chapter 5: trial by fire my fiance legend of Fenrir's

hi basil here. I grew excited as we entered the city I started pointing at everything and asking dad what it was. the city was designed and rings the further to the center no more rich and more expensive things got. as we past the adventures guild. I asked Dad if I could become an adventure he replied not until I'm 12. we pulled up to this huge castle and were greeted by a bunch of maids with animal ears I asked Dad what they were he replied these people he said the boreas family had a thing for beast people. Paul then explained that there were four main branches of the great family there's the notos boreas Euros, Zephyrus. then Paul said I belonged to the notos branch but at the age of 12 I ran away. we were led into a waiting room where we were served tea. while we were waiting a a really well built man busts through the room screaming his head off I took one look at his eyes and I knew he was headstrong and unyielding he won't listen to what anybody says and likely to throw punches first ask questions later. he looks at us and he says so your Paul's boy. I got up and introduced myself like Lilia had taught me. my right hand over my chest extended my left hand out put one foot back and leaned forward a little bit. which seemed to impress him as he began to say "I didn't think Paul would be teaching you etiquette"I replied "dad didn't teach me I learned from Lilia I wanted to learn etiquette cuz I thought it could be useful in the future"I continue to say"I'm still trying to learn so please bear with me" he snorted and said never "would have expected the son of Paul to be so polite". another person enters the room a long lanky man and when I look into his eyes I see a snake seems that he's always got a scheme going. I introduced myself and he introduced himself as Philip mayor of Roa then I seen a muscular beast woman who introduced herself as sword King ghislaine I seen in her eyes indomitable warrior. after seeing me introduce myself ghislaine asked my father is basil really your son. Philip said that it was hard to imagine. Philip did mention how odd it was that my hair was silver. Paul responded he doesn't know why either I was just born that way. Philip began to ask me strange question by looking at his eyes I could tell what he was doing he was probing me trying to see how smart I really am. why I guess he was hatching a scheme. after we were done talking for a little bit he then introduced me to someone else a cute girl with bright red hair with a blazing inferno in her eyes much like her grandfather her name was Eris. when Eris realized I was looking at her she blushed which in turn caused me to blush. watching all of this I could see my dad making a stupid expression on his face. quite the looker ain't she my dad said which earned him a smack from me. then ghislaine going chuckling said let's go outside so I can test you. Eris mentioned that she wanted to watch Philip gave her permission cuz he had some things he wanted to talk to Paul about. when we made it outside ghislaine toss me a wooden sword and said get ready. I replied and my only supposed to be using the sword God style she said yes that is what I'm testing you on. do you want me to fight like normal or do you want me to use 100% she looks at me and says "you should always be using 100% when you fight" "I normally do but for me to truly use 100% I need a little time to focus my mind" ghislaine then said let's try it normal first then. you may go whenever. I immediately take off putting all the all of my battle aura into my legs in my arms but ghislaine was even faster we traded blow after blow but I couldn't get past her it was really weird for me to have someone who could keep up. after a little bit of back and forth I decided to unleash the long sort of light which shocked her but she somehow countered it striking my wrist with her own long sword of light. after which I surrendered.ghislaine said "that was an amazing long sword of light you can call yourself a sword saint" thank you I said panting from the ground. Eris stood there wide-eyed at what she just saw to her it must have looked like a blur cuz we were moving so fast. Eris came up to me and asked how did you do that I replied it's all about how you apply battle aura I just feel it and then pull it to where I need it to go. I then said to her "I plan on being adventure" "that's what I want to do too she Eris replied" I looked at her and said "maybe the next time we meet I'll show you a bestiary I got for my 5th birthday it has all sorts of information on monsters" I would love that she replied. ghislaine interrupted saying now she wants to see me fight using all three styles which I obliged. I did a little bit better using all three styles but the end result was still the same I was flat on my back. that's when Paul and Phillip came out didn't ask how we were doing

ghislaine said he is definitely a sword saint. Paul smiled at that and said it was time for us to go.Eris looked a little sad at that. then Paul said that he would be back over next month in that from now on once a month I'll be making a visit to them. Wich seemed to make Eris happy. it made me happy to. so I said goodbye to everyone and headed home. on the way dad told me a little bit about what him and Phillip talked about he said that little redhead was my fiance and when I got older I'd be marrying her. when I asked him why he replied that when he got a job as the kinght he was told that he owed Philip and this is how he's going to repay him. he then said if you don't want to marry her you don't have to I'm not going to force you. I replied "let's just see how things go who knows what the future has in store". as we were on our way home dad taught me how to ride a horse. impressed that I learned so quickly. when I got home I greeted mom Lilia and my little brother I told Mom about all that happened told her how I became a sword saint told her about the cute girl I met. and then we gather around the table and ate dinner and right afterwards I went to bed I was exhausted tomorrow I was finally going to read the bestiary in mom bought me for my birthday. the next day I started reading the bestiary he had all in sorts of information and all different kinds of monsters like goblins dragons. monster come in ranks E to S the monster that caught my eye is the Fenrir's the most dangerous wolf type monster they come in two types White and black and at different difficulties starting at C rank monsters

and ending at above S rank according to the book their fur and hide is extremely hard to cut and they're resistant to all magic therefore also somehow keeps their temperature regulated when it's hot they're for cools them when it's cold it warms them up. their fangs or razor sharp and they can use magic and it's different depending on the color S rank. the black ones can you use fire and Earth magic well the white ones can use water and air. apparently some of them can get bigger than a horse apparently you can tame them it's just extremely difficult. but what caught my eye was with the book referred to the god-tier ones apparently they're only two that have existed in this category a white called Isdis she can use emperor ice magic and King tear wind magic some believe she can even use gravity magic and the black one is called Agni can use can use emperor rank fire magic and King rank Earth magic and gravity magic. some say that the both of them can also use healing magic. I closed the book and say I want to defeat one of them I put the book away and I get ready to start teaching my little brother magic.