A day passed with Aera's Archers reviewing the lessons Concordia had taught them. The next day, they reassembled in the Desert.

"Today, I will be teaching you how to sharpen your Lightning Aura. The degree to which a person's Lightning Aura is active within their bodies is to a large extent dependent on how well developed and active their Brains and Nervous Systems are. The degree to which a person's Brain and Nervous System are developed is dependent on the number of Neurones they have acquired throughout life and how interconnected those Neurones are. The degree to which a person has acquired a large number of interconnected Neurones is dependent on how well developed their Three Types Of Memory are and finally, the degree to how developed their three Types Of Memory are is to a large extent dependent on the myriad tasks they have mastered through their application of the two types of Natural Motion" Concordia began.

"I see" Mimi realized what Concordia was getting at.

"Today, we're moving on to actual practice. I will be attempting to develop your Lightning Aura by sharpening both your Sensory and Motor Memory. You will be attempting to avoid a barrage of arrows aimed at you via my Kraken Andromeda in its Dream Realm Border Wall Defense Mode" Concordia said as countless arrows manifested in the air surrounding the Archers. "I will begin by firing singular shots at each of you intermittently. Over time, I will begin to increase the speed and frequency of my shots. By honing your evasions and transforming them from Controlled Movements to Acquired Reflexive Movements, you will sharpen both the strength and precision of your Lightning Aura" Concordia explained.

"Isn't this a little too dangerous" Mimi said with a little concern.

"If you're concerned that this training regimen is potentially lethal, there is nothing to worry about. My Sigil only slays those I deem as adversaries however I have integrated a sting functionality as a penalty. Failing to avoid an arrow will cause a sting similar to that of a Hornet's" Concordia explained.

"Let's begin then" Mimi said.

Concordia activated her Zone Perception via her Wind Aura which allowed her to perceive the positions of each of the Archers in three dimensional detail. She began by firing at each Archer gradually. Due to the fact that the Archers were surrounded by the Dream Realm Border Wall Defense Formation, it was a little difficult for them to predict which arrow in the formation would be aimed at which particular person. As a result, the initial phase of the training resulted in more than a few painful stings for most of them. This went on for days.

"This is much harder than I thought. If the path of the arrows were a bit more predictable, we'd probably stand a better chance" Mei complained to Mimi one day.

Concordia overheard them.

"There is no such thing as predictability in a battle occurring between humans. The problem isn't with the unpredictability of the arrows for I wouldn't give you a trial that wasn't within your capability to overcome. The problem is your failure to apply what you have learnt these past few days. Are you really attempting to battle an enemy that has mastered their aura without activating your own aura?" Concordia asked.

"Was that a hint?" Mimi wondered as Concordia walked away.

Mimi suggested to Mei and the Archers that they should activate their Wind Auras. They did this by regulating their breathing rate and in so doing amplified the collective respiration rate of their Cells. The air generated by their Cells, they expanded around their bodies and into the surrounding atmosphere. This allowed them to sense the vibrations of Concordia's arrows just a moment before release causing them to evade the arrows with greater precision.

"Good, you have sharpened your Sensory Memory by extending your Aura Of Wind into a Field, all that's left now is to master your movements" Concordia said as she began to fire multiple arrows simultaneously.

The Archers now had a three dimensional omnidirectional view of the atmosphere surrounding them as well as Concordia's Dream Realm Border Wall Defense Mode. They evaded the arrows the best they could but as Concordia began to raise the frequency and speed of her shots, they began to tire resulting in more stings.

"You have to work on your stamina and develop your muscles. Your Brain and Neurones transmit impulses to your muscles for the coordination of your body but your body can only handle what your muscles have been developed to handle. If your muscles aren't well developed, the strain on your body will be greater and your reaction will be slow as a result. Now here is what I want you to note, the degree to which one's muscles are well developed is not necessarily reflected in how bulky their physique is. There are basically three types of muscles in the Human Body as well; Muscles developed for the purposes of Power and Strength, Muscles developed for the purpose of Speed and Muscles developed for the purpose of Balance. Muscles developed for the purposes of Strength increase the brute force of an individual but sacrifice their Speed as a result. The more of this type of muscle a person has, the bulkier their physique. Muscles developed for the purposes of Speed increase the Speed of an individual but sacrifice their Power as a result. People with highly developed Speed Muscles usually have a more slender physique than those who have developed their Power Muscles. Then finally, there are Muscles developed for the purpose of Balance. These muscles take the best of both worlds but do not develop them to the same extent as muscles specialized for a single purpose. The advantage of these type of Muscles is in their agility and in the diverse tasks they can accomplish. Each of these Muscle Types can be honed by training different parts of the body in different ways" Concordia explained.

The Archers practiced amongst one another to develop their muscles. They instinctively realized that for the purposes of their training, developing muscles for Balance would be the best. To do this, they performed exercises that would hone both their Speed and their Power. They dedicated an equivalent amount of time to both types of exercises.

When they had to confront Concordia's Formation once again, they noted that they had much more stamina than before and that their reaction time was greatly decreased allowing them to react almost instantaneously to a shot by combining their movements with their Wind Auras. Eventually, they could evade Concordia's shots without getting hit even once. Concordia smiled.

"It looks like your Sensory and Motor Memory have developed significantly. You've acquired new reflexes and in so doing have sharpened your Lightning Aura. Congratulations" Concordia congratulated her Archers. "They are now about as strong as San was when I first trained him though San had a slightly different problem to confront. His problem had to do with the issue of regulating his output of strength. The problem these Archers had to face was a lack of Extra-Sensory Awareness and inadequate Physical Strength" Concordia noted.