chapter 15 getting Eris to study the birth of the wolves of war

basils POV

as we entered the city of Roa my brother Rudy couldn't contain his excitement. he was pointing at different buildings and asking what they were which me and ghislaine took turns answering his question.

when we got to the manor we were greeted by some beastkin maids. Rudy was practically drooling. we were led to a reception room there we were served tea as we were awaiting Phillip.

after being served our tea Rudy says I replied to him saying

Rudy nods and replies .

is me and Rudy were making small talk there was a loud crash and as Seros came busting in. yelling at the top of his lungs I immediately did the nobles bow. Rudy tried to imitate me. I then greeted Seros he looks at me and says I smiled and said that put a smile to his face I then introduced him to my younger brother Rudy he looks at him and says Seros leaves the way he came in barreling and crashing through the door leaving it wide Open.

after a little bit longer Phillip came in and greeted us. he looked at us and said yes me and my brother replied. Philip continues on to say I chuckled and said Philip had a grimace as he said I responded I do have a plan. but first can you tell me Eris schedule> Philip proceeds to tell me what he plans for Eris schedule I give a frown as I said Philip nods and says is that so Philip says I smiled and said Philip nods and says I also asked Philip smiles and says it shall be so.

after talking to Philip for a little bit about this and that. Eris comes busting in like her grandfather standing in her normal pose yelling I said. I continue to say he was almost comical how Eris went from happy to disappointed when she learned I was supposed to be tutoring her. she says I looked at her and said I seen Eris make multiple expressions from happy to sad and then one of resignation and she says I smiled and said good she then asked me I replied with Eris frowns and crosses her shoulders and says I looked at her and said after I said all that Eris reluctantly agrees to learning magic from rudy.

after we got Eris to agree to let us tutor her we were shown to our rooms by Thomas. I personally didn't like Thomas whenever I looked into his eyes I got a weird feeling from them. but I just chalked it up to me being paranoid. after we get into my room I immediately begin unpacking and after I unpacked I began working on my teaching plan.

the next day Rudy Eris ghislaine and I headed off for the adventure guild to sign up. on our way there Eris was really excited pointing at the different shops adventures use. when we entered the adventures guild I hardly could contain my own excitement. it was just as I heard it described full of tough looking people. although when I use my sixth sense ability no one here seemed to actually be that strong.

we went up to the counter and asked to register. The guild lady smiled and handed us a piece of paper that we had to fill out basic information like your role and name. as we were filling it out she went over the rules with us. different adventures have different rights it goes from F to S with F being the lowest and S being the highest. and there can only be one rank different between the party leader and the rest of the party members. there were other rules like how it was illegal to buy or trade jobs and how you rank up by doing so many jobs. how you can do one higher than your rank and one lower than your rank. if you do a higher rank it's worth three points if you do one lower it's only worth one point you need so many points to advance. after I help Eris fill out her paper. we placed this paper on this magic device a print out a weird card. they had all our information on it our age race and our party role.

we decided to form our own party and we've been discussing what our party name should be. we were all tossing names out there and we decided to go with one of my ideas and call ourselves The wolves of war.