Concordia had assembled in the Desert with Aera's Archers. A week had passed since they mastered Lightning.

"So what are we studying today Concordia?" Mimi asked.

"Today, I will begin to teach you how to master the Element Of Earth but to do this, there are a few basics we need to establish" Concordia said.

"We're listening" Mei said.

"Everything that exists and happens in this world, basically, all objects and all events exist as a result of balance and interaction between the Material and the Spiritual. As such, every existing object and event has three main facets to them; a Material Facet, a Spiritual Facet and a Balance or Harmonic Facet that expresses the Harmony between its Material and Spiritual Facets. This is similar to how every Atom is made up of the Proton, the Neutron and the Electron. All the Elements that exist fall under one of two Major Categories, the Elements Of Generation known as the Life-Giving Elements and the Elements Of Destruction known as the Life-Stealing Elements. The basic expression of the Elemental Balance splits the elements into these two Major Categories. Elements that amplify or transform other elements are collectively known as Amplifiers however Elements that suppress or neutralize other Elements are collectively termed Nullifiers. These are the Relationships shared amongst the Elements. However, there is an even more advanced Elemental Wheel that expresses every Element as both an Element Of Generation and Destruction and unlike the Basic Elemental Wheel where the Elements exist on a Serial Circular Wheel, the Advanced Elemental Wheel places the Elements on Parallel Circular Wheels. Each Element fundamentally expresses Two Natures, a Material Nature expressed by the Properties Of The Element also termed the Geo Nature and a Spiritual Nature expressed by the Virtue Of The Element also termed the Deo Nature. The Geo Nature expresses the Material Properties Of The Element and has since Ancient Times been believed to have a Positive Value just like the Proton which carries the Mass Of The Atom. The Spiritual Nature on the other hand which expresses the Energy or Vitality Of The Element and carries the Virtue Of The Element was believed to possess a Negative Value. This was mainly because most Ancient Cultures only recognized the Vice in each Element's Spiritual Nature. In Actuality, the Deo Nature in itself carries a Neutral Value because it symbolizes both the Virtue and Vice behind each Element" Concordia explained.

"This is quite confusing" Mimi complained.

"I told you there was an Advanced Elemental Wheel" Concordia said with a laugh. "To simplify matters, the Geo Nature Of An Element or its Material Nature is symbolized by the Human Body. The Deo Nature Of An Element or its Spiritual Nature on the other hand is symbolized by the Human Soul and Spirit. The Spirit represents each Virtue and Vice in isolation whereas the Soul represents a state of Harmony expressed by the Virtue and Vice of the Element coexisting peacefully, the proverbial Lion lying with the Lamb and the Wolf with the Kid. Simply put, the Geo Nature of any Element is exhibited by its Proton whereas its Deo Nature is exhibited by both the Neutron and Electrons" Concordia explained.

"Literally speaking?" Mimi asked.

"Allegorically speaking" Concordia said with a smirk. "Now it's time to backtrack to the Basic Elemental Wheel. In the Basic Elemental Wheel, the Soul is represented by the Element Of Time. Its Physical Counterpart is the Crystal Element, an advanced variation of Earth. The Element Of Time is both an Element Of Generation and Destruction because every created object shares one of two fates, Ephemeral Mortality or Transcendent Immortality. The fate the creature in question shares is determined for the most parts by the Element with which it aligns as well as the Property Of The Element to which it aligns. This brings me back to the Advanced Elemental Wheel. The Geo Nature Of The Elements expressed by the Body is Ephemeral in Nature or simply put, Temporal or Mortal. The Vice in the Deo Nature Of The Elements fundamentally in the ordinary sense is Immortal but not Transcendent and exhibits the characteristics of Decay in every creature or object under its dominion. Simply put, a Mortal is doomed to die once but a Mortal who purposefully aligns with Vice dies a double death. The First Death is expressed by the Temporal Nature Of The Geo Nature Of The Elements. It's Second Death on the other hand is caused by the phenomenon of Decay exhibited by the Vice Of The Deo Nature Of The Element" Concordia said.

"I think I kinda understand" Mei said.

"Now it's time to talk about what happens when a Living Being or any creature aligns with the Virtue Of The Deo Nature Of The Elements. To do this, I will have to say, the Deo Nature Of The Elements is dominant to the Geo Nature. Simply put, a Body without a Soul or Spirit is basically an Empty Shell. It is the Deo Nature Of The Elements that gives a Living Being its Life. The Deo Nature Of The Elements can exert its influence or force over the Geo Nature, transforming it. In like manner, when a Living Being with a Body, the Temporal or Geo Nature Of The Elements, aligns with its Virtue instead of its Vice, the Negative Value Of The Deo Nature is cancelled out allowing the Virtue and the Geo Nature to exhibit a completely Positive Value expressing Harmony and continuous Growth. On the other hand, when a Living Being with a Body aligns with the Vice Of The Deo Nature, the Positive Value Of The Deo Nature is cancelled out allowing the Decay Attribute Of The Vice in the Deo Element to exert its force and gradually sap the Life Force Of The Body until it is completely extinguished" Concordia explained.

"This was a little confusing" Mimi admitted.

"I'll give you some time to mull this over" Concordia said.

With that, the lesson ended for the day.