chapter 6 a year goes by a hole in the wall my brother's master

Basil's POV

my routine went a little like this. in the early morning I meditated to focus my mind body and spirit to feel the connection of all things. when the sun would start to rise and people in the house started getting up I would start my exercises until it was time to eat breakfast. after breakfast I would teach my little brother Rudy how to use magic which he is very talented by the way. in the afternoon after he exhausted his mana supply I would go through the village and see if anybody needed any help for a price of cours. and then I would play with the neighborhood kids. when it would get late into the afternoon I'd go home and learn things from Lilia like sewing cooking and etiquette all the weird things in the nobles are into. then I would eat dinner. after dinner I went back outside to do some physical training and after that I would meditate before bed I practice making things with my Earth magic I create toys little miniature people that you can move their arms and legs and I also create monsters toys. I can also create statues of people and of warriors. everything I make has a wolf insignia on it and my initials BGR. I can even create a stone sword I use that for practice. now sometimes there are a few changes to the routine like sometimes I'd go with Paul on his monster subjugation and then he would teach me how to skin the monsters and what parts of the monsters I could eat and how to woo girls. and once a month I would go over to Eris mansion to play for 2 days. every once in awhile a traveling merchant would stop by sometimes he would buy my statues and little toys I make a 1 gold a piece apparently they're they're getting popular. a year goes by like that. on my way home from Eris house I see a giant hole in the wall being repaired. I got into the house and ask Mom what happened and she replied with "your brother casted an intermediate spell and blew up the wall" "really" I replied yep she said. "so your father sent out a request for a magic tutor". then she said "I didn't know you were teaching him magic you could have informed us you know as you should know magic can be quite dangerous" she said in a scolding tone then I apologize to mom saying"I told him not to practice without my supervision and only the basic water spell water ball" mom Pat's me on the head"as long as you know now"where is my little brother now I ask upstairs she replied so after saying hi to aunt Lilia and see what she's been up to after that I head upstairs to see my little brother Rudy. when I see Rudy in our room playing I say "hello there heard you blew up part of the house" he gets up to look at me I continue to say didn't I tell you not to use magic in the house to use it outside and only practice the water ball and the wind spell" Rudy nods then I say"what am I going to do with you" Rudy then apologizes I Pat is had and said it it's okay

just don't do it again. me and Rudy got talking about what we think his tutor is going to be like. rudiest thinks that it's going to be some old wrinkly man that has a big beard. I said "I think it's going to be some ex-adventure" 2 months later as I was walking through the village this blue eye and haired girl she had a staff and a pointy hat she wore as well look to be mages robes. I greeted her saying"I'm basil grayrat is there something that you need" she responded "I'm Roxy migurdia matter of fact you can I'm looking for the grayrat residence I'm the tutor that accepted the request".so you are a noble then I asked. she replies "no" as I was showing her the way I asked her why she had unusual hair color she said "your one to talk not many humans have silver hair" I didn't mean to offend I said. she then said "I am a demon from Migurd tribe"I showed her the way to my house swung the door open yelling the tutors here. which mom and dad came to the door. and we're utterly shocked at they seen. luckily Rudy breaks the silence "your tiny" Roxy replies "your one to talk" she then asked "who's my student" mom says right here and points to Rudy. Roxy mumbles "you get that sometimes parents get all excited just because their child is a early bloomer" mom said excuse me Roxy said "let me see what he's capable of" mom and dad go back into the house. I ask Roxy if disturb them if I practice outside Roxy replied no. and as I was practicing I hear Roxy using an incantation and before I can stop her a water ball is speeding towards Mom's favorite tree. in order to stop it I throw my dagger. it hits and disperses the water ball. and then I tell Roxy to not use the tree for target practice cuz it's mom's favorite. Roxy replied "I'm sorry I will be more careful next time"and then I said do you want me to make you guys some dummies real quick Rudy response yes please. so I made a couple stoned on me facing away from the tree. Roxy yells in Surprise "you can use magic without incantation" I responded Yes I can my little brother can too go ahead show her Rudy puts his hand out summons a ball of water and launches it at the stone dummy. Roxy muttered maybe he'll be worth teaching after all. then Mom called us in for a feast to celebrate Roxy's arrival it seems things are going to be getting a little interesting from now on.