chapter 7 my new routine my brother is a pervert the green haired elf

Basil's POV

the following year went a little like this.

in the early morning I would meditate until it was time for breakfast. after breakfast I practiced my swordsmanship sometimes sparring with Dad which I always beat him. after that it would be time for lunch. after lunch I would train rudius in the sword which didn't make Dad too happy. as it turns out that kind of sucks at teaching. after that I would go throughout the little village seeing if there was any odds and end jobs I could do if there were I do them get paid a little if not I ended up playing with the neighborhood kids which I ended up being their ringleader and I would sell my toys and statues to the traveling merchant that visit us every once in awhile. then it would be time for supper. after that I would continue to learn some things from Lilia the standard stuff sewing and Royal etiquette. after that it was lessons with Roxy as she was teaching me and Rudy history reading writing math I even asked Roxy if she knew how to create spell circles she replied she didn't but that was something that she did want to learn. most of which I already knew how to do but the history classes was fun I even got her to teach me and Rudy the demon god language. then I would meditate before I went to bed and once a month I would go to Eris Manor and play with her. I even went to her 5th birthday party where I gave her a necklace I made it had a symbol of a wolf on it.a year passed like that.

today I my brother turned four. it turns out my brother is a pervert. I keep catching him trying to peek in on Roxy. he tries when she's changing he tries it when she's bathing whenever he can get a peek. I keep catching him in scolding him telling him you can't do that without permission.

and yet he keeps doing it and just gets better at not getting caught. the final straw is when I seen him with Roxy's underwear. I grabbed him and started dragging into Roxy's room. he was begging me to not let Roxy know about this. I told him "you crossed the line I told you a bunch of times that you shouldn't be doing this without permission and yet you keep doing stuff like this anyways so now it's time to face the consequences" I get to Roxy's door and knock. Roxy asked who is it I responded with basil and Rudy. "I have something I need to talk to you about" I said to Roxy. come in then she replied.

I came in while dragging rudiest by his collar. she asked what's going on I replied here I think these are yours as I handed her underwear back. then I told her how Rudy stole them and that he's been spying on her while she was changing and bathing without permission. I see that Roxy's face is getting a little red.

Roxy's POV. I'm stunned I didn't expect basil to drag Rudy in my room. Basil's quite upset that Rudy is has been spying on me without my permission. Basil's looking at me as if I'm going to punish Rudy. Rudy's looking up at me as if he's about to cry."Rudy seemed attached to me from the start. he even tried some pick up lines mentioning how pretty he thought my hair was and how much he liked me. so I told him that if he still felt the same way in 10 years to say it to me then. I I was trying to think of a way I could get Rudy out of trouble so I asked basil "the reason why you're so upset at Rudy is right now is cuz he's been spying on me and stealing my underwear without permission is that correct" he responds with yes. then I I thought long and hard and finally said "it's a game that we play Rudy tries to spy on me and I try to catch him in the act if I catch him he has to stop and retreat but if I don't spot him he gets to continue to look. same thing with my underwear if you can steal them without me noticing he gets to keep them if not then he doesn't so you see he hasn't been doing it without my permission you also have that same permission basil" I see basil said he lets go of Rudy and apologizes to him. Rudy responds with saying that it's okay. basil and Rudy then tell me good night and then they head off to bed. I'm so glad that crisis got averted could have made things could have gotten a lot.

basil POV

6 months have passed

as I was making my rounds in the village seeing if anybody needed my help I hear some kids yelling I go over to see what's going on I see some kids throwing mud and rocks at a little girl they're yelling telling her to go back to the demon continent. they're ringleader was in kid about my age named David he liked picking on those weaker than him his main target were girls and some of the younger boys. I asked"David what in the hell are you guys doing" playing a game he said whoever hits the demons treasure wins the game. I replied "doesn't look like she's having fun playing" David responds by saying "whatever just move out of the way" I replied no "I've had enough of you bullying those weaker than you and if your parents won't fix that habit I will so leave before this gets ugly" I glare at him. David stutters a little bit "you know what this is boring let's go guys" and he runs off I take a look at the girl but it's huddle around something. I see her ankle is bruised and swollen. she also has mud in her hair I walk over to her and ask if she's okay she sobbed "saying that her ankle really hurts" I said let me take a look at it place my hand on it and I use healing magic. I asked her "does that feel better" she looks amazed for a second then says in a weak tone "yes"then I said "now come with me let's see if I can't get that mud off your hair" a lead her to a drainage ditch end told her to bend down and then I used magic to poor warm water over her head. I took a cloth that I had in my pocket and wiped her face and dried her tears I then asked for her name told she told me it was Sylphiette "that's a really cute name you're going to need to clean your clothes when you get home sylphy". so what were you doing I asked and she replied "I was taking my father's lunch to him" would you like me to go with you she nodded so I went with her to the front gate her father turns out to be Dad's friend Laws. seeing the state that she was in with her muddy clothes he asked what happened. I said "David and his goons were throwing mud and rocks at her I managed to scare them off" well thanks a lot for that basil he said I hope you can continue to be a good friend to my daughter. I said I will and then I took her home but promised I would be back to play with her tomorrow. I headed home to tell Mom and Dad about what happened Dad said that he'd have a talk with David's mother. mother was proud of me for sticking up for her