Five weeks passed since Ciella began training in the Elemental Combative Style. By then, she had mastered Lightning.

"Today, you will begin to master the element of Light. Are you ready?" I asked Ciella.

"I am" she replied.

"Good, Light is predominantly generated by Luminous Bodies, in other words, it is often generated by bodies that produce Heat as well. Heat is one of the Prerequisitory Waves needed to generate Light. When Heat is absent, Lightning can act as a Prerequisitory Wave via the process of Ionization" I explained.

"I see, when atoms give out or gain electrons, they become charged. This energy can be converted to Light" Ciella realized.

"Exactly" I explained.

"Simply put you could generate Light either by relying on a Flame as you did previously or by relying on Lightning" I explained.

"I see" Ciella realized.

"Light as you know typically grants a 'Visibility' Buff. Visibility is associated with 'Knowledge' since one can only know what they have experienced at least once through their senses. Darkness on the other hand conceals 'Knowledge' since what is hidden cannot be known unless it's illuminated via Light" I explained.

"So that's the way the 'Knowledge' Buff granted by Light works huh?" Ciella realized.

"Yes, Light also has the ability to conceal. We'll explore each trait in detail" I explained.

"SEAL OF ENDREGEN UNLOCK! SEAL OF KOLMNID UNLOCK! SEAL OF JO-LAN…UNLOCK!" I called out as my cape materialized around me.

I generated a small shelter of Earth that had only a single door and no other openings.

"Let's go in" I beckoned.

Ciella followed me in.

"It's dark in here. Your cape however is generating Light so we can see" Ciella realized.

"Everything the Light touches becomes visible and known. Simply put, the Light brings familiarity to what darkness renders unfamiliar" I explained.

"I understand" Ciella said.

"Try generating a flame of your own" I encouraged Ciella.

She did. Now she could also explore the interior of the Shelter.

"Okay, now let's go out" I called.

We left the Shelter.

"Light also has the ability to mask a person's presence. Flowing all around your body are Photons Of Light emitted by the Sun. These Photons grant Visibility of your form. However, bend these Photons away from yourself and you'll become completely invisible" I explained.

"How do I achieve this?" Ciella asked.

"Usually, a person with an affinity for Light can simply move the Photons but since you can't do that just yet, try utilizing the refracting power of Water" I explained.

"Can I really do this?" Ciella appeared to be losing confidence.

"You can. Just organize the droplets of Water around your body such that they bend Light away from you. This means you'll need to take the density of the droplets into consideration" I said.

Ciella condensed Atmospheric Vapour and equipped it around herself in the form of droplets orbiting her that didn't make contact with her body. They floated in the space surrounding her. Ciella continuously adjusted the density of the droplets.

"Any luck?" I asked.

"Yeah, the phenomenon of Refraction is messing with my Perception. The things that were right in front of me are gradually being shifted" Ciella explained.

"So you'll need to create spaces within the droplet formation through which you can see unhindered" I explained.

"Oh, that completely slipped my mind" Ciella admitted.

As she continued to adjust the density of the droplets surrounding her, she eventually became invisible leaving no trace of her presence. This was because she didn't organize the droplets as a single solid orb but rather as individual units that refracted Light. This prevented a scenario where the droplets would create a single solid orb that could be viewed over a distance. Ciella was now completely invisible.

"You've done it Ciella! That's an 'Invisibility' Buff granted by refracting Rays Of Light" I explained.

"This should be useful if I ever find myself in a scenario where I'm being pursued by adversaries" Ciella said with a smile as she let the droplets fall to the ground.