Six Weeks passed since Ciella began training in the Elemental Combative Style. By then she had attained some level of mastery over the elements of Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Lightning and Light.

"Today, I will be teaching you how to equip the element of Magnetism" I said.

"I look forward to it" Ciella said.

"The first thing you should know is that Magnetism has two Prerequisitory Waves that allow it to manifest within the Physical World. The first Prerequisitory Wave is generated via Earth. The second Prerequisitory Wave is generated via Lightning" I explained.

Ciella listened closely.

"To begin, I need you to raise your dust field again like you did when you mastered Earth" I instructed.

Ciella generated a Wind that caused the surrounding dust to rise while shielding her face with an Aerial Shield Of Wind in order to prevent herself from inhaling the dust.

"Good, now I need you to activate a Lightning Field within the Dust Field. You will also need to utilize your Extrasensory Perception to track each speck of dust" I explained.

Ciella matched her Wavelength to that of the Wind. This granted her Field Awareness. She could now sense each speck of dust. She increased the strength of the Wind and eventually caused Lightning to manifest in the field surrounding her as a result of Ionization.

"Now listen closely Ciella. This is the really important part. I need you to loop the Lightning Energy around each individual speck of dust and cause the Lightning Energy to flow unidirectionally. This should magnetize the dust" I explained.

Ciella obeyed.

As she got to work handling her tasks, I began to refine some Earth of my own to generate metals. By the time Ciella was done, I was done as well.

"Should we test your field?" I asked Ciella.

She nodded. I tossed a few of the metals towards her. The moment they made contact with Ciella's field, they were repelled.

"This technique can repel metallic weapons directed against you. It is not very effective against Close Range Types unless they utilize metallic weapons such as swords, spears and axes. However, it's especially useful against Archers whose arrowheads tend to be made out of Steel and other medium range types. Magnetism grants a 'Deflect' Buff against weapons that have similar magnetic poles as your field. With magnetism, metals with like magnetic poles as your Magnetic Field are repelled however metals with unlike magnetic poles as your field will be attracted to your field instead so it's a double-edged sword" I explained.

"Is there any way to deal with the issue of attraction?" I asked Ciella.

"There is. Basically, what you need to do is set the field away from your own body. It should surround you but must not make contact with you so that if the enemy attacks with a metallic weapon that has a magnetic pole in contrast to your field, the weapon would be deflected towards the field instead of towards you" I explained. "Let's try it. I have some metals here that have magnetic poles that are dissimilar to your field".

Ciella moved the Field Of Magnetic Dust slightly away from herself so that it didn't overlap with her position. When I threw the metals towards her, they were deflected and attracted to the Field instead.

"I see" Ciella realized with excitement.

"This technique allows you to inflict the 'Disarm' Debuff against foes with metallic weapons. Another Buff the field could grant you is 'Levitation'. This is achieved via like poles that repel. If you magnetize the Earth you're standing on and equip the Magnetic Field compactly around your body, you should be able to Levitate" I explained.

Ciella did as I informed her equipping the Magnetic Field Of Dust as armour utilizing the method she used when she mastered Earth. She also ionized the earth beneath her. This granted her the ability to levitate.

"With this ability, you can scout rough terrains and get yourself out of the reach of Close Range Combat Types that cannot fly" I explained.

Ciella slowly descended to the ground by utilizing Flames for propulsion.

"Another Buff granted by Magnetism is the 'Navigation' Buff. This is achieved via unlike poles that attract. I want you to compress the dust into swords orbiting your body and magnetize them by looping the Lightning around them.

Ciella obeyed. She was now being orbited by the Swords however all the swords pointed towards a single direction.

"What's happening San?" Ciella asked.

"The swords are reacting to the Earth's Magnetic Field. The Earth has Magnetic Fields flowing from its North and South Poles. Due to this phenomenon, the Southern Poles of your Swords are attracted Northwards while the Northern Poles are attracted Southwards. This way, you can Navigate whenever you find yourself in confusing terrain" I explained.

"I see, so that's how Magnetism can be used for Navigation huh?" Ciella realized.

"Yes, you seem to understand this lesson" I said.

"Thank you San" Ciella said gratefully.