Loyalty Or Retribution

In David Kingston's world of justice, everyone was subjected to a single code.

This almighty code is loyalty.

It is either you're loyal or you face dreadful retribution. There is no room for sympathy or forgiveness.

Getting yourself killed or nearly escaping death, was never a guarantee for the safety of your family.

If you get killed by an enemy, your family will be annihilated as retribution. If you narrowly escape death, you will be tortured and killed, but your family will be spared.

Hence, it was better to stay alive and never get caught off guard by an enemy.

This was the dilemma of the sixth general as he trembled under David's intense and devilish gaze.

He almost passed out from horror as he read the terrifying meaning behind David's statement. He was aware and had seen pictures of what David did to the families of the dead seventh general.

The fear of what would happen to his beloved family if the Atricon gang somehow got to him greatly frightened the soul out of his body.

He started sweating profusely even in the well-ventilated air condition room and had to wipe his face severally with trembling hands.

For the first time in his evil life, he wished he had not betrayed the original owner of the Kingston empire.

David smirked evilly as he saw the uneasiness and registered fright in the sixth general's composure. He looked away from him and continued with his speech, unperturbed by the sixth general's nightmare.

"We will be using G6 as bait to lure the gang. I am certain that they are human and not ghosts, who are capable of infiltrating even a fortified fortress."

Some of the generals nodded their heads in agreement but others felt sorry for G6.

"I would have loved to listen to everyone's contributions, on what they have discovered over the night. However, time is not on my side at the moment. Hence you all are required to drop all your findings with my head security personnel at the end of this meeting."

A few of the generals happily nodded to David's new directives because of the limited information they had to share.

"I will be unleashing the Fury and some other highly recommended assassins to go into stealth mode and track all the activities of G6," David said with pride, earning him a round of applause and cheers from all the generals except G6.

"I'm not done!" David lifted his right hand in the air and all the cheering immediately ceased.

"Everyone in this room will be donating one-fourth of their resources to see to the success of this mission. If these parasites come calling, we must all be alert and ready."

David slowly stood up scowling at the general as he observed some mild nonverbal protest amongst some who felt one-fourth of their resources was way too much to part with.

"Does anyone have an objection to what I said or a better solution than mine?"

At this statement, Fury who had remained motionless like a statue, slowly moved closer, while gliding one sharpened sword over the other.

There was complete silence in the room as everyone held their breath again for fear of losing their heads.

"Brilliant! It is settled!" David clasped both hands as the side of his lips curved into a brief wicked smile.

"A feast is awaiting you all at my prestigious banquet hall. Enjoy!" He said and briskly left the room through the secret passage door, closely followed by the Fury.


After driving for about thirty minutes on an isolated route, Phoenix finally arrived at Duras City.

Feeling the urgency to blend in, she ditched her car at a safe but hidden spot and hitched a ride with a talkative middle-class young man; who felt Cupid had just shot a love arrow in his direction.

"Am I going to ever find out your name?"

The young man who introduced himself as Ken asked jovially.

"No!" Phoenix replied curtly.

"Okay! But, don't you think it's way too early to be putting on dark shades?

Ken was hoping to see the pretty young girl's eyes.


"Hmm... How about I buy you a cup of coffee since you're going to a coffee shop?"


"Why? Don't you find me attractive or am I not in the league of men you would hang out with." Ken asked, feeling slightly disappointed.


Phoenix maintained a polar response system while looking for the best location to get rid of her generous but annoying driver.

She was practically restraining herself from snapping the young man's neck and repossessing his car.

"When you say yes, do you mean you don't find me attractive or I'm below your league?" Ken's tone bore a hint of hurt and rejection.

"Both!" Phoenix said in a chilly tone.

"What! Do you..."

"If you don't stop asking me stupid questions, I'll be forced to knock out your teeth from your loquacious mouth," She scowled, forcing Ken to go mute.

Then she refocused her attention at her side window, in search of a shopping complex; where she could acquire a perfect disguise outfit.

For the rest of the drive, Ken kept his thoughts to himself. He was greatly terrified by the beautiful young girl seated by his side.

Although he couldn't see her eyes, he could imagine the deadly glint in them. Also, the chillness in her tone as she spoke made him conclude that she was not an ordinary girl to mess with.

"Pull over by the next bend." Phoenix yanked Ken out of his self-absorbed thoughts.

"Now!" Ken raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said I should take you to a coffee shop?" He asked while decelerating.

Phoenix inhaled and exhaled sharply to expel any form of anger before slowly turning to face Ken.

"Ken," She said in the softest voice. If you drive past that bend by half an inch, I will slit your throat with pleasure.

Already close to the bend, Ken quickly pounced on the brake pedal with all his might, causing the car to make a screeching sound before finally coming to a halt.

He was still trying to catch his breath from the sudden adrenaline rush when Phoenix tapped him lightly on his chin and said; "Thanks for being a good boy."

"Y...you're welcome!" Ken replied in a terrified tone.

Immediately, Phoenix alighted from his car, he quickly pounced on his accelerator and sped off, making her chuckle as she disappeared into the crowd of happy shoppers.