen into a person's environment that diminishes their Physical Health or to eliminate the resources they depend on for Survival. Attacks such as these can be prevented by clearing one's environment of anything with the potential to inflict Physical Harm, by safeguarding one's Resources or by moving to a new Environment" Fenrir explained.

"The second category of Debilitating Techs or the second way the Weaver Of Calamity could attack you is to attack your Mind. Unlike the first category which is centred on Physical Attacks, the second category is centred on Mental Attacks. This second category of attack is designed to cloud a person's senses and limit their capacity to think about situations in a logical manner. Simply put, they are designed to overwhelm a person with so many trivialities that a person loses the capacity to think about a problem or situation in a constructive way and thus devise a solution. One way this attack predominantly manifests is through the feeding of a person with false information. Our ability to think is directly linked to our ability to perceive our environment. When one loses the ability to clearly perceive occurrences in their environment, they also lose the ability to think about the problems their environment presents. You could say this category of attack is designed to keep a person from devising solutions to their problems and to keep them trapped in a problematic situation or state" Fenrir explained.

"Just what manner of creature did Dad defeat all those years ago?" Saito wondered.

"This category of Debilitating Attack can be nullified by carefully analyzing every bit of info you receive from the environment before making decisions. In other words, to deal with this attack, hasty decision making is a no-go!" Fenrir said as he crossed his arms. "If you are patient and analyze the data you receive before making any decisions, you will begin to notice inconsistencies and contradictions. When you see such, never dare to make a decision based on that data. It's definitely a classical Weaver Of Calamity Trap!" Fenrir said.

"The third and final, probably the worst category of Debilitating Attack or the third Great Weaver Of Calamity Attack…" Fenrir said.

We burst into laughter.

"…is the kind designed to crush your Spirit. Here, the Weaver Of Calamity does not attack your Body or your Mind but instead targets your Ideal or you could say…your Identity. Here, the attack is designed to demean the things you believe in, the things you cherish and the things that characterize you as a unique individual. This attack typically cannot be overcome by a single person in solitude. This is where family ties and social bonds are important. To overcome this category of attack, one needs a 'Morale Boost' and this cannot be provided by the person undergoing attack. This can only be provided by Allies" Fenrir concluded the lesson.