Concordia had assembled Aera's Archers in the Desert.

"Today, we'll be commencing your lessons on the Healing Arts specifically, we'll be focusing on the Constellation Of Cancer, the Crab" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"Before we commence, I must make a brief introduction of the Four Types Of Omens and then we'll be delving deeply into the Origins Of Disease also known amongst Ancient Religions as 'The Vestiges Of Sin'" Concordia said.

The Archers nodded.

"I'll explain more about the Four Omen Types when we get to the Constellation Of Sagittarius since it is a Major Component Of Sagittarius but without a brief introduction, you will not understand the Totality Of Today's Lesson" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"There are Four Major Types Of Signs falling under the Two Major Omen Types namely Signs and Events, these fall specifically under the Category Of Signs and an Omen as you already know is a Sign or Event that foreshadows or acts as a precursor to an Event that may occur in the Future. There are Two Types Of Omens as I have already mentioned, falling under Signs, there are Four Types Of Signs. Signs are basically Cryptographic Spiritual Symbols that herald Significant Events while Events are occurrences within Reality that may hint at the approach of more Significant Events. The Four Types Of Signs are namely Celestial Signs, Terrestrial Signs, Sequential Signs and Heralding Signs. Now I'll explain each in detail" Concordia said.

The Archers listened.

"Let's start with Celestial Signs. Celestial Signs are Signs that occur in the Heavens and tend to be symbolic in nature. These Signs include Prophetic Visions and Allegorical Symbols. Typically, a Prophet or Visionary on Earth who beholds these Signs in the Heavens sees them not as inhabitants of Earth see them but as Celestial Beings perceive these Signs and since it takes a Celestial Mind to comprehend these Celestial Signs, they often come laden with Confusion, Paradoxes and at times Fear and Terrible Foreboding due to the Natural Conflict between the Human Materialistic Mind and the Celestial Spiritual Mind which is why there are records of Visions that occur in the midst of multiple people that are sometimes only witnessed or seen by the one the Sign is revealed to. The others may perceive that a Supernatural Event is occurring but may not see the Source Of The Event. Without the interpretation of a Celestial Being to connect these Signs to Earthly Occurrences, they are beyond the Human Mind to fathom. It is from these Signs that Ancient Hybrid Titanic Monsters are often depicted in Ancient Myths. Let's leave it at that for now. I will speak more about this once we reach Sagittarius" Concordia said.

The Archers seemed disappointed by this Cliffhanger but didn't complain since they knew Concordia probably had a good reason for holding back the extra knowledge.

"Next in line are Terrestrial Signs. Terrestrial Signs are Signs that occur within the Material World or on Earth to put it simply. They are echoes of Events that have already occurred in the Spiritual Plane. For instance, the Fall Of Mankind is an echo of the Fall Of The Devil. The 'Call Of Prophets' is an 'echo of the First Day Of Creation' when Light was born. The 'Act Of Consecration' which separates 'Holy Articles' from 'Mundane Articles' in many Religions is an echo of 'The Second Day Of Creation' where the Sky was created to separate 'Celestial Waters from Terrestrial Waters'. It is for this reason that 'Ancient Religious Rites' were considered a 'Type' or 'Shadow' of 'Spiritual Realities' and not the 'Spiritual Reality' in itself but a kind of 'Recollection' pointing back to 'Ancient Celestial Events'. In a 'sense' these 'Rites' create a 'kind of Portal in time' that 'links the rite at the Present Moment' to the 'Actual Celestial Event in the Past'" Concordia explained.

"I see…it's kinda like the relationship between the Moon and the Sun. If the Sun were a Celestial Event, the Moon would be a Terrestrial Reflection of that Celestial Event" Mei realized.

"To understand this, you need to understand 'Relationships' or 'Sects' or 'Sets' as in 'Seth' Adam's son born to replace Abel who was murdered by Cain out of envy. Sets are 'Parameters' used to 'Group Objects, Events and Ideas via similarities in Traits' hence they are like the Sky that separates the Waters Above from the Waters below. To link Terrestrial Events to their Celestial Counterparts, you can only do this via 'Relationships', the essence of the Leo Constellation' which is why 'Cats' were viewed as the Guardians Of The Underworld or the 'Cerberus' which is a 'Three Headed Dog'. These 'Relationships' establish 'Matches' between 'two or more objects that share similar traits' as in 'Ancient Sports Events' hosted within 'Colosseums' that grouped 'Athletes according to the Sport they specialized in'. Through these 'Relationships' it becomes easier to establish 'connections' between 'Celestial and Terrestrial Events' which is why benevolent Ancient Religions were founded on the 'Basis Of Love' and tend to 'mock the ignorance of those who believe True Strength is derived from Hatred' and 'Kindness is Weakness' precisely because it is 'beyond the capacity of a Spiteful or Hateful Heart to understand' these 'Connections' and 'Relationships' and what happens when they try to 'Force these Relationships is that they end up amplifying Resistance or Rebellion which ultimately leads to their own demise' and 'usurpation'" Concordia explained.

The Archers smiled. They seemed satisfied with this lesson.

"Next we'll be talking of the Sequential Signs" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"The Sequential Signs and the Heralding Signs share some similarities in that it is a 'Prerequisite for these Signs to occur' before a 'Significant Prophecy Of The Gods can come to Pass'" Concordia revealed. The Major Difference between the Sequential Signs and the Heralding Signs lies in the fact that the 'Sequential Signs tend to follow the Order Of Events' whereas the 'Heralding Signs tend to occur via Symbolism'. In other Words, whenever the Gods hint that 'certain Events must occur before other Events can come to pass, they are hinting at the Sequential Signs' but when they tell their 'Disciples to learn lessons from certain Signs in Nature that hint at the approach of certain Seasons such as a Pregnant Woman about to deliver her Child or a Fig Tree that has begun to bud, they are pointing to the 'Heralding Signs'" Concordia explained.

The Archers were in awe from this Revelation.

"Now the Lessons pertaining to Cancer mostly revolve around the Terrestrial Signs that establish Relationships between Celestial and Terrestrial Events. Our focus will be here" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"Now to get to the Deeper Lessons pertaining to the Cancer Constellation, you need to understand the Concept Of 'The Vestiges Of Sin' also known as the 'Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse' or 'The Four Worst Punishments Of The Gods'. This will cause me to branch a little into the Gemini Constellation but it is necessary for you to understand the Concept" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"From the Creation Story, you know that God did not just create everything but he also created a 'Time', a 'Place', a 'Role' and a 'Purpose' for everything. The 'Sun' for instance was granted 'Rulership Of The Day'. The 'Moon' and 'Stars' were granted 'Rulership Of The Night'. Their 'Places' rested within the 'Light' and 'Darkness' separated on the 'First Day'. The 'Sky' was granted 'Rulership Of The Atmosphere or Emotion' and to 'distinguish Waves and Moods'. Each Element as you know has an 'associated Virtue' hence they are assigned 'Specific Emotions' which is why certain objects within Nature have the Power to evoke certain Emotions or Reactions in Living Beings'. The 'Radiation Of These Emotions' is what 'generates the Atmosphere'. Now to get to what the 'Vestiges Of Sin' are all about, you will notice that in many 'Ancient Texts', one of the 'Major Defining Traits Of The Signs Of The Apocalypse' is that the 'Elements start to act Contrary to their Nature or they are thrown out of Order….simply put, they begin to act in ways that are not familiar such as the 'Sun shining at Night', the 'Moon turning Bloody when it is supposed to be White or Yellow' and the 'Stars falling to Earth'. Simply put, the 'Elements start to move out of their own Elemental Territories or Boundaries' into 'Territories' assigned to 'other Elements'. Territories they do not 'naturally belong to'. In a 'Sense', the 'Chaos Of The Apocalypse' indirectly hints at the 'Confusion' that occurs when 'Objects in Nature' no longer 'understand' their 'Places' and 'Relationships to one another', such is the 'Foundation Of Absolute Chaos in any Equation' since 'Equations are built upon Variables and Relationships'. This is what happens when the 'Man and Woman' decide they no longer wish to be Human but to 'usurp the Place Of God', when Cain wishes to seize Abel's blessing forcefully, the 'Tower Of Babel', the 'Birth Of The Nephilim and the Great Flood', Abraham leaving his Father's House, Jacob stealing Esau's Blessing, Joseph sold into Slavery in Egypt…a land not his own…Ancient Biblical Texts such as these. These are what the 'Vestiges Of Sin' are all about. They are all about 'abandoning one's rightful place' to 'usurp the Place Of Another'. There are 'Four Major Vestiges' namely 'Death, War, Plague and Beast'. These 'Four are collectively known as the Four Worst Punishments Of God'. At times they are also called the 'Four Worst Winds Of Punishment' as Ancient Texts make known that 'certain Winds are reserved solely for the Punishment Of Evil, Sin or Rebellion'" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"Each Of these Vestiges are represented by a 'Colored Horse' and the 'Colors Of The Horse are in themselves significant'. The 'First Horse is White and symbolizes 'Victory, Faithfulness and Truth'; its Rider wields a 'Bow'. The 'Second Horse is Red' and signifies 'War, Sacrifice and Loss'; its Rider wields a 'Large Sword'. The 'Third Horse is Black and symbolizes 'Justice, Economy, Ecology and the Cycles Of The Rise and Fall Of Civilization'; its Rider Wields 'a Pair Of Scales'; the 'Fourth and Final Horse is Pale' and symbolizes 'Death'…the Realm Of Death or Netherworld follows wherever it passes. Aside from symbolizing Death…it also symbolizes the Underworld, Secret Societies, Criminal Organizations and all other Societies that operate within the Shadows to bring about Mass Destruction. The results of the Activities Of These Underworld Dwellers usually result in War, Famine, Disease and Ecological Calamities…the Ultimate result of which is Death. The Vestiges Of Sin mostly revolve around the activities of this Fourth Horse and its Rider" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"To put simply, a Vestige Of Sin which is a Punishment for Sin or a Consequence Of Sin typically occurs when a Living Being or any object in Nature 'crosses' into a 'Spiritual Boundary' assigned to 'Another' without 'their willing consent' with emphasis on 'willing'. The 'Ten Commandments' or 'Decalogue' was 'created' to 'manage' or 'regulate' the 'Severity Of The Effects Of These Vestiges' which is why after they are revealed, one seldom hears 'Tales Of Global Calamities' such as the one that occurred during the Time Of 'Noah's Ark' and that is why a 'Significant Holy Object Associated with the Decalogue' is the 'Ark Of The Covenant'. It is created as both a 'Memorial and Warning' to both 'Terrestrial and Spiritual Beings' not to 'overstep their Boundaries' lest they bring another 'Calamity to birth' so in a sense it is meant to 'regulate or put a check on' and not 'necessarily eliminate the Vestiges Of Sin' which is why in later times some Prophets or Saints came to the realization that the 'Law is not a Cure in itself but a means of managing the Severity Of The Vestiges Of Sin' and is thus a kind of 'Deterrent'. A 'Deterrent is a Severe Punishment inflicted to instil fear that prevents witnesses of The Deterrent from repeating the same Crime, so it is a kind of Warning to any Criminals who intend to commit similar Crimes as the one who was punished. An instance is the use of a Devastating Weapon to punish a Militaristic Nation that oversteps its Bounds…a Weapon so Devastating, it Forces an immediate Ceasefire and compels Treaties Of Disarmament. Of course, this usually lasts until the last firsthand witness of the brutality of the Deterrent is no more so it is a Temporary Check that buys some period of Peace and not necessarily a Cure for Conflict in itself which is why after each of the 'Plagues Of The Apocalypse, the Footnote repeatedly states…but Mankind did not repent of its evil ways or of offending God'. It indirectly hints at the fact that 'Deterrents' are not 'Solutions in themselves' but a way of managing Potential Disasters'" Concordia explained.

The Archers seemed amazed.

"I see…from our Ancient Legends…the Pattern follows that the Weaver Of Calamity always commences his attack after the generation aided by the Guardians have all passed away and the 'Stellar Systems' that 'protected and prospered our Civilization' are lost to the 'Sands Of Time'" Mimi realized.

"As I stated earlier, each of the Vestiges Of Sin is a Consequence Of The Disregard Of either Material or Spiritual Boundaries. 'War' for instance is usually triggered by a 'blatant disregard' for the 'Territorial Sovereignty Of Another Nation', 'Plague' is caused by the 'Disregard for Ecological Boundaries' and so is 'Beast'. 'Death' on the other hand is the 'Ultimate Consequence' for the 'Accumulation Of All These Breaches' which is the reason for the saying 'The Wages Of Sin is Death' and 'Death is often associated with a Breach in Spiritual Law' in other Words, the 'moment Of Death' is when the 'Reaper comes to claim his Toll' or the 'Time to Pay The Piper'" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"Now we will study the Vestige Of Sin namely Plague which revolves around Terrestrial Signs" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"Disease in 'Spiritual Terms' is a 'Physical Manifestation' Of a 'Spiritual Ailment''. In other Words, it is a kind of 'Omen' that hints at a 'Spiritual Imbalance Of The Soul' which is why Ancient Religions tended to associate it with 'Divine Punishment for Sin'" Concordia said.

The Archers listened closely.

"Disease inflicted upon a Person is not always a Punishment for a Sin committed by the one it is inflicted upon or the Sin of an Ancestor or Family Member though in some cases it can be. At other times however it is inflicted upon a Person to make that Person a kind of 'Omen' that 'challenges' the 'Standards Of Society', in other Words, at times a Person inflicted with an ailment becomes a 'challenge to the Conscience Of Society to Force these Societies to reflect on their own Lives' and may 'expose hidden Prejudices tearing apart the Veil Of Hypocrisy'. Certain 'Diseases' are 'Specific Omens' meant to challenge 'Prejudices Of Society'. For instance, 'Leprosy' is a 'challenge to Societies that isolate their Vulnerable', 'Mental Ailments' challenge 'False Assumptions Of Knowledge', 'Deafness is a challenge to Societies that ignore the Cries Of The Vulnerable' or 'The Voice Of Their Own Consciences', 'Dumbness is a challenge to Societies whose False Sense Of Security in their Knowledge is rooted in Folly'. Other 'Minor Diseases' like 'Malaria' inflicted by 'Mosquitoes' challenge 'Narrow Minded Societies whose knowledge has stagnated' since it is often caused by Mosquitoes that breed at stagnant pools of Water and is a Disease that often affects either the Circulatory or Nervous System. The 'Proboscis of the Mosquito that injects the 'Plasmodium' into the Blood' is a kind of 'Long-Nose Of Pinocchio' which is an 'omen of a Society that tends to stick their Noses into affairs that are none of their business'. The Disease in itself indirectly hints at the inability of Nervous Signals or Blood Cells to flow freely and is an attack on Organ Systems that circulate both 'Blood Cells that carry Nutrition, Hormones and Gases to various Organs in the Body' and the 'Nervous System that coordinates the Body via Neural Impulses'. In other Words, 'Diseases are Physical Manifestations Of Spiritual Imbalance that challenge Societal Norms and False Assumptions' and 'forces Societies to face their own Consciences' which they may have been running from for a long time' thus 'tearing apart the Veil Of Hypocrisy' to state simply. There are many Biblical Facts to support this as in the 'Son Of God' being a 'Symbol Of Contention' that 'exposes' the 'Hypocrisy and Hidden Malicious Intent' of those that 'contend against Him' and the 'Healing Of The Blind Man' who ends up being questioned by the 'Religious Authorities' who were absolutely certain that they were 'Masters Of The Standards Of Right and Wrong' thus an 'Ironical Contrast' is established between 'the Blind Man who accepts God' and the 'seeing Pharisees who reject God' making the 'Blindness Of The Blind Man' a 'kind of Challenge to the Prejudices of The Religious Authorities as well as the Society he lived in" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"There are a number of Basic Techniques that can also be applied to Boost Physical Ability which I will now discuss" Concordia said.

The Archers nodded and listened closely.

"For instance, there are Breathing Techniques that can boost one's Speed, Power and Alertness. It all begins with regulating the Rhythm, depth and intensity of one's breath. Doing this starts to gradually sync one's Breathing Rate to the rate of their Heartbeats via a Scalar Relationship Of Rhythms which in turn amplifies Blood Flow and syncs Blood Flow to both of the aforementioned Rhythms. Since the Flow Of Blood is responsible for the distribution Of Nutrients, Hormones and Gases to various Parts Of The Body including the Brain…Organ Systems such as the Muscles are 'tensed' to enhance 'Physical Strength and Internal Defenses as the Blood flowing through these Vessels strengthens their Mass'. Furthermore, the Blood that reaches the Brain amplifies Neurone Activity by feeding the Brain Cells the Nutrients and Hormones within the Blood as well as the Gases which in turn amplifies alertness. All of these together collectively boost Speed, Power and Alertness and in extreme cases can make one very sensitive to their environment. When Breathing Rate is out of Sync with Heartbeat Rate…there is an increase in wasted energy thus depleting Stamina quickly. One of the Main Differences between Athletes and Non-Athletes is the ability of Athletes to control the rhythm of their Breathing thus syncing their Breathing Rhythms to the Rhythms of their Heartbeats thus allowing them to conserve their Stamina during Sporting Events. This indirectly hints at 'some level of Conscious Control' over 'certain involuntary actions regulated by their 'Brains' which in 'Non-Athletes' are usually controlled 'autonomously as reflexes and are thus beyond their conscious control'. This 'Control' allows the athlete to 'consciously adjust the Rate Of Their Body's Blood Flow'. A 'Harmonious Synchronized Rhythm between Breath and Heart' conserves 'Energy and Stamina' and 'minimizes Wasted Energy' enhancing 'Endurance' likewise, a 'Disharmonious Rhythm amplifies 'Wasted Energy and Fatigue' and in some 'extreme cases' can 'trigger a Sudden Onset Of A Nervous Disease or Disease Of The Heart Or Circulatory System'. Most Diseases either affect the 'Nervous System' or the 'Circulatory System'. Most 'Curable Diseases' tend to affect the 'Circulatory System' while 'Incurable Ones' according to Human Standards tend to affect the 'Nervous System'. Most 'Reproductive, Digestive and Excretory Diseases' tend to 'sabotage Nutrient and Hormone Distribution' by 'attacking the Circulatory System' whereas 'Diseases that affect the Nervous System' tend to sabotage 'Perception Of Reality and Coordination Ability as well as Mobility'. Most Diseases of the 'Circulatory System' can be cured by 'ingesting Medicinal Compounds such as Medical Herbs, Fruits and the like that counterbalance the Harmful Symptoms Of The Disease' however 'Diseases Of The Nervous System can only be cured via Lifestyle Adjustments' as well as 'Environmental Adjustments' since most of these Ailments tend to hint at an Elemental Imbalance within one's Environment'" Concordia explained. "To put it simply, 'who rescues a drowning man by throwing him into even deeper Water'. This is what happens when some 'Medical Practitioners' attempt to cure Diseases like 'Depression' by placing 'Patients into an 'even more depressing environment than they were in before' or attempt to 'cure Trauma' by 'Forcing the Patient to relive their Traumatic Experiences Day after Day'. There is a 'Parable about this regarding the exorcised Demon that wanders the Waterless Pits Of Exile and decides to return to its Host with Seven Evil Spirits far more wicked than itself causing the Patient to fall into a Worse State than before the Exorcism or Healing was carried out' simply put some 'Medical Practitioners in their attempt to cure 'Minor Mental Diseases' end up creating 'so-called Psychopaths' via the 'Healing Method they apply''" Concordia explained. "King Solomon, one of the Wisest Kings who ever walked my Homeworld puts it this way, 'do not attempt to cheer a depressed Person by singing to him, that is like rubbing Salt in his Wound'. There are simple ways to determine the Physical Ability Of Living Beings as well. For instance the Stamina and Speed Of Most Living Beings as well as their Energy Levels usually tie in with their Lung Capacity, the Rhythm Of Their Heartbeats and how in sync their Heartbeats are with their Breathing Rhythms, the Huge Metabolic Requirements needed to sustain their Energy. Synchronization Of Breath to Heartbeat Rate is especially important since it is one of the First Major Steps towards a 'Voluntary Control Of One's Internal Organs' which are usually managed 'involuntarily or subconsciously via Reflex'" Concordia said.

"Is that really possible?" Mimi asked.

"As hard as it is to believe…it is indeed possible" Concordia affirmed.

"There are many ways to achieve this. Breathing Rate Regulation is one such means and can regulate 'Brainwave Activity' to trigger reactions in 'Specific Organs' which is why 'fatigue' is often associated with 'being out of breath or short of breath'. It is also why it is possible to fall into a 'Physical Ailment' via 'Depression' and some 'Incurable Diseases can be erased via Positive Attitudes towards Life and a Strong Will to Live'. 'Breathing Techniques though part of the 'Healing Arts Of Cancer the Crab' are 'specifically aligned more to the 'Leo Constellation' which governs most 'Felines' and is 'specifically aligned to Cheetahs and their 'Explosive Bursts Of Speed while Hunting'. Cheetahs use such Techniques to enhance their Speed…but the 'inability to regulate and synchronize breath with Heartbeat Rates at such Speeds' is why they typically have such 'Low Stamina' and can only utilize Explosive Bursts Of Speed for a Short Period' and the 'Cheetah' as you know is the 'Fastest Jungle Cat'" Concordia explained.

"That is enough for Today. We'll continue our lessons another Time. Try to put into practice everything you've learnt so far" Concordia instructed the Archers.