The following day, Concordia reassembled with the Archers in the Desert.

"Today, I will be teaching you about the Constellation Leo and its Significance. The Constellation Leo signifies 'Family and Grace' and in the 'Elemental Realm connotes the 'Concept Of 'Breaking Limits via Amplifiers or Force Enhancers'" Concordia said.

"Force Enhancers? What are those?" Mimi asked.

"Have you ever wondered why certain Ancient Myths assign the 'Occupation Of A 'Carpenter' to the Father Of The Gods? The 'Original Word' now loosely translated as 'Carpenter' originally meant 'An Engineer'. When an 'Angel tells the Father Of The Gods to marry the Mother Of The Gods', they indirectly point to the 'Fact' that the 'Gods have chosen to use him as an 'instrument Of Defense' for their 'Mother and Family...or Motherland'. Without the 'Father's Intervention', the 'Mother' might have been 'executed' for a 'Crime she did not commit' and you already understand the 'relation between 'Sin and Lightning' as pointed out by the fact that whenever the 'Fall Of The Devil' is mentioned, there is an 'indirect reference to Lightning Being grounded by Earth'. It is also a 'warning that the misapplication of Knowledge can breed Calamity' as in the 'Story Of The Great Flood and the Ark'. When 'knowledge is rightly applied...Mankind's ultimate desire to be like God begins to take shape...and that is indeed the Destiny Of Mankind as they are made in the Image and Likeness of God so the desire is not necessarily wrong. That can only happen though if Mankind subordinates its Knowledge to the Will Of God" Concordia explained. "For instance, there are some funny inconsistencies or Paradoxes in the Story Of The Birth Of The Gods which are not inconsistencies as such but rather lessons. An example is when the 'Angel tells the Mother Of God that she does not need the help of a Man to birth the Gods but then turns around and advises the 'Man' not to 'abandon his betrothed'. The Angel could have warned the 'Woman' to flee with her Child but instead warns the 'Father to be'. The lesson here is 'as Powerful as the Mother Of The Gods was going to be and yes...even in the Heavens...her Husband is subordinate to her in terms of a 'Hierarchy Of Virtue' yet it is the 'Man' the Gods choose to 'Protect the Home' and the lesson is that 'there are tasks that only Men can fulfil and there are tasks that only Women can fulfil. The difference between a Man and Woman go much deeper than their Biology but comes from their deepest 'essence', the difference between the 'Two referenced in Genesis by how they both came to be'. Man was created directly from the 'Earth' whereas 'Woman was created from a Rib' taken from the Man while he slumbered. To some extent, a 'Man can exhibit Womanly Compassion' just as a 'Woman can exhibit Manly Strength' but the 'degrees to which they can exhibit these vary'. Certain 'assaults on Character' are 'more damaging to Men than Women' just as others are 'more damaging to Women than Men'. Men tend to pride themselves in their Strength whereas Women tend to pride themselves in their Beauty, you understand what I am getting at from this statement. The fact that 'Men are created directly from the Earth' and 'Women are made from a Rib taken from the Man while he slumbers' makes the 'Man not only a Husband but a kind of Father to the Woman as well' and he also becomes an 'intermediary between the Woman and the Earth' which is why in Ancient Times it was the 'duty of men to cater for their Wives' needs and those resources come from the Earth'. Women also tend to 'mature faster than Men'...indirectly hinted at by the fact that it is the Woman who eats first of the 'Tree Of Knowledge'. Regardless, the Two are Fundamentally One since Woman indirectly also traces her Genealogy to the Earth through the Man who acts as an Intermediary between the Woman and the Earth making the Man simultaneously a Father and Spouse...a kind of Ancestral Spouse if you will. The Story Of Genesis is so much more than finding fault with Mankind and pointing to their Tendency for Destruction. The 'Leo Constellation' thus is formed to point to 'Man' that 'there is a realm beyond his Limitations' and he can find that Realm if he is 'Wise enough'. The Method that Mankind applies in their attempt to reach this 'realm' is 'flawed and what God finds fault with' but the 'inherent desire to become like God is a Pure Desire'. There was a 'fundamental flaw in Mankind's reasoning' in that in their Solution to the 'Problem God posed to them regarding the restriction of the Tree of Knowledge'...the Answer Mankind gave was flawed. What they sought had always been in the Garden with them. God himself was with them. They could have had all the answers they needed had they simply found the Courage to ask and here begins the 'Paradox' that 'to become like God...man chooses to disobey God or Cast God away...in other words, they throw away the very thing they seek in their quest for it'. This is a 'Paradoxical Irony' which brings me to the 'Promethean Legend' of how 'Fire entered the World. The Legend points to 'Fire' being 'stolen from the Underworld to bring Warmth to Mankind's Cold World or Warm Mankind's Coldness'. God begins to teach Mankind 'harsh lessons...the lesson of the Consequences for their 'Inefficeincy and Folly Of The Methodology they applied to reach their goal of achieving Wisdom. He makes it clear to them that their inability to 'differentiate Edible Foods from Poison and their Naivety in being exploited by the Serpent is far from Wisdom' indicated by 'the Cherubim and Flaming Sword' that 'seal off Man's Path to that which he desires'...thus the more 'inefficient man becomes in their pursuit of knowledge, the farther their goal gets'. This 'interrogation' or 'inquisition' is what is called a 'Grill' or 'Grilling' where God indirectly hints at ways Man can 'purify and process even Poisonous Substances to turn them Edible'. Grilling is a 'Cooking Method' where 'Meat' is 'laid upon either a 'Grid Of Iron' or 'Stainless Steel' and then 'controlled or regulated heat is applied to the Meat on the Grill' to transform it from 'Raw' to 'Refined Meat'. The fact that the 'Man and Woman' attempt to 'conceal their Nakedness or Vulnerability with Woven Fig Leaves' and 'God clothing them in Animal Skins' indirectly points to them trying to 'refine themselves'. God makes them understand that they are as 'Raw' as 'Meat on a Grill is' and he is going to 'Season them with Spices', the reason for the length of History...the Time God allocates to 'ingrain in Mankind the lessons they failed to learn in the Garden Of Eden'. The Word 'Irony' as in the 'Iron that composes a Grill' imply 'one who acts contrary to his thoughts' or 'one who desires something but walks in a Path that is contrary to that which they desire'. The 'Original Word' for 'Iron' or its 'Scientific Word' is 'Ferrum' which is a 'combination of the Words 'Fer' that sounds like the Word for 'Justice and Fairness' and 'Rum...the Wine most Pirates love to drink'. Ferrum then can indirectly be transliterated as 'a Drunken Application of Justice' and that was the 'Original Word for 'Iron'. This 'insult' presents a kind of 'Challenge to the Prideful Nature Of Mankind' in that 'if they don't like the current situation, then they should do something to change it. if they don't like to hear the word 'Iron', then they should 'create something that surpasses it' by finding 'better materials'. God is in a humorous way 'capitalizing on Mankind's Pride knowing that hurting their Pride will root in them the desire to strive for Greatness. He uses their 'desire to surpass God' to 'redirect their steps'. From then on, Man 'begins to learn about the Imperfections Of Base Elements'. There are certain tasks he wishes to accomplish but the Elements in his possession are always short of at least one desirable quality or trait. This begins to 'stir in Mankind' a 'Problem Solving Spirit'. Mankind's Ingenuity leads him to discover the 'Concept Of Alloys, the Fusion Of Base Elements to create 'Superior Elements' that make up for 'the inherent weaknesses of the combined Base Elements' like 'A Man Uniting with his Wife...their DNA fusing to bring forth 'a New Life' or the 'Agricultural Concept Of 'Grafting Vines' to create 'Superior Breeds' which is a 'combination of both their Strengths' and may 'eliminate certain vulnerabilties that either one or the other had' depending on the 'Fusion Of DNA'. Men and Women usually choose 'Spouses' who possess certain 'Desirable Qualities' and 'anything one desires' indirectly hints at 'something they themselves lack'. This is what 'Compatibility' is all about. 'It is impossible to fuse two identical pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle but two pieces that have what the other lack and lack what the other have fuse perfectly implying...Symbiosis'. The 'Child then becomes a more 'complete piece of the Puzzle' than his 'Predecessors were'. Through this 'repeated act' of 'Fusion', Generations are born, each a little more complete than the Previous Generation like the creation of a Succession Of More and More Superior Elements from Base Elements...and the acquisition Of Experience...cumulative Historical Experience. 'Family Lines' are in a 'sense Alloys of their own'...and when the 'Perfect Material comes to be'...that is when a 'Messiah' is born. Man keeps learning from his own limitations and imperfections and through Family Relations gradually comes to understand what 'Compatibility' is all about and how this concept can be 'applied to Elemental Fusion'. Like the creation of the Material 'Stainless Steel' which indirectly hints at 'cleansing one's hands of theft and injustice' and is a 'better material for a Grill than iron which is prone to rust when it makes contact with Water or Air is'.

God also teaches man to 'boil their Food' in the 'Story Of Cain and Abel' where Cain is envious of Abel because God chooses Abel's sacrifice over his own. God warns 'Cain to keep his anger in check' in effect telling him to 'put a lid on the Bubbling Cauldron Of His Rage lest all the Liquid in his Pot escapes into the surrounding air'. Cain of course disregards this warning and 'chooses to overheat Abel' then realizes to his 'dismay' that 'all the Liquid of Abel's Blood vapourizes into the Heaven 'demanding vengeance'...a fiery reparation for Cain's Crime', Cain's 'Pot on the other hand becomes 'absolutely charred' by his own lack of moderation'" Concordia explained.

The Archers laughed at the way Concordia narrated the Tale.

"There is more to the Story Of Genesis than finding fault with Mankind. God uses the 'unfolding of History' to gradually 'teach man the right way to acquire the Wisdom he so craves and he does this in many ways, sometimes by putting insurmountable obstacles in their path, by reprimanding them when they commit an act of folly and capitalizing on their Pride to strive for Perfection and he sometimes even 'mocks them' when they 'misapply their knowledge and reap the consequences of their folly'" Concordia explained. "That should be enough for now. Get some rest".