Concordia once more met the Archers in the Desert.

"I hope you are all well rested because today we will be building on the Previous Lesson. This time we will be studying 'The Stars' and how they 'Reflect Life On Earth'. This Lesson is based on the 'Fields Of Earth' and isn't limited solely to the 'Aura Of Earth' but is somewhat a 'Combination between the 'Auras and Fields of both Water and Earth which indicate 'Flow''" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened attentively.

"The Stars as I explained before are 'proverbially considered as the Children Of The Sun and Moon'. These 'Transition' from 'Tiny Lights' to 'Full Grown Stars' once they reach 'Maturity'...a 'University Of Sorts' where their 'knowledge transitions from Personal Knowledge as taught in 'Nurseries and Kindergartens' to 'knowledge of the Universe and its Laws' as taught in 'Universities'". It is quite similar to Ancient Tales about Dreamers who usually start off as 'underdogs', Slaves Of Oppressive Empires till the Stars Align and these Dreamers in coming to understand the 'Signs Of The Times' become 'Rulers of Their Own Universe'. You may have heard of such Tales. Every Tale that echoes the themes 'Rags to Riches', 'Zero to Hero' have this common theme running through them. The 'Lesson being that as long as one does not come to a 'Complete Knowledge Of The Truth, they remain Slaves Of The Laws governing their Universes'. It's why all Living Beings begin their lives not as 'Fully Independent Beings' but as 'Subordinates to Authority' be it 'Parents' or 'Teachers'. The 'Gods do this to 'point out that Ignorance equals Servitude...Servitude and Service are not necessarily the same. The former is performed out of compulsion, the latter is performed out of free will. This 'ignorance' is the 'Source Of Fear' which is an 'imprisoning Force'. Anyone scared of 'drowning' dares not 'cross into the Sea' thus the 'borders of the land become their Prison'. Anyone scared of 'burning' will not approach 'Flame' thus this becomes their 'Prison'. The 'Elements thus become 'Oppressive Masters' to anyone who 'fears them'" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"You've already heard of the Twelve Zodiac Constellations and if I didn't explain it sufficiently before, a 'Constellation is 'a Kind Of Woven Celestial Image' formed when 'Specific Stars' in a 'Celestial Quadrant' come together to 'Weave A Pattern'. In essence it 'connotes a Fusion Of Spirits'" Concordia explained.

"Stars that weave a Pattern" Mei mused.

"Exactly, the only reason certain seemingly unrelated things can sometimes form different patterns which though different in expression conform uncannily to the same Theme is simply because at Heart, they share the same Essence or Life Force which ultimately comes from the Same Source. The 'Pattern becomes more and more Analogous'...by that I mean the 'Correspondence or Parallelisms' between the seemingly unrelated 'Patterns' becomes 'clearer' the 'Truer the Ones that created the Patterns are to themselves'. Sometimes it is difficult to 'perceive this Correspondence due to our own Internal Conflicts or Inner Turmoil" Concordia explained. "Once that 'Internal Conflict' is resolved 'Wavelength Harmony' commences. Wavelength Harmony is one of the Predominant Signs that signal that certain Living Beings have begun to 'transcend the Karmic Cycle'" Concordia explained. "Even if most people fail to recognize it...there can be Harmony...even in Conflict" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"Now I will discuss each of the Twelve Constellations and expand on what you already know about them. The 'Purpose Of Constellations' is to 'serve as Omens' as noted in the Stories Of The Origins Of The World where 'Stars and Celestial Bodies' are created for the 'express purpose of marking Transitions in Seasons and Times'" Concordia explained.

"Let's start with Libra symbolized by the 'Scales'. Scales are 'Balances' signifying Justice and are the Foundation Stone upon which everything that conforms to any Law is Built. The irony though is that 'Scales are often the Coat Of Armour Of Reptiles...a Cold Blooded Species that includes 'Snakes, Lizards and the Like'...it is always a 'Snake' that 'prosecutes Mankind for its Crimes' though it is also 'often the instigator of the Crime itself'. Not all 'Serpents are evil' for the word 'Seraphim' translates to 'a Fiery Serpent'. 'A Demon' is basically a 'Fiery Serpent that Crawls upon the Earth' or a 'Fallen Fiery Serpent', a being that 'though is supposed to transcend the Laws Of The Material World' is in a sense 'Subject to the Laws Of The Material World itself', the reason most 'Demons are denoted to be shackled and confined in isolated locations on Earth and are sometimes referred to as Earthbound Spirits'. The 'First Sign differentiating a 'Fallen Serpent' from a 'Fiery Serpent' is 'it's confinement to the Laws Of The Material World' which is why the 'Supernatural Work Of Demons' are often referred to as 'Tricks or Deceptions' instead of 'Miracles'. Every Object in Creation conforms to 'Certain Laws' be they 'Human or Forces'. These 'Laws are certain Codes Of Conduct or Personal Codes Of Honour any object in Creation, Elemental or Otherwise revolve their Operations around. Demons are the 'sort of absurd beings that are shackled by Laws they were meant to transcend'. The 'Personal Code Of Honour Of Every Living Being when carried through Family and extended through Society become the Building Blocks of Civilization'. Ultimately, it all begins with a simple law, 'you reap what you sow' implying that to every action there is an implication as well as a Consequence. I 'do not want to be cruel' but many people consider the 'Concept of An Eye For an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth to be barbaric...but 'eliminating this concept' is how 'Injustice finds itself in the place Justice should be'. Justice is 'incomplete without Mercy on the other Hand' but 'leniency can only be shown to one who is genuinely guilty of Crime since there is no need to be Merciful to one who is 'impervious to Crime'. The gradual systematic elimination of the 'knowledge of Crime Vs Consequence' is one of the reasons why 'People can no longer connect Crime to its associated Consequence and have been robbed of their knowledge of the Karmic Cycle...it is also the reason for the 'Economic Poverty plaguing most Modern Nations'" Concordia explained.

"What do you mean?" Mimi asked.

"Every Tree bears Fruits corresponding to its Seed. Injustice is exactly like a Man who sows one Seed and somehow expects it to produce a different kind of Fruit. When it doesn't do what he expects...he gets angry at the very Seed he has sown and starts a fight with it and that is how one gets caught up in the Karmic Cycle. What a Farmer reaps is dependent on the Harmony between 'Celestial Providence' and 'Material Effort'. Without one or the other, the Farmer's work would be pointless. A man who does not 'painstakingly nurture his Crops' should not expect a 'Harvest'. On the other hand, 'Hardwork is irrelevant if a 'Natural Disaster' wipes away all that 'Effort'. Balancing 'these two Concepts' is how one 'reaps an abundant Harvest'. This points to the fact that there is a reward for 'Perseverance' and 'Faith'. Perseverance connotes 'sustained effort' and 'Faith finds its Virtue in Celestial Providence'" Concordia explained.

The Archers seemed interested in the Lesson.

"However this is not the only Application Of The Libra Constellation. I pointed out that Fact to make you understand that without the ability to 'Feed its Citizens'...Civilizations could not exist thus 'Justice' becomes the 'Cornerstone Of Civilization'. Other Applications Of Justice include 'Efficiency' which is all about 'Reaping Maximum Benefits' through 'Minimal Effort' thus 'minimizing wasted effort'. Hardwork is good but it does not 'necessarily equate' to being 'Efficient'. Efficiency is all about 'minimizing waste' to 'reap maximum benefits'. It is the reason behind the 'Curse Of Toil'. God does not 'necessarily curse Mankind' but rather 'points to the consequences of their own Folly' which is 'Inefficiency'. In choosing 'Man's Way' above 'God's Way', man had began a 'Cycle Of Waste and Toil' where he'd have to 'exert extra effort to everything he did to reap a Harvest'. Death is also a 'form of Waste' which is why its 'Predominant Trait is Decay'. It is basically the 'Sleep all Living Beings Sleep after they encounter more fatigue than they can handle and fatigue only exists...where there is waste'. 'Rest is not always a consequence of Fatigue' but 'Fatigue is an expression of Stress or Strain which points to waste'. God was simply pointing out 'Man's Wastefulness' and this 'Wastefulness got more and more pronounced with every new 'Sin' man 'invented'. For instance, God rejecting Cain's offering to point out to him that his 'Toil' was 'meaningless' because of the 'Evil in his Heart' even though 'Cain genuinely believed he was in the right'. The Story Of The 'Great Flood Of Old' is in a sense a 'Warning Of The Ultimate Consequence Of Inefficiency and Wastefulness' and so are the 'Bowls Of Wrath in the Apocalypse'. You can see the effects of 'Efficiency' displayed in 'Noah's careful adherence to the Specifications God provided for the Ark' in contrast to the 'Wasteful Lives Of The Nephilim and the Babylonians Of Noah's Time'. Noah was also 'efficient in pairing up the Animals according to God's instructions and preparing their Feed'. If he was even just a little inefficient...the Ark would have either sunk in the Flood or the Inhabitants of the Ark would have died of Starvation before the Flood Waters subsided. There are some 'Martial Arts' that even 'apply this efficiency to slaying Giants' for instance in 'Throwing Techniques' invented by some 'Civilizations back in my Homeworld' called 'Judo Techniques'. Ordinary people often believe these 'Techniques rely solely on Brute Strength and Muscle Mass' but the 'Practitioners Of Such Techniques' understand that these 'Techniques are rather about 'Shifting the Centre Of Gravity' of an 'Opponent' or 'Object' in order to 'break their balance' via 'alteration of the Weight of the Opponent or Object'. The 'Mass Of The Object does not necessarily change' so it doesn't become any 'heavier' or 'lighter' by 'normal standards' but 'depending on where the Centre of Gravity is shifted', the 'object can become more difficult or easier to lift'. This Martial Art thus revolves around 'Spreading the Weight Of The Object over a Vast Surface Area to diminish the 'Weight Of The Object' rather that 'focusing it on one point' which actually 'amplifies the Weight Of The Object'. It's all about manipulating the 'Centre Of Gravity' and 'Forces' acting on an 'Object one wishes to move'. Justice can thus allow people of 'Diminutive Stature' to 'literally lift Giants' like 'Atlas carries the Sky' if applied 'Efficiently'. It all revolves around the 'Principle Of A Lever' which is a 'Balance set upon a Pivot', with the 'Pivot being the Central Point through which the Forces on the Left and Right Sides of the Balance can be manipulated'. Shifting the Pivot and thus...manipulating the Length Of The Pole or Balance on both sides of the Pivot can cause alterations to the Objects on both Sides of the Pivot. It is not because the 'weight of the objects have changed as such' but rather because 'shifting the Centre or Pivot' causes an 'alteration to the Forces acting on both sides of the Pivot'. The 'closer an object on one side of the Pivot is to the Pivot, the heavier it gets and the lighter the objects on the longer side of the Pivot become. The farther an object is from the Pivot, the Heavier the object closer to the Pivot becomes. By 'altering the distance between objects' on 'either side of the Pivot', objects that are light can become heavier than their heavy counterpart and 'heavier objects can become lighter than their light counterparts. For this to work, the distance to the Pivot must factor in equivalence to the 'Weight Of The Objects' on 'either side of the Balance'. That is to say one can cause either 'equivalence' or 'inequivalence' to the Forces acting on either side of a 'Balance' via the 'Application' of another 'Force' like using 'Distance to cause 'inequivalences to Weight' and such. The 'Catch' is 'one can never actually cheat 'Karma'' and Karma will find a way to compensate for the inequivalence...one way or the other. One way it can do this is to 'increase the 'Strain acting on the Balance' or Pole...pushing it to breaking point' or by affecting the 'Maximum Height One Object can reach in Proportion to the Object at the Opposite Side Of The Balance' giving 'the disadvantaged object an Unfair Advantage'...by 'amplifying their acquisition of Experience via their Unfortunate Circumstances' in 'contrast to the one who Cheated' who finds to his 'Utter Dismay' that he cannot find a 'way to navigate out of any Calamity that befalls him since he failed to acquire the Experience he would have acquired had he applied 'Justice' to his 'Ventures'" Concordia explained.

There are also 'Pulleys' that 'combine the Manipulation Of Mechanical Forces' with the 'Rotation Of Circles or Wheels set upon Pivots'. Ancient Cultures used these to create 'Tools' that 'minimized the Effort Associated with Harvesting Water from Streams' by connecting a 'Complex System Of 'Buckets' to 'Rotating Wheels' via 'Ropes or Joints'. The 'Wheels' would 'lift the Buckets after fetching Water from a Stream and then dump it into a Reservoir but to accomplish this...it was also necessary to understand the concepts of 'Stability and Angles' and how 'Angles could affect Stability'. To put it simply 'certain angles' can 'either raise or diminish' the Force Of Gravity acting on 'certain objects' thus raising the 'Potential For a Collapse' or 'Increase or Decrease the Object's Stability'. It is the 'reason it is very unlikely that a flipped coin would land on its side'. One could actually 'spin this coin on a table' or 'Roll it on the Ground' and 'Forces Of Centrifuge' would keep it 'Upright' because the 'Force Of The Spin' would 'diminish the Force of Gravity acting on it'. It is the reason one can ride 'Bicycles and Two-Wheeled Vehicles', Centrifuge can 'nullify the Gravitational Forces acting on the Centre of Gravity of An Object that raise the likelihood of tipping it's Balance to cause a 'Collapse by shifting it at a Specific Angle'. This 'Rotating Water Harvesting Wheel would repeat the 'Process until the Reservoir was Full'. This 'saved the Farmer a lot of Time and Effort' as it was 'powered by Windmills or Fans' of sort that rotated in response to the 'Force and Direction Of The Wind'. These 'Power Generating Fans' could be used for many purposes such as 'Grinding Grains and Cereals to make Flour' or 'Crushing Grapes' to make 'Wine' and many other 'Domestic Purposes'. The 'Efficiency Of These Machines' was 'proven by their ability to minimize wasted effort' allowing the 'inventors of these Mechanisms' the 'Room to be very lazy and thus focus their Energies on Furthering Research'. In a 'sense' it could be said the 'Essence Of Efficiency or the Reward Of Efficiency is Sabbath'...or 'rest'...or 'Laziness' when applied appropriately. 'Rest' or 'Laziness' is the 'Reward for Efficiency'. It only becomes a 'Crime when misapplied' thus bringing 'Harm'. Harm in itself is an 'unintended' or 'undesirable consequence' meaning it is 'wasteful since it is not the Purpose Of Any Invention' and thus becomes an expression of 'Inefficiency'. There are far too many expressions of 'Justice' than I can 'talk about at once' but for now this is the Basis you should know. Get some rest. We'll continue the lesson another day" Concordia said.