Solar's Test

"See? It doesn't have a problem in damaging me at all, of course, if you are also good enough, you can also kill me because this thing almost has a perfect Passive on it that makes it where every hit that it lands it would deal Soul Damage to their enemies. Soul Damage I mean literally the Soul of that person, but in order for it to work you actually would need to hit certain parts of the body for you to damage them, that is why I said near perfect Skill." Yuki explained to Solar before stopping to show her where she should hit her enemies if she wanted to inflict Soul Damage on them.

"There are only four parts where you need to hit them, but they are kind of hard to hit unless you are really fucking good… but you being an assassin, I believe that you can make it work. Just know this, I'm not the one who made this weapon, I'm just going to say that because the parts that you need to hit are quite something… There are only four parts: the crotch, both of the side lumbar region, the popliteal, and lastly which is actually the most normal one out of all of the parts that I have mentioned is going to be the nape." After Yuki finished listening to all of the parts that Solar needed to hit, she continued.

"As I have explained, your test is going to be different. Instead of trying to make me move, I challenge you to hit any of the parts I mentioned, and you only need to hit three of them for me to consider it your win. Do you have any more questions?" Yuki simply asked as she gave the Daggers back to Solar who just stayed silent the whole time, but that didn't mean she wasn't listening.

In her mind, she was already memorizing all of the parts that she just mentioned and after so much consideration, Yuki was right because all of those were awkward spots to hit especially the crotch area, and that is the spot that she would avoid because she thinks that it would be inappropriate for her to do so. But since she needs three out of four, it would be challenging for her.

But being an Assassin she has more than experience in killing her enemies in those parts because two of those were the most vital parts of a human, the nape and the lumbar region which was deadly to hit, so of course she had practiced a lot to where she can guarantee a kill on every single hit as that was the job of an Assassin.

"That's the face that I like to see… Now let's get this started already!" Yuki said as she immediately vanished and arrived in front of Solar before attacking her which caught her off guard, but luckily she was able to react in time she blocked it, but Yuki still managed to graze her, and when she felt it, she almost knelt on the ground because it was just a punch but the blow of it made all of her organs inside to shake violently.

But she was not going to let this be the end of her, she clenched the Daggers in her hands tightly before finally going all out in fighting Yuki, she now began to take this seriously and to say that Yuki was not impressed with what she was seeing, was an understatement. Because she was more glad and impressed by what Solar was showing her.

In just about 30 minutes or so, Solar was able to keep up with her attacks and moves, but as soon as she began to make a different pattern in her attacks, that is when Solar began to fall off again, her adaptability was already amazing enough. Even if she was holding herself back, there were not many people who could actually take her on the same level that Solar was showing.

Just as Yuki was casually blocking all of Solar's attack, she was taken aback when she saw her grabbing sand and throwing it at her which actually made her close her eyes, Solar didn't hesitate and stabbed her stomach at this hitting one of the three parts that she needed. This land of attack instantly made Yuki cough up blood as she actually forgot what it felt like to be hit by her soul.

"Oh… shit. You cheeky brat, you actually got me with that sand attack." Yuki said with a light smile as she held her stomach before wiping the blood in her mouth this scene made everyone suddenly cheer in happiness for Solar as none of them actually thought that Solar would be able to pull it off, but she did.

"That's amazing, Solar! Now you only have to hit two more and you will pass!" All of them cheered and they felt even more hyped at this moment watching how their friend was actually surprised and the most fun that they had ever since they became the strongest as life for them had become dull.

But it was also probably the greatest achievement that Solar had achieved as she injured the Goddess who made their world and that alone was the biggest feat that anyone could have, and even if she holding back, it was still an amazing feeling.

"Look like I need to take you on much more seriously now if you are actually this good… Let's go for round two then, shall we?" Yuki smiled as she snapped her fingers and instantly made their field into a tundra making everyone shiver in fear as now they knew that she was going to be even more serious than before.

If before she was still holding back to where Solar can't even barely do anything with just her Physical Powers alone, they can only imagine what is going to happen now that Yuki is finally going to use her Magic on Solar. At this moment, they can only pray for her.

They then simply watched how Ice Petals began to bloom everywhere and it all absorbed the Ice Mist that Yuki created clearing all of their view, and to their horror… Those Petals then spurt out dozens of Ice Thorns that relentlessly went forward and attacked Solar without stopping and all of this happened while Yuki was still chasing after her, but now instead of using her fist, she wielded two Katana made with Ice.

"Come on now… I'm sure this is nothing to you, you can still bring out something more right?" Yuki simply chuckled after seeing how Solar was now struggling even more as she just casually arrived in front of her with her hands locked up by her Thorns before kicking her in the stomach making her fly away a few meters to only get stopped by a wall of Ice that had thousand of spikes on them pinning her on the wall.

The blue Ice then turns into a shade of red, but before Solar can react, the blood that was painted on the Ice Wall suddenly begins to move as if they have their own life.