Some time had passed in the Desert and once more, Concordia had assembled her Archers.

"Today, I will be teaching you a bit more about the Scorpio Constellation's Cross Stance. There are Four Main Facets to what I will be teaching you today. To understand this lesson, you must to an extent comprehend Cartography, Chronology, Portals and Coordinates" Concordia said.

"Can you explain each in detail?" Mimi asked.

"Of course. First, let me begin with Cartography. Cartography simply has to do with mapping space or creating Maps Of Geographical Locations. In order for this to be done successfully, the Cartographer needs two Tools. The First is a Mathematical Scale which is basically a ratio that assigns vast distances to smaller measures thus the ability to convert measures and units across dimensions with regards to distance…is very necessary. The second necessary tool is a Legend which is a Symbolic Representation Of Key Areas and Features within a Geographical Terrain" Concordia explained.

"I see…so basically, creating a Portable Version Of a Wide Geographical Space?" Mei asked.

"Exactly" Concordia said.

"Next, I'll talk briefly on Chronology which has to do with the Order Of Time and Events or to put simply Temporal Events. Chronology is the study Of the Order Of Time or the Flow Of Time and allows any Race with an awareness of Time to keep records of their History, learn from their History and in so doing discover anomalies that may have occurred in their History due to the intervention or interference of Forces dwelling within Higher Dimensions Of Existence. This forms the basis of Memory" Concordia explained.

The Archers realized the points she was trying to make. 

"Next, I will be talking of Portals. Portals in the simplest sense are Gateways Of Access that allow one to move from one Space to another. For instance, the Sky is the Portal to Outer Space, the Surface Of Water is the Portal to the World beneath the Oceans, the Topsoil is the Portal to the World beneath the Earth. Just as there are Physical Portals, Spiritual Forces also make use of another kind of Portal called 'Living Portals'" Concordia explained.

"Living Portals? What do you mean?" Mei asked.

"In the simplest sense I mean Living Beings and objects created by them can become Vessels through which Spiritual Forces within Higher Realms Of Existence can access certain spaces. Forces of Good achieve this feat through the Unconditional Obedience Of A Living Being. Forces Of Evil attempt to achieve this by tricking Living Beings into relinquishing access to certain spaces via Temptation. Whether via Unconditional Obedience or via yielding to Temptation, the act generates what is known as a 'Skill Tree' either of 'Good or Evil'. This Skill Tree is a kind of Nexus connecting all the Skills needed by the Living Being acting under the Divine Guidance Of A Spiritual Entity granting them the Knowledge, Skill and Tools needed to complete the purposes assigned by that Spiritual Being. The Living Being acting as a Vessel Of The Higher Force Or Spiritual Being is known from then on as 'The Incarnation/Avatar/Vessel Of The Spiritual Force that granted them their Quest" Concordia explained.

"There are some vast implications here" Mei realized.

"I'm glad you've realized this as well Mei. It also means that Spiritual Forces either on the side of Good or Evil can expand their Domains by convincing more Mortals to join their cause. In some cases this quest is known as 'The Liberation Of Souls' and at other times 'The Capture Of Souls'. This is because each Living Being by virtue of their Personal Experiences possesses the capacity to unlock unique Skill Trees Of Their Own which in the long run may benefit the Spiritual Being that acts as their Benefactor and the Spiritual Side that Spiritual Being and their Proteges may belong to" Concordia explained.

"What happens when a Living Being that say for instance falls to the side of evil decides to switch to the side of good?" Mei asked.

"That act severs the Evil Skill Tree leaving behind a kind of Stump. The Root Of That Tree which refers to the Motivations behind which the Skills that form its Branches and Leaves will have to be altered in nature via a kind of Grafting. In other Words, the Living Being will need a new Drive and a very strong one at that since this usually manifests as the Living Being losing all the Tools used in the Service Of Evil. From this Root and Stump will sprout a new set of Branches and Leaves from which Tools utilized in the Service Of Good may sprout forth. This analogy is often used to connote hope for Fallen Ancient Dynasties" Concordia explained.

"I see where you are coming from" Mimi realized Concordia's point.

"Finally, it is time to talk of Coordinates which form the basis of Axis, Axes or Axial Coordination" Concordia explained.

The Archers listened closely.

"In a Two Dimensional(2D) Plane, there are Two Major Axis namely the X or Horizontal Axis and the Y or Vertical Axis. If The Y Axis is like a question, the X Axis is the Response. The Y Axis connotes that to everything there must be a Purpose. It is Purpose that drives the Law Of Ascent and Descent. Ambition and Motivation bring us the results we seek when they are not inordinately expressed. The Point Of Origin or the Alpha Point is the Central Point at which the X and Y Axis intersect also called the 'Centre Of Revolution' and at times 'True North'. This centre must always be the one thing in a Person's life that is immutable, an unshakeable belief. Without this Centre, one is easily prone to Deception. With the Centre in Place, the X and Y Axis split any Map into Four Quadrants namely Northwest (-x, +y), Northeast (+x, +y), Southwest (-x, -y) and Southeast (+x, -y). Just as the Y Axis drives Purpose and triggers Ascent or Descent, the X Axis Drives the Realms Of Conflict and Harmony and mostly revolves around Respect, particularly Respect for the Members Of One's Family, Community, Nation and Life in General. If +y represents Ascent via Purpose, -y represents Descent via Sloth, +x represents Harmony via Respect and –x represents conflict via lack of Respect for Interpersonal Boundaries" Concordia explained.

"We see what you mean" the Archers realized.

The X and Y Axes when in Harmony with the Alpha Point govern Laws Of Reflection and Revolution even Renaissance and the Dark Ages. The Earth itself is split into Time Zones and locations governed via horizontal longitudes and Vertical Latitudes. Each location on the Earth lies on the Intersection point of multiple Longitudes and Latitudes. The Central Latitude is Zero Degrees and every Fifteen Degrees either West or East marks an Hour Lost (West) or an Hour Gained (East), in other words one can gain more Hours by following the Trajectory Of The Sun. Follow the Sun quickly enough and you might find yourself in Perpetual Daylight. The Equator is the Central Longitude that splits the Earth into its Northern and Southern Hemispheres" Concordia explained. "It is thus possible to seek out any location if you know its coordinates or longitudinal and latitudinal Dimensions and can input those into a Map" Concordia explained.

"Thanks a lot Concordia" the Archers said.

"I am glad you could keep up. We'll continue the lesson another time" Concordia said.

With that the lesson came to an end.