Going Back

"I know that it's hard to believe such words especially when it comes from someone like me who is an outsider. But… I had the chance to meet one of your siblings, but that was already over 900 years ago, and I know that it has already been more than 900 thousand years in the Immortal Realm. But even so, after I met Lady Aika for the first time, I immediately knew that she was a very kind and gentle person. We even talked a lot and even though I was just a mere disciple of Master Yuki, she didn't care about any of that, she treated me like a normal person." Mio said the one and only memory that she had of Yuki's other child and when she saw that Somi was slowly starting to calm down, she continued.

"That wasn't all, she even told me some stories about her two older sisters. Your eldest sister, Yumie. She described her to be very much like your Mother but without ruthlessness, she was cold and indifferent to others, but she was very kind to those whom she could really talk to. The second oldest is Katsumi whom she described to be naughty and playful but she is the type of person who likes to help people in need and doesn't hesitate to kill someone to protect the ones she loves, just like what Master Yuki is."

Somi couldn't believe what she was hearing as what Mio told her was what she exactly has read about her older sisters. Because she was stuck in her room, she had a lot of free time to read books, but she mainly read books about her Family as it was something she could only dream of meeting someday. There was nothing she ever wanted in life other than to meet them in person not just by some text.

But because of the curse, she couldn't. She doesn't even know what they look like, she can only imagine what Yuki said and described to her, but that wasn't enough. She could only picture it, but she also knew that it was the best that she had, so she could only accept it.

She had read so many things about them, when they were younger than her, all of them did something that the people of the Immortal Realm would think was an impossible feat, but for them, they did it. Somi was very proud of them and loved them even though she could not see them, though there was some time when they gave her a gift, it was a simple gift but a heartfelt one.

But the letter was sent at the worst possible time, as Somi just got heartbroken by what happened, it was the time when she had accidentally killed someone without her knowing. Her siblings know this, that is why they wrote her a letter.

Each and every one of them wrote Somi a letter when she was 4 years old, saying how much they loved her and she should remember that they were always here by her side even though they could not see and touch her physically. It also stated that they would wait for her to get better so that they could play with her, but Somi was already depressed at this point that she misunderstood them.

She thought that they were not willing to see her because of her curse, they were also afraid that they might get killed like the others, so they just would wait. But in reality, they don't want to meet her, that is what she thought. But of course, it was a wrong assumption.

"Yeah… I know. What you just said has already been written in a book. But… I just can't get rid of the memory saying that they don't want to meet me because they are afraid of me." Somi said in a sad tone as she then explained to Mio what happened 3 years ago.

"What! I did not know that such a thing fucking happened! You, why did all of you say nothing about this to me?" Yuki asked coldly as she asked the three beautiful women who had a guilty look on their faces, but before any of them could answer, a voice interrupted.

"Now… don't yell at them. I was the one who told them to write a letter to her. I thought that she would be happy when she received a letter from them, but I didn't expect her to misunderstand them. So if you are going to punish someone, it should be me since it was my idea and decision." A woman with jet-black hair and radiant blue eyes held Yuki's hands and stared at her.

"Never do that again again, Kurokami…." After knowing that it was Kurokami who did it, Yuki couldn't stay mad anymore, but she still flicked her forehead in response.

"She's my daughter, of course, I want the best for her." Kurokami defended herself as she was just doing something for Somi that she thought would help her.

"I know that, but I said this already right…. Those eyes are very dangerous, if something goes wrong, it could do something unimaginable." Yuki only sighed and it brought silence to everyone because they knew what she was thinking.

"No, don't apologize. If any of you want to apologize, say it to her face so that she can hear it." Yuki cuts everyone off just as all of them are about to apologize for their actions that caused a very big misunderstanding that made Somi depressed. Yuki then snapped her fingers and opened a Gate that led to the Mortal Realm, if they wanted to apologize for it, they should apologize to the person they hurt which was Somi and not her, since it would be more appropriate.

But her words made all of them speechless, this was something that they were not expecting to happen, especially for the three. Because for them, it was also their dream to finally meet their little sister, at most they only see a portrait of her that was drawn by Kurokami, and that was it.

"Since the twins are not here, you guys will suffice. Plus, I don't think that they actually wrote something too right? She only mentioned her three older sisters, not her two older brothers. Is that right, Fumiko?" Yuki asked as she asked the woman on her left who only nodded.

"Yeah, even I don't know about this. I didn't know that these three actually wrote a letter for Somi, but if I had known it earlier. I might have also made them write letters, as they have also been meaning to meet Somi for quite a while now." Fumiko said, but she got a glare which just made her chuckle in response.

"Enough of this, let's just go meet her now. Can't believe I'm doing this, but this is for the better."