World Meeting

When the two heard the contents of the letter that she had written, the two swallowed hard as they became tense immediately since they knew that things were about to go real. But not only that, it only means that Mio is ready to show herself in the world once more as the Primordial Goddess of Death.

"Yeah… I'm going out of my way because, in some way, this is my fault. I know that there is a civilization that is growing outside of our Galaxy, so this is I guess my way of atoning my sin." Mio said lightly as she explained to them why she wanted to hold a World Meeting.

The World Meeting just the name suggests, is where every single Leader of Earth gathers in one place to hold a meeting that will decide the future of the World. Mio and the people of her time were the ones who created this, but they didn't really create it since it already existed way before the times of the System and Gates.

Mio was very familiar with this since she was the one who proposed the idea of using the World Meeting that the previous Presidents have used before, mainly because her Master is the reason why it even exists. That is why she proposed the idea of using it.

"But none of you have to worry, it is still going to be the same. No one can know about my identity, other than you people." Mio eased them when she saw the nervous and tense look on their face. Even if she was going to show herself again after so many years, she would still hide her identity as she just knows how troublesome things going to be if the world comes to know who she really is.

"Solar, you can also help me by holding a press conference about this World Meeting that is going to happen so that those old fools will be more pressed to join. Since people already know that you have some connections with me. I'll also send you this audio record that you can play once you hold that press." Mio said as she threw a small recorder at Solar who caught it with her hands.

"I see… then you can leave it to me. I'll do what you want me to do and I promise you that I will live up to your expectations." Solar said seriously as she knew that this would help Mio a lot by gathering the attention of the citizens so that they would put pressure on all of those old monsters on Earth.

Those old Monsters are called that because they are also the pillars of the Earth, they are also the reason why it can still stand right now. They are the Grand Elder of their clans, Mio knows some of them, especially the ones that are in Japan. Mainly though she only knows three of them personally.

They were the Family Clans of Liao Xi from the Liao Clan, they were originally from China, but because of some things they moved to Japan, Hiroshima Sana of the Hiroshima Clan, and finally Irene Stella from the Stella Clan. Those three are the ones that she only knows, but even though she knows them personally, she still hasn't shown them her real face since she doesn't have any plans on doing so in the first place.

Just like that, their little meeting about the Monster Civilization that has been rising has died down and it was finally time for Mio to ask Solar about the news of the kidnapper since this was the real reason why she came here.

"Oh yeah, I'm kind of going off-topic now, but the real reason that I came here is to ask what happened to those kidnappers that you captured, are all of them behind bars now?" Mio asked as she took a sip of her now cold tea, she frowned at that before heating it up with a little magic.

"Them? Well… all of them are already taken by the police, but of course, taking on the account that they are hundreds, it would take quite a time before their judgment can truly be put on, but that doesn't mean that they are still free. They are now behind bars because I pulled some strings on it, but we are still waiting for the judgment so that they can get their prison sentence." Solar said as she gave Mio the report papers in her storage ring.

"That's good enough. Surely one of them has confessed, right? You now know who he is, so what do you think I should do?" Mio asked with a light smile on her face and when Solar heard her she smiled awkwardly since she also knew who was behind the kidnapping incident.

It was of course Martin, her daughter's best friend who happened to be one of her pursuers too. But the latter part doesn't really concern her that much because even if she finds Martin to be quite suitable at first, that no longer matters afterr knowing what he can do out of jealousy.

"Well… I think it's the best if you just do what you want. But if I have to say something, just please don't get caught by my daughter, that is the last thing that I want to happen." Solar sighed dejectedly as she knew in the end that she had no powers to control what will Mio do to Mio, so she could only hope that her daughter wouldn't be able to witness such a thing because it might break her as she knows how cruel Mio can be.

"I have no plans to in the beginning, I'm not that bad of a person you know. Plus I see Alice as my niece just as you say, even though it doesn't look like it." Mio shrugged it off like it was nothing since she still knows what will happen if Alice were to see what she was dong with Martin.

"That's good, is that all you have to say? You have been staying here for more than an hour now, are you sure it's a good idea to leave, Somi for this long?" Solar asked and when Mio got reminded of Somi, she was nervous at first, but when she remembered that nothing was going to happen now since she puts a lot of countermeasure now, no one would be able to even come close to her.

"There's no need for that. I was careless before, but it's different now. I already set up lots of defences around her, not even you can destroy those defenses, so why do you think that Somi would be in any danger?"

"You're dumb, you know that? I know that already, what I'm referring to is, are you sure it's all alright to leave her alone? I mean you did say that she is watching TV, but I'm sure it's just about time before she gets bored of it, as watching an hour straight is too much. She might get lonely without your presence." Solar sighed and looked at Mio with mockery in her eyes as she couldn't believe that Mio didn't understood her.

"That… yeah. Well, what can you say? I'm quite new to this also, so it's my first time. Anyway, now that you mention it, I'll be leaving now."