A Different Kind of Test for Solar and Mio

"Spring Water of the Demonic Soul Tree? One of the most precious resources in the Immortal Realm?" Yangyang muttered under her breath as she then looked at the glass of water that barely had anything left on it, she felt immense guilt that she was the only one who drank it. If she knew that the water was going to be like that, she would have shared it with everyone because it was clear that it was Chisato's intention from the beginning to share that one glass of water with everyone, and yet she drank all of it.

"You don't have to worry too much, Chisato did say that the Spring Water of the Demonic Soul Tree is considered one of the most precious resources for a cultivator which she is not wrong, but you also don't have to worry about it because… I own that tree, I have an infinite supply of it. All of you will get your own glass, as for the reason, it's because this will help you in your future battle with that Gate." Yuki chuckled after seeing Yangyang's guilty look before reassuring her with some shocking news, and when everyone heard it, all of them gasped in shock.

They all thought that such Tresure was scarce since Chisato and Yuki explained that what Yangyang just drank was one of the most scarce and valuable treasures ever in the Immortal Realm. But after they heard that they didn't have to worry because the one who owned the tree was actually their Goddess, they all sighed in relief, but they were still shocked to hear that she could own something like that.

"I know what all of you are thinking… Why won't I sell it if it is so precious, right? Well, I don't really care about wealth if I'm going to be honest, plus there are a lot more ways I can use that Water. Like giving it to my deserving subordinates, or the cultivators at my Sect if they deserve it I guess… Plus if I sell it… I'll probably sell it per drop or per 10 ml because that is how potent that is. Let's just say that if I were to sell that glass of water to you, it would cost around 900 Billion Purple Gold, or 100 Quintillion Dollars in your currency, maybe even more if I want to." Yuki shrugged as she thought of the price of the Water, though in reality, the price that she mentioned was just going to be 10 ml.

Because that is simply how precious it is, considering that the Immortal Realm was so powerful and highly sought after, it would be stupid if she sold it any lower. But that was the price in the Mortal Realm's currency as they still use Dollars, but if it was going to be in the currency of the Immortal Realm, it would be so much more. The price was just a rough estimate of course.

"100 Quintillion… Holy fuck, I don't think Earth even has that kind of money if we pool every Money in the world. That is so much…" Mio muttered in shock as she couldn't believe that such an ordinary-looking water would be so expensive, but considering the effects that it gives to the drinker, it was more than worth it since the effects were a permanent boost in cultivation. But it even speeds it up while maintaining a good foundation in your cultivation and that was extremely powerful because the worst enemy of all cultivators was time.

"That's just normal since the economy of Earth is not what it used to be since I disappeared. If I were here, maybe I could have bought a single glass of water if I used all of my resources. But you don't really have to worry about it since earning money in the Immortal Realm is relatively easy, it's not too hard as long as you do a lot of quests for the Adventurer Guild. But we'll talk more about that when you actually go there." Yuki stopped herself from saying more and just stayed quiet.

She then signaled for the other person to come up and start the test so they could finally continue as she was still looking forward to seeing what all of them would show her. Right now she was already impressed with one and she still had to go more than 10 of them, and she was most definitely excited how Mio would fare, so she gave her a look saying that she would go last.

When Mio saw this, she unconsciously nodded her head and swallowed her saliva in nervousness as it seemed that her Master was expecting a lot from her in this test, so she couldn't help but feel nervous. But she quickly shook that feeling off her as he needed to be confident if she wanted to impress her Master, being nervous would only drag herself down if she did.

Yuki who saw all of this just smiled as she didn't even look at the person who was already charging at her and simply blocked all of his attacks easily like what she did with Yangyang, and as time passed, Mio was getting nearer. Yuki was glad that she was not disappointed with everyone as every single one of them has their own strengths and weaknesses, and seeing it with her own eyes, she already knew that all of them would just be fine when they arrived at the Immortal Realm.

They will only need to work together to survive and have a better experience in the Immortal Realm, and once they do that, their Journey toward the Immortal Realm will be a breeze, or at least they won't struggle too much when traversing it.

"Solar… You're up next, come up and show me how powerful is the Top Assassin of the Mortal Realm. I'm expecting a lot from you. But let's make this Test even more interesting, I'm not picking favorites, I'm just stating the fact here, Mio and Solar are the strongest by far, that is why we are going to do this test a little differently." Yuki smiled as she walked forward until she was in front of Solar before stopping.

But even though she said those words, none of them were offended as they knew this fact already. They simply smiled and nodded in agreement, and when Yuki saw that, she smiled even more as they were much more open-minded than she thought. They can be taeched as none of them have too big of a head, they still know how to accept when someone is clearly stronger than them.

"Good… Solar, take this weapon and fight seriously, with the intent of killing me, and this weapon will help you. I'm doing this because I want to see how much I can push you, but don't worry, I'm going to limit my powers again to your level." Yuki chuckled as she took out a pair of Daggers from her Spatial Ring and gave them to Solar temporarily for this spar.

When Solar heard her words and felt the cold metal in her hands, she shivered. Solar then looked down at the Dual Dagger on her hands and found that she couldn't even see the stats of it, and even though she could not see it, she could already feel the immense strength the Dagger was releasing.

"Oh shit… This little fucker actually likes you. It's a Soul Weapon that I found in one of my journeys and it is Ranked at Black, but of course, it is in the standards of the Immortal Realm. So yeah… it might not kill me, but it is more than enough to put real damage on my body." Yuki said as she took one of the Daggers and cut her arm in demonstration.