Enraged Mio Part 1

It didn't even take Solar a 5 minutes before she was already in the presence of everyone and when they saw her, all of them couldn't help but kneel on the ground under her presence. The news of Alice being in the most prestigious family in the World is not new to them and practically everyone knows it, but it was not an everyday occurance for them to meet her Mother, it was practically impossible. But now she actually showed up right in front of them and all of them couldn't admire her presence.

"All of you stand up, there's no need to kneel on the ground. I'm just here because of a few things. Whatever you saw here must stay between you and if a word ever comes out of what happened, then you very well know what will happen." Solar said as she made all of them stand up before warning them to not reveal any news regarding what happened to today and when they heard it, all of them couldn't help but suck in cold air.

They just nodded their head as they were too afraid of offending the person right in front of them, they don't even dare to offend Alice alone who was her daugher to which they will still have a chance of living, but as for offending Solar. There was simply no way out for them other than death.

"It's good that all of you understand, now you can leave now." Solar nodded her head before dismissing all of them to which all of them quickly left after saying their respects to her once more before finally leaving, and when all of them were gone, she could finally turn to her daughter who was still very anxious. But to say that she wasn't anxious too was an understatement, because being Mio's friend for more more than 500 years already, she knows what it was like to really get on the bad side of Mio.

"Do you really not know what happened?" Solar asked helplessly as the last thing she wants to see was Mio rampaging because of one person's mistake and when she is mad, she does things extremely harsh. She doesn't care if innocent people lives get taken, as long as she get what she wants, she wouldn't mind slaughtering thousands if not millions of people for it.

"No… oh wait! Now that you said that to me… when I felt her immense bloodlust, I immediately went to find whose causing that, and to my surprise it was Mio. But it wasn't the only thing that I saw, for some reason, Somi the little girl that she brought was nowhere to be found. I think that is the reason for why she is mad, because someone managed to kidnap her." When those words came out of Alice's mouth, Solar's face went extremely pale because now she understands why Mio was truly enraged this time even though it was a hard thing to do.

'Fuck! This is really bad… if something were to really happen to her…' Solar didn't even dare to imagine what will happen, the worst outcome possibly will happen. She still remembers the words of Mio on how she decribed her Master, the Mother of Somi and how terrifying she could be.

"Mother? Why do you look like that? It look like you have just seen a ghost, do you know that little girl?" Alce asked as she suddenly had a bad premonition when she saw her Mother's fearful face when she explained what could be the reason why Mio was so enraged, but she didn't think that she would be correct since she was kind of familiar with Somi as she was the little girl that she took from one of the Gates.

"She said to you that she took the little girl from a Gate, right? Well… you see that is a complete lie because she doesn't want you to look into that little girl. I know that what I'm going to say is going against her wishes, but that is her little sister, you can say her only remaining family member, and from that I think you can understand why she reacted like that, right?" Solar corrected one thing about the story that Mio gave to her daughter but still chose to lie on who is Somi because her identity wasn't something like ordinary people like them could understand.

"What? Then how did she appear? Because when she first entered the Gate, she was all alone, and when she came out, Somi was suddenly with her." Alice was now confused but she was evenmore confused after hearing that Somi was Mio's only family member left, but this fact made her sad and she slowly begins to understand why Mio was so enraged when Somi got kidnapped.

"Yeah… believe when I said this. But she's the only one, as for why she was inside the Gate, her little sister is special. But I won't give into much detail as I don't think I'm the right person to explain that." Solar no longer explained as she was going to let Mio to be the one to explain it after telling her what happened before hand so that she is at least prepare to come up with a story to tell her daughter.

Alice was simply speechless as it seems that the matter today was deeper than what she thinks, but in her heart she was kind of sad that Mio lied to her about something. If Solar knew what her daughter was thinking, she would be speechless as she also couldn't believe that her daughter was so in love with her bestfriend even though she already knows that Mio was her aunt.

"Lets forget about that for now, tell me… do you know if any person that Mio might have offended? Because I already know that you have seen what kind of personality she has. So please be honest with me, do you think someone might have some grudge at her that could do this?" Solar asked with a serious face as she looked over her daughter who begins to think hard wether someone from the Academy could really do this.

"I… I don't know Mom. When she arrived at the Academy, she fought with one of the student, and coincidentally that student belongs to the Suratin Family, but she also offended Martin, my Vice Principal. From that, I don't know which one of the two, but they aren't really just the people, you already know that those people have some lackeys behind them that would also get mad since their Master was offended, so of course there is that chance that they will get revenge for them." What Alice said completely made sense which made Alice frown even more as there was too many people who can be suspect, but just as she was about to open her mouth to say something, she felt the ground shaking violently.

"No way… Mom, is that Mio?"