Somi Was Kidnapped

All of them decided to give up since it seemed that they wouldn't be able to change what Mio had set already, so with dejected looks on their face they weren't able to help their students ease their stress even for a little bit. Mio was only left confused at this as for a moment they wanted something from her, but now it seems that all of them changed their mind and just walked away, but she couldn't care less anymore since there were no more people troubling her from going home.

When she finally at the Faculty Room, she timed out before finally leaving with a light smile on her face, and beside her was Somi who was quietly following her. If one were to look at her, they would immediately tell that she was excited about something. Mio who saw this couldn't help but chuckle as deep inside, Somi was still a little girl who wanted to experience the world and have fun despite having a cold exterior. In her opinion, it would be better if could express her emotions better as every child should have a happy childhood as they deserve it.

"Lady Somi, do you have any preference in where you want to go first?" Mio asked when they were finally out of the Academy and at the gate her question made Somi think if there was a place where she would like to go first, but as she didn't really go outside back in the Immortal Realm, she was quite clueless.

"Actually no… I didn't really have any experience outside, I only stayed in my room most of the time. I will just leave it up to you because for me anything is fine as long as it is fun and entertaining!" Somi's eyes lit up as she just let Mio decide where they would go, but she said what she would prefer.

Monder begins to think about where they should visit first, but no matter how hard she thinks she cannot think of a good place to visit as she is not the type of person who goes out to have fun, she will only go out if she is going hunting. Without much of any choice, she dialed Solar's number in her phone and as she waited for her to answer, she opened her mouth to say something to Somi.

"I will just call someone Lady Somi to ask if they know some places to go, so please wait," Mio said softly as she looked down to where Somi was when she saw her nodding her little head, she was glad as she finally begins to talk to Solar who just answered her call.

"Hey… do you know any places that might be good to visit when you want to have fun? Lady Somi said that she wanted to look around Earth. Do you have any recommendations?" Mio went straight to the point and asked Solar if there were some places where she could recommend to her to visit.

"Hmmm… this is definitely shocking, never would I have expected that you would ask such a thing. But if you only go with us, you will never ask me for help. But then again, you are just that type of person and as your friend, I will help you. I sent you a document of some places that you can visit. Don't worry, this is all International, it's not just Japan. Have fun with your trip, also take some pictures for me!" Solar said before dropping the call making Mio shocked as she didn't expect Solar to have something like that already.

But when she thinks about it again, Solar was the type of person to do that as she loves to explore and have fun all around the world. She doesn't even do her job properly as she spends most of her time having fun or just lazing around, though she can say the same for her as she literally does nothing all day.

As she begins to read the document that Solar gave to her, she begins to think of an itinerary plan for today as there was no possible way for her to finish exploring everything within just half a day, at most she is only going to visit 3 places. When she was finally done reading everything and had picked the 3 best spots in her mind, she turned around only to see Somi gone.

"Lady Somi! Where are you?" Mio instantly panicked as she didn't even realize how Somi disappeared because she always had her eyes on her even though she wasn't looking at her. Her Mana sense then exploded as she tried to find where Somi was, and when she saw that she was already in a different country.

"Fuck!" Mio cursed immediately as she now realized that she had been played with by someone and when she began to think about what happened a few hours ago, she immediately found out what happened.

"Those fuckers… they just wouldn't stop unless they are on their death bed huh?" Mio said as she closed her eyes and began to think of a way how she could save Somi without causing too much bloodshed.

The people who managed to capture Somi without her realizing were Martin's people and she knew this because some Teachers in the Academy were working for him and she saw those people approach Somi. At first, she didn't think much of it as she knew that they were not going to do something bold in the eyes of everyone, but what she didn't expect them to do was mark Somi with a Magic that teleports her at their command to wherever they want.

Mio didn't even realize that she was already releasing her terrifying aura made the Teachers come out of the Academy only to see Mio looking at the sky with a murderous aura around her that made them pale. Alice was also one of those people who came out to see what was happening and she was confused and terrified at the same time as this was the first time she saw Mio being this angry.

Even when she fought Martin, she didn't have this kind of look or aura around her, and even though she was beaten up by him, she was still not taking him seriously. She was calm about it, but now everything was so different.

"What is happening? Mio, did something happen?" Alice asked, but it was already too late as Mio disappeared from where she was standing as well and the bloodlust in her surroundings disappeared. All of them were finally able to breathe properly now that Mio was gone but none of them still dared to move as if they were scared that they were going to die under her bloodlust.

Alice gritted her teeth and called her Mother to ask if she knew why Mio had an outburst. But it didn't help much as Solar was also shocked about this news.

"Mom! What is happening? I just saw Mio releasing so much bloodlust as if someone had offended her, do you know what happened?"

"No, I don't. I just talked to her a few minutes ago. Where is she now?" Solar asked in a nervous tone as she knew what could happen when Mio was enraged, and there was nothing good about it.

"She disappeared! I think she is going to the person who offended her. Mom! I'm scared of what will happen, I have never seen Mio having that kind of expression before, or even heard of stories of the Grand Saintess having such a strong bloodlust!"

"Wait for me, I'll come to you immediately!"