The following day arrived and Concordia reassembled in the Desert with Aera's Archers.

"I hope you were able to comprehend what I taught you yesterday" Concordia asked.

"It was initially confusing but after mulling it over, we gradually came to comprehend it" Mei admitted.

"Good because we're studying more about the Geo and Deo Natures of an Element today" Concordia said.

"We're listening" Mimi said.

"Every Human and in fact, every Living Being is born with a deep sense of loss rooted deep within the very fabric of their being. Ancient Cultures referred to this sense of loss as 'The Fall From Grace'. It is why they believed every healthy baby cried when it was born; basically to mourn this sense of loss. This sense of loss is tied to the feeling that the Living Creature is 'incomplete'. Every Living Creature seeks to fill this void, seeks to make itself whole and this brings me back to the Geo and Deo Natures Of The Elements" Concordia said.

The Archers paid close attention.

"To deal with this sense of loss, all Living Creatures predominantly seek one of two Paths. They may pursue the Depths, that is, to comprehend themselves or they may pursue the heights, that is, to enhance themselves. Those who pursue the Depths predominantly align with the Deo Nature Of The Elements and find their satisfaction in pursuing the Invisible or Abstract. These qualify their beliefs. They pride Virtue and Emotion above Material Wealth. Those who pursue the Heights on the other hand find their satisfaction in pursuing the Physical or Material. They find their joy in amassing Material Wealth or enhancing Physical Strength. Thus the Geo Nature Of The Elements came to be associated with Power whereas the Deo Nature Of The Elements came to be associated with Wisdom. This connotation can be found in Myths about the Origins of the World where God gives Man Dominion over all created things. However as I explained in the previous lesson, the Geo Nature Of The Elements is Ephemeral in Nature and deep within the fabric of Man's Being, Man knows it thus Power on its own can never truly satisfy Mankind. God then introduces the Deo Nature Of The Elements to test Man. Man can seek the Deo Nature by pursuing Virtue, that is, in Obedience to the Will Of God or can seek to usurp it by pursuing Vice, that is in Disobedience to the Will Of God. This is represented by the conflicting Nature Of The Tree Of Knowledge. It is the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good, however, it is also the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Evil. Man unfortunately chooses to listen to the Serpent, that is, the Voice Of Evil and attempts to usurp the Deo Nature Of The Elements in Disobedience to the Will Of God resulting in the Birth Of Sin And Death, the evil Souls Of Sloth and Decay that currently act as two of the Generals in the Weaver Of Calamity's Army. Death is the ultimate embodiment of the force of Decay whereas Sin/Sloth is the active force of Decay. This is one of the reasons the two are inseparable. This leads to Man's Fall From Grace caused by the active force of Decay Sin/Sloth resulting in the entire world being usurped from Man's Dominion and falling under the Dominion of the Serpent" Concordia explained.

"Those who seek only Power associated with the Geo Nature Of The Elements tend to crave more and more Power as their sense of loss caused by the Active Force Of Decay deepens. That is because, their Deo Nature is gradually corrupted by the active force of Decay born from the Vice in the Deo Nature Of The Elements. However, unlike the Geo Nature, the Deo Nature is Eternal. Those who seek the Virtue in the Deo Nature that is in Obedience to the Will Of God, the Knowledge Of Good instead of the Voice Of The Serpent, the Knowledge Of Evil, can overwrite both the Ultimate Embodiment Of Decay, Death and the active force of Decay, Sloth with the Virtues Of Purity/Holiness and Goodness/Zeal and in essence transforming their Geo Natures thus granting them both Power and Wisdom. Basically, choose the Geo Nature alone and you risk losing everything. Choose the Virtue in the Deo Nature and you stand to gain everything" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"On that note, I must make this very clear, neither the Geo nor Deo Natures Of The Elements is inherently evil. What makes it Good or Evil is whether it can achieve Balance by interacting with the Virtue in the Deo Nature or Fall From Grace by interacting with the Vice in the Deo Nature Of The Elements. Ultimately, all Living Beings, be they Good or Evil simply seek to improve themselves. How they perceive their Sense Of Loss ultimately decides which Nature Of The Elements they align with" Concordia explained.

"That was really deep but we get it. Thanks for the lesson Concordia" Mimi said gratefully.