Two months passed since we commenced the Sigil Enhancement Program. We stood with the elder Dream Knights in a field within XCalibur AOP 2!

"Congratulations, you have completed the first phase of the Sigil Enhancement Program; the Individual Class Of Sigils. It's time to commence the second phase; the Family Class Of Sigils. Each of you will train with your immediate family who are Dream Knights. The goal of this trial is to come to a comprehension of the structure of a Family Class Sigil and how to utilize it in Formations composed of your own Family Members" my Dad explained.

"What about me? None of my Family Members are Dream Knights" Ciella seemed disturbed by this arrangement.

"You will train with the Nightbane Family since we are Dreamweavers and promised to act as your Guardians" my Mom said.

"Thanks" Ciella smiled.

She looked happy.

"Aside from that reason is the fact that Dreamweavers are not bound by conventional limitations. This implies that we can bypass the restrictions imposed by Physical Limitations as well" my Dad explained.

Concordia walked to her parents, Boniface Kenyah and Victoria Arthur. Mitsuki walked to her parents, Prince Asante and Ai Kirisawa. Arlene walked to her grandparents, Fenrir Sabrefang and Aileen Arlene Atlas Sabrefang I. Saito, Keiran, Ariel, Ciella and I stayed with my parents. Each of our groups were teleported to unique training grounds. I found myself with my family.

"It's about time the elder Dream Knights got actively involved in gaming as well don't you think?" I elbowed Keiran.

"Well, Dad's guided us through every level of the game so they didn't completely leave us in the dark" Keiran noted.

"That's true" Saito supported Keiran.

"So Dad, Mom, how do we begin?" Ariel asked.

"You all know what Family Class Sigils are don't you?" my Mom asked.

"They are Sigils inherited only by members of a particular family thus they are hereditary bloodline limits" Ariel responded.

"That's a good answer. I guess my next question then is what is the role of a hereditary bloodline limit?" my Mom asked.

We remained silent. We hadn't really thought about it.

"I see you've not really given thought to hereditary bloodline limits though you've been applying them practically. Zan, why don't you explain it to them?" my Mom said.

My Dad nodded.

"Hereditary Sigils are determined by Hereditary Bloodline Limits which are Elemental Affinities that can only be passed on from Parent to Child. Among many things, they determine the Physical Aptitudes of an Individual and how suited they are to performing certain Physical Tasks. They also determine how resistant or how prone an individual is to particular debuffs or diseases" my Dad explained.

"Why is that important?" Keiran asked.

"It's important because Hereditary Bloodline Limits determine which environments a Dream Knight is likely to excel in as well as which environments are Debilitating to them. This allows Dream Knight Superiors to formulate strategies around the Strengths and Limitations of the Dream Knights entrusted to them. Ideally, every Dream Knight is sent to battlefields that allow them to manifest their Strengths and they are kept out of battle environments that are Debilitating to their affinities. This prevents them from falling prey to a Debilitating Stat or Debuff that conflicts with their natural inherited Bloodline Limits" my Dad explained.

"I see. So every Bloodline Limit has strategic pros and cons huh?" I realized.

"Exactly. The Nightbane Family for instance is a Family Of Dreamweavers. Our Bloodline Limit has granted us two hearts. The first heart is a natural Human Heart made out of flesh and the second is a Crystalline Heart made out of the former Princess Of Dreams, the current Queen Of Nightmares, your grandmother's tears that flow through our veins. As a result of these tears, we are naturally immune to the Nightbane which exists for the sole purpose of slaying Nightmares and can share our thoughts telepathically with members of our own family" my Dad explained.

"The Pyrostellis Luminares is the Family Sigil granted by our Hereditary Bloodline Limit" my Mom explained.