Giving Somi some Books

Mio finally turned around before teleporting away in front of them and when she did, the two who were left in the room silently looked at each other nervously, the atmosphere around they were incredibly tense as they were afraid of what would happen in the near future.

Just the story of a Monster Civilization that has been standing for as long as their new World was a terrifying thought because it could only mean two things. Either the Monster Civilization is stronger than them or on par, simply because there was no possible way for them to be weaker than them.

They were born as Monsters, just their innate physical strength alone is stronger than them, but if they also include that they are also a stronger Magic User than them, it just made it a lot harder already. The only reason that they could win was because all of them were born without any mind at all, they were mindless which is why it is very easy for them to predict their attacks.

But now it has changed, they have built a civilization which could only mean that those Monsters have evolved to have some intellect of their own which would make their battle even more trickier than it already is. Before they already had their struggles with them, but now that they have a mind of their own, it only takes it to another level.

"Hey… do you think that we can win this war? You were also present there when we fought something like this." After a long silence, Solar opened her mouth to ask a question at Minato who was still quiet and seemed to be thinking something in his mind.

"Oh… yeah. There is no way I can forget about that. That tragic event alone killed Billions of people. Even after we defeated that Gate, people were so depressed about what happened that no one was able to stand again with their feet which stalled the comeback of humanity." Minato said and there was a lingering sadness in his tone.

"Yeah, I know what you mean… That is such a dark time for us, but even though it was such a dreadful experience, there was one person who didn't seem to be affected by it, and we both know who it is." Solar agreed before adding another comment which caused Minato's body to shake since he knew who exactly she was talking about.

It was Mio, for them, she didn't know how she was like that. Billions of her people died because of that one incident, yet she doesn't seem to show much concern for those people who died. From that everyone who was close and knew who she was realized that she was really cold, indifferent, and cruel. Because for them, no normal human being is going to be that emotionless despite knowing what happened to her fellow people.

"She's just different, you and I know that already. But as for your question… it's hard to say. We have gotten a lot stronger already since that incident happened, our technology and power have exceeded that of Monster Civilization already. But giving you a straight answer, I can't do it, maybe she's the only one who can answer that question. After all… she's the pinnacle of our World." Minato answered before grabbing the pile of documents on the table and saying goodbye to Solar to leave.

"I just hope that the nightmare that happened 300 years ago won't happen again." Solar sighed as she fell back to the sofa before closing her eyes to try and get some sleep once more.

"Lady Somi! I'm back!" Once Mio opened the door to her apartment, she announced that she was home. But before she entered she hadn't opened it yet and decided to do some investigation around the perimeter to see if there was something that happened around it.

But after seeing that nothing happened, she only sighed in relief and entered her house. When she got inside, she no longer heard the sound of the TV, so she began to look at her apartment to see where she was, and when she found that she was inside her room, she was pleasantly surprised.

As she was walking towards her room, she began to think if she should move out now that she was staying with another person. Even though the apartment that she was in was a 6 ★ Hotel, she was still thinking of moving back to her mansion. But thinking that it would be much harder and annoying to live in, she held that idea back.

"Lady Somi, can I come inside?" Mio didn't forget to knock before entering and only when she got her permission that she can go inside is when she did, and when she did, she was pleasantly surprised to see the books that were on her bookshelves were all piled up around her little table.

"Are you going to read all these books?" Mio asked before sitting on her bed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I took them without your permission. But I just got too curious of them." Somi apologized when she realized that she didn't get permission from Mio to go to her bookshelves and began to look through them and even take some books for her to read.

"Oh, no. It's fine, you don't have to worry about that. You can even ask me for some more books, especially some books about the History of our World since it is probably the best book that you can read since you already know a lot of things about Magic." Mio shrugged it off as it was nothing in her eyes.

Her books were just catching some dust on her bookshelves since she doesn't ever read them as she was the one who wrote all of them. Though she only took some of them and most of her original books are in the Palace of Eternity's Library, there were some copies of her books, and those were the books that have been publicized.

The original books that she wrote by hand are in a special place that no one can access but she, even Solar doesn't have any right to go inside unless she asks Mio for permission. But she doesn't mind taking it out just for Somi to read for almost the same reason, it was just there catching dust in.

"Really, then that would be amazing. Thank you, Mio!"