Ariel spent the next few weeks engineering the Microorganisms she spoke of. These Microorganisms could metabolize Salt and produce Water by reversing the Neutralization process that created the Salt. They could then consume the Acids and Bases that were formed through the reverse Neutralization Process as food. Ariel got her Scientists to coat all the Islands with these Microorganisms then she reinforced her Blaze Barriers protecting the Islands to isolate the Cursed Energy generated by the Weaver Of Calamity's Energy Barriers that isolated the Continents and Oceans so that the Cursed Energy would not affect the inhabitants of the Sub Islands.

Next, she sent smaller Unmanned Subs that contained the same Blaze Barriers and Microorganisms Coating them into the Dead Zones where Microorganisms of the same kind were released into the Zones.

The Scientists reported that the Microorganisms had been introduced into the Local Dead Zones. 

"That takes care of that. Now Saito, we'll need to sharpen our Peristylium's understanding of Soul Waves. If the Weaver Of Calamity is now assaulting us seriously, then our people will need to understand a bit about how the Human Soul or Psyche works and how to defend against Debilitating attacks directed against the Human Psyche/Soul" Ariel suggested.

"How do you intend to go about this?" Saito asked.

"You and I will utilize our combined knowledge and the Pyrostellis Luminares to impart the knowledge into all the mature inhabitants of the Islands and break it down into easily digestible concepts for the Youth" Ariel explained.

Saito and Ariel activated the Pyrostellis Luminares and briefly explained to the inhabitants of the House Of Soaring Lion Turtles their intent.

"I see…so Cursed Energy is mainly an attack directed against the Human Psyche and Spirit" the Islanders realized why Ariel and Saito were performing a wide scale broadcast.

"That is why we intend to equip you with the Knowledge required to defend yourselves against Cursed Energy" Saito explained.

The people seemed to generally agree with Saito and Ariel's actions. 

"The first thing you need to know about the Human Soul is that it possesses Three Predominant Powers namely the Powers Of Memory, Will and Intellect" Saito explained.

"Memory, Will and Intellect" the Islanders mused.

"Memory revolves around acquired lifetime experiences. It revolves around experiences acquired throughout our lifetimes. The Three Powers Of The Human Soul cannot be considered separate from one another but rather flow seamlessly into one another. Memory fuses the Will and the Intellect. With regards to the Human Will, it utilizes Principles Of Emotional Association and Instinct to acquire Life Experiences and then utilizes the Intellect to decide and interpret these Experiences so it's a fusion of Intellect and Emotion. 

Next, I will briefly explain the Power Of Will. Will is the ability to make and commit to decisions and mostly revolves around Perceptions Of The Standard Of Morality or Right and Wrong. These Standards are usually ingrained into an individual by Society and Societal Norms thus Will transcending Personal Integrity also revolves around Societal Integrity or the Perception Of Self as viewed by both the Self and Society. When one's Personal Integrity is secure, one's willpower is often strong but compromised integrity can weaken the Power Of Will through a Sense Of Guilt or Shame and also through Hubris and Low Self Esteem. In terms of Hubris, people with an overly inflated sense of Pride often appear strong willed until that pride is crushed. Often times, this leads them to Despair. On the other hand a Low Self Esteem makes one an easy target for people with Stronger Wills and they might end up being manipulated to accomplish the purposes of those whose willpower appears to be stronger but who utilize their willpower in the service of evil. When one's integrity is secure, they are immune to exploitation, Despair and Humiliation. It doesn't stop others from attempting to humiliate them, it just prevents them from giving in to the ones who attempt to humiliate them in order to achieve their own selfish goals" Saito explained.

"This brings me to the Third Power Of The Soul namely the intellect. The Powers Of The Intellect are mostly made manifest in the acquisition of Knowledge and Skills. Knowledge grants the intellect the Power to make Decisions based on facts and anchored in Truth making the intellect less prone to error. The intellect is often at conflict with the Will when the Will and intellect are not rightly applied. When the Power Of Will is abused, it often leads the individual to make decisions based solely on Emotional Biases. Basically, where the Hormones flow, the Body follows when the Will is abused. When the Intellect is abused, the Will on the other hand is completely suppressed breeding a sense of Hubris that focuses solely on intellectual knowledge. Basically, one gets all the facts straight but the voice of the Conscience is silenced leading to abominable acts committed solely in service to the Hubris Of The Intellect. When the Will is centred on a Person's integrity that is not compromised and the Intellect is utilized with Humility as its Basis, the intellect is rational and considers every side of every argument before making decisions without suppressing the Will thus a limit is imposed on the Hubris Of The Intellect preventing it from abusing its knowledge. The Will on the other hand does not give in to every passion inflamed within itself and can look at a situation from outside itself. Basically, it has the power to look at situations without being self-centred and makes decisions after seeking counsel from the rational intellect" Ariel continued from where Saito left off.

"Next you need to understand the Spiritual Plane namely the Heavens and the Two Underworlds" Saito said. 

The Islanders listened closely.

"The Spirit and the Soul possess the power to manifest their presences through Waves Of The Soul. Since the Spirit and Soul manifest through Waves, it goes without saying that the Spiritual Realm is a Realm Of Waves. This theorem is supported by Ancient Myths concerning the Two Underworlds and the Overworld(Heaven). The Two Major Underworlds are Hell and Sheol. Hell is the Underworld believed to be a place of Eternal Punishment for Fallen Spirits both Human and Demonic. Hell is thus the Underworld of Fire. Sheol on the other hand is a Transitory Underworld similar to a Terminal where Souls are temporarily held to be purified before transiting to the Higher Realm(Heaven). Sheol in Ancient Myths was believed to be a 'World beneath the Waves' whereas Hell was believed to be be a 'World beneath the Earth'. Sheol is thus the Underworld of Water. Heaven on the other hand was believed to transcend Time and Space and exist within Souls in Communion with God. Heaven is a place within the Soul where God meets Man in Union and was thus believed to be a Realm Of Light. Thus the Elements associated with Hell are Fire and Sulphur as in the kind you find in the Magma beneath the Earth. The Elements associated with Sheol are the Waves Of The Ocean or simply put Waves whereas Heaven is associated with Light" Saito explained.

"Souls can basically access the Spiritual Planes through the Elements associated with Each Plane but this can be quite dangerous for Mortals since Spiritual Beings be they good or evil are often stronger and shrewder than Mortals. Without the Divine Protection Of A Benevolent God, attempting to access the Spiritual Plane carries with it more risks than rewards" Ariel explained.

"Next you need to understand Soul Density which is basically the influence a Mortal Lifetime has on a Soul. Soul Density mostly revolves around the Freedom and Spiritual Fruitfulness Of A Soul and this brings me to the Emotional Spectrum associated with Will. A Balanced Emotional Spectrum makes Souls lighter whereas an inordinate expression of the Unrestrained/Heated and Lethargic/Suppressed or Cool Emotional Spectrum weighs Souls down making them heavier. This heaviness of a Soul is often expressed through either Regret or Inordinate Attachments or to put it simply Obsessions. For a Soul to make it into the Higher Realm(Heaven), it must free itself of the shackles that bind it to the Mortal Realm. These shackles as I explained earlier express themselves through either Regrets that accumulate due to missed Opportunities or Inordinate Attachments to Material Possessions. These weigh a Soul down and in worst cases can bind a soul either to the location their Regret is centred around or to the Possession they obsess over. Earthbound Spirits and Cursed Items including mythical tales of Genies bound to Lamps are in a Sense Warnings of the effect inordinate attachments can have on the Soul. Biblical Parables that support this fact include the Parable Of The Rich Fool, the Parable Of The Talents, the Parable Of The Sower, the Parable Of The Priceless Pearl, The Parable Of The Wicked Tenants, the Parable Of The Wheat and Tares, the Parable Of The Prodigal Son and the Parable Of The Final Judgement. Basically, Souls need to be Light to make it into the Realm Of Light(Heaven). They achieve this by being both Materially and Spiritually fruitful to eliminate the weight or shackles associated with the Regret that accumulates as a result of missed opportunities and also eliminate inordinate attachments or obsessions that could shackle them spiritually to the Material Plane and the object of their Obsessions" Saito explained.

"Basically, Souls can either harmonize through Wavelength Harmony to access either Heaven or Sheol or interfere destructively to access Hell. Souls that make it into Sheol are light but not completely free of their regrets and obsessions" Ariel explained.