It's all my Fault!

As for the man in question, his face was still red after feeling one of the softest things in the world, but he managed to calm down a lot by thinking of some other thoughts other than the feeling of being in heaven. As for Mio, she no longer questioned it because from what she could see, no one wanted to explain to her why Najin showed such a reaction to her chokehold, so she didn't put much interest in it anymore and just went to find Somi since it was time for them to come back already.

When she found Somi, she found her sitting on top of a rock while gazing at the beautiful scenery above her, and probably the most shocking part about this is that the blindfold that was meant to cover her eyes was in her hands. So she immediately opened her mouth and apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, Lady Somi! I didn't know that you had your blindfold off and were looking at the stars on the Space." Mio bowed her head and just as she was about to run away, she was stopped by Somi who had already covered her eyes and was running towards her. But with her vision gone, she got tripped over by a rock, and out of instinct and fear, Mio caught Somi before she could hit the ground.

"Are… are you alright, Lady Somi?" Mio asked attentively as she then looked over at Somi's body to look for any possible injuries that she may get even though she had already caught her in her arms, but even so. She was still extremely worried about the well-being of her Master's daughter, she was afraid that she might have hurt herself because of that, and that it could leave a scar on her.

"Ah, no… I'm sorry, I panicked when I suddenly heard your voice behind me, and I started running because of it… I actually didn't know that you were behind me because I was so immersed in looking at the beautiful stars and planets above me." Somi explained herself while trying to put herself down from Mio's arms but to no avail, as Mio just refused to put her down. This caused her to be distressed and began to panic because she hadn't much physical contact with anyone.

Her mind then began running and her breathing slowly got faster as the second passed and this attracted Mio's attention, but instead of letting go of Somi, she just hugged her tighter before sitting on the ground without caring about all the dirt there.

"Please don't refuse my help, Lady Somi. I know that you have a hard time communicating with people because of your condition and it made you cold and indifferent. But please, let me love you and take care of you, I know that my words seem forced because your Mother has asked me to. But please believe me when I say this, I see you as my own little sister, and I will take care of you to the best that I can." Mio said, she then raised her other hand nervously to pat Somi's head to calm her down.

She could feel her heart breathing fast and her breathing was not normal, she was also sweating profusely, and none of those signs were good because she was basically hyperventilating. For a normal person like it, it was dangerous because something bad might happen to her health.

So Mio wants to try her best to make all of it together and she has done it by confessing the truth to Somi. She saw her as a little sister that she needed to take care of. Mio was an only child of her family and in all her life, she has wanted a sibling, but fate had another plan for her, as she was not given any siblings.

When Mio finally saw that Somi was slowly getting better and she could finally catch up to her breath, she was glad. But before she could truly celebrate, she heard a shaky voice from the little girl in her arms.

"Are you not afraid of me? My mom has already talked about my condition to you and yet, you still say all these things to me. Even my own siblings are afraid to get close to me because they are afraid that I'll accidentally kill them." Somi said as her body began to shake and even though Mio couldn't see Somi's face as her face was buried in her chest, she knew that she was crying.

Her clothes were slowly getting tainted by tears, but none of it mattered to her. For her, the only thing that mattered was to help Somi, but before she could even say anything, Somi had already said something more.

"My Parents who are extremely busy every day still need to take care of me because of this condition and even though they are trying their best to protect me from the outside world, it was useless. The words that my parents had a cursed child who had killed 10 people all at once as soon as she was born spread out and it tainted the name of our Family! It was all because of me!" Somi let it all out as her grip on Mio's clothes tightened and she now began to cry harder. Her whole body shivering.

"Just like that, I immediately became an outcast, I was alone, all alone for all my life. I have no friends, no one to talk to, no one to play…Then someday, my Mother once invited me to join one of the parties that she was invited to, she told me to come because there would be children my age. I was so excited because I thought that I would finally have friends to play around with. But you know what happened when I arrived? No one wanted to play with me… all of them were scared that I would hurt them. The only reason that they were willing to talk to me was because of my Mother." Somi's body stopped shaking and now it seems so weak that the wind could even take it away.

The longer that Mio listens to Somi's pain and loneliness, the more her heart aches for her. At such a young child, she has already felt so much pain that no kid should ever experience.

"My Family now is experiencing some hard times and my Mother doesn't tell me the reason why, but I know the reason. People don't want to work together with someone with a cursed child like me, this is the reason why my Mother put me with you. Because she doesn't want me to be affected by all of this, but I already know all of it. My siblings whom I haven't met are working hard, my parents who I love the most are taking everything to themselves, and here am I crying. They are suffering because of me…" When Somi finally finished her words, she apologized for having an outburst and was about to get off when she felt her being hugged tighter again.

"Lady Somi! Never think like that! It was not your choice to be cursed, right? So why should you blame yourself? And please don't speak like that, I may be an outsider, but I know for a fact that everyone in your family loves you." Mio said, she then repeated the actions that Yuki did to Somi when they separated, she kissed her on the forehead.