Aera's Archers had finally mastered Wind under Concordia's tutelage.

"So what's next Lady Concordia?" Mimi asked.

"Well, I'd like to proceed in an orderly and logical fashion so I guess next, you'll need to master Lightning" Concordia said.

"Lightning?" Mimi asked.

"Exactly, Lightning is actually an advanced form of Wind and is most commonly produced when particles of Air exchange electrons thus triggering Ionization. Like we did with Wind, you'll need to master three levels. The Lightning Aura Level, the Lightning Field Level and the Lightning Sensory Level" Concordia explained.

"We're listening" Mimi said eagerly.

The rest of the Archers looked eager to learn as well.

"Lightning mainly fulfills two roles in as far as Living Organisms are concerned and some of these roles can be achieved with Non-Living Materials as well" Concordia said.

"What are these two roles?" Mimi asked.

"The first role is to act as a Converter for Energy and the second role is to animate the bodies of Living Organisms" Concordia explained.

"How does Lightning achieve these two roles?" Mimi asked.

"Hmm…well…how do I explain this? It might be a bit tough to explain" Concordia pondered how she'd deliver her explanation.

"Give it a try" the Archers egged her on.

"I'll give it a try then. It's a good thing we dealt with Wind first or this would have been tougher to explain. I already explained how respiration works right?" Concordia asked.

The Archers nodded.

"Next, I'll need to talk a bit about the Circulatory System" Concordia said.

"The Circulatory System?" the Archers wondered.

"Yes, the Circulatory System predominantly consists of the Heart, the Blood Vessels and Blood itself. The Heart acts as a kind of pump that ensures that the Blood and Warmth within the bodies of Living Organisms are carried to every part of the Living Organism's Body. The Blood carries Heat and also contains Nutrients, Hormones and Gases which are carried to different parts of the Body to aid its functioning and the Blood Vessels as the name suggests are Transport Systems quite similar to a Highway through which the Blood can flow. If you consider the Blood as a Vehicle, the Blood Vessels would be roads of some sort" Concordia explained.

"But what does the Circulatory System have to do with Lightning?" Mimi asked curiously.

"Not much if we were to consider its role in isolation however when we consider its role in union with the Nervous System, things take on a whole new light" Concordia said.

"How?" Mimi asked.

"Well, I already informed you that Air is needed for Energy Release within the Body and that Earth is needed to supply the Body with Energy mostly through our Food. Well, most of the Nutrients contained within our Food are supplied to Plants by the Sun, the Earth, the Wind and Water. These compose the Nutrients circulated by the Blood. These Nutrients along with the Air transported into the Blood via the Respiratory System are pumped into the Brain by the Heart. This is where the Nervous System comes alive. The Brain converts the Chemical Energy in Nutrients, the Wind Energy absorbed into the Blood via the Respiratory System, the Heat Energy absorbed through the Skin via Sunlight and the Kinetic Energy being channeled into the Brain via the pumping activity of the Heart into Electrical Energy. A part of this Electrical Energy is channeled through our Spine into our Motor Neurones mostly located in our Joints and Muscles to move various parts of the body as well as to keep our various organs including the Heart functioning properly. The rest of the Electrical Impulses are channeled into our Sensory Neurones and are used to convert input coming from our surroundings into Perceptible Fields" Concordia explained.

"Oh, I see! Wow! That's really fascinating!" Mimi and the Archers expressed their excitement.

"Every thought you think, everything you perceive and everything you feel is due to the fact that the Brain, the Heart and the Body work in perfect union" Concordia said.