
Looking down at the sleeping girl beside him, Yogiri uncovered himself from his bedsheets.

Seeing her innocent sleeping face so close to his morning wood he was almost tempted to give her a 'wake-up call', but he tried his best to shrug it off.

He had pushed her hard yesterday, to the point where even if sleep wasn't required she still somehow felt mental exhaustion.

He took the time to give her a small peck on the head before he slowly slid her head off his lap and onto his initial resting place.

After recovering her with the sheets he got up and lightly stretched. It was time to grind, well almost.




It was funny how even when things like sleep and food weren't required the human brain still takes it as a luxury to indulge in.

Now though, Yogiri didn't have to worry about what he ate, it would all leave him the same way and the energy given was minimal. Him absorbing atmospheric energy was more than enough to sustain him.

He did, however, require water. Well at least in times of his body overheating, he did still sweat, albeit it took a lot longer for his body to overheat.

He also found that he never did stop breathing. It was something instinctual and even with it not being required his brain would still signal for it.

Still baffled by all his new abilities, Yogiri brushes his teeth as he looks down at his laptop in front of him.

It was a Google Maps close-up of a compound his family-owned. It consisted of a large house and a few other various structures used for miscellaneous activity.

More importantly, though, he knew for absolute certain that underneath was a nuclear bunker they had just in case.

Yogiri had decided this would be the best place for him to train until he either built a more suitable place or unlocked an ability that gave him a separate space.

With that knowledge, he took note of where it was before getting up to spit out the toothpaste from his mouth.

It wasn't until Yogiri had finished brushing his teeth that Yue woke up and joined him in the shower. Yogiri mid-wash explained what they would be doing for the coming time until they decided on what quest to start.

Yogiri called for a Uber to take him to Inaka where the compound was located. It was in all purposes a countryside meaning there were a lot of open spaces. The compound in particular was fairly far away from any other establishment or home.

After paying for the fair Yue and Yogiri happily explored the place before Yogiri pulled out a massive key and used it to open up their new residents.




The bunker was fairly lavish in that everything they would need to live comfortably was in there. There were some things though, that they could happily destroy- *cough*, repurpose to fit what they needed.

For instance the two extra bedrooms. They both took all the furniture and the like out of the room and put it all in one of the storage units outside the bunker. They then destroyed the walls separating them, until they were left with one giant empty room.

There really wasn't much physical equipment the two would need besides Yogiri who would like to use weights. Thankfully, that too was also included in the bunker along with a sizeable gym.

Afterward, the two sat down and came up with a plan on how they would best utilize their makeshift training ground to well train.

As of now Yogiri's main abilities were his devil fruit, his psychokinesis, and his energy manipulation.

While Yue had, Absolute Demise and her energy manipulation.

Yogiri had to show her a few wikis for her to fully comprehend what exactly a Longinus was, and even more so what her's specifically did.

Eventually, though she got it down. Still, her main focus right now was developing and getting used to her energy manipulation.

Despite her mana construct completely disappearing she could still easily cast spells just as good or even better than she did previously.

After a quick assessment of her current abilities, she decided to simply work on the speed at which she could cast spells as well as increasing her reserves by repeatedly dispensing it all into her storage device.

Yogiri meanwhile was back to using his devil fruit while doing pushups.

He had a few ideas about using his newly found control of his testosterone to accomplish something similar to that of the Super Saiyan transformation in which he could compact his muscles tightly and multiply his strength, although his energy wouldn't increase much.




For an entire week, they dedicated themselves to the grind with considerable progress. For one Yogiri with his healing factor found it laughable how fast his strength speed and overall physical capabilities were increasing.

Normally one would have to wait for their muscles to tighten and heal themselves before progress is felt, but not Yogiri.

Even if the shape of his body didn't grow much, the sheer density of his muscles caused them to feel like boulders.

At this time he had completely gotten used to double his own gravity and he could act under it like it was normal.

He could also now use his devil fruit for around 8 hours before needing a break.

He had also gotten pretty far with his psychokinesis. As of now, he was only focusing on the most basic usage of it which was to lift physical material with it.

When he first started even lifting a one-pound weight took a heavy strain, but now he could effortlessly lift even 20 times that.

Unfortunately, he couldn't achieve something like flight, by using his gravity to make him float, and his psychokinesis to push him as it took all his focus to use just one of them.

Yue also had gotten far with her training. Her rate of energy restoration had increased by at least 20% and the speed at which she could fire off spells and nearly doubled.

All in all, they were more than satisfied by their efforts something they showed off in the bedroom later that night.

When one is dedicated to the grind one must set aside all else to give their 100%.

This meant they eat, sleep, and most upsetting of all fuck in the last week.

Safe to say their session didn't die down until 3 days later.

It was also during this time that Yogiri and the group had decided what quest they would do first.

{Quest: A false god's fall.}

{Quest Description: Kill Ehit and free the various races of Tortus from his sick game.}

{Rewards: 10,000 TWD, Tortus Magic Encyclopedia, A random wheel that will decide on a power/ability the person will receive.}

{Skill: Universal Language, will be given upon starting the quest.}

Safe to say Yue above all was excited for this quest.