
(Yogiri): Well, we have the quest. When are we going?

(Absolute Filth): Ehm, I kinda sorta need a bit more time to get used to this new weird energy source.

(Yogiri): As slow and useless as always.

(Absolute Filth): Such words...

(Nemesis): Heh, I say we go now.

(Tsukasa): I've been able to get used to my new abilities so far. Plus I've seen in the anime there are multiple places to go and stay safe at.

(Yogiri): Yue is also ready to go.

(Nemesis): Heh, then it sounds like it's decided.

(Absolute Filth): But-

(Yogiri): It's not like you're going to be thrust into the depths at the start. Plus the monsters are unique in that by just killing them your power will increase. You may be useless but trust in the abilities you've been given.

(Absolute Filth): To find a way to both encourage and insult me... How ruthless.

(Yogiri): Ignoring this waste of space, we will leave tomorrow. Be ready.

(Tsukasa): Yes Admin.

(Absolute Filth): Ah yes.

(Nemesis): I hope you're ready for our next round.




Putting down the phone Yogiri put's all his attention back on what he had been doing previously.

Stuffing Yue like a damn oreo.

"Nn~ So tomorrow." Yue moaned out, her ass rippling every time his penis resheathed itself.

"Yup, I say we go for the Orcus labyrinth first. The plot from my knowledge has already started." Yogiri rolled the girl over on the bed so her body was facing the ceiling.

"I bet you're after that rabbit beast-man. Oooooo~." Yue chuckled before all air dissipated from her lungs as Yogiri reinserted himself to his base.

"A berserker bunny whose endurance rivals Darkness, while also being able to actually land hits? Hell yeah." Yogiri spoke as if it was obvious.

His head went down to reach Yue's as he stared into her eyes.

"It's not just her," Yue said knowingly while stifling her moans.

To that, Yogiri smiled before giving the girl a quick peck, "Jealous?"

"A little," Yue responded before wrapping her arms around his neck and forcing him back into a kiss.

At the same time, Yogiri increased his speed until he was practically a blur. Soon enough his dick erupted like an active volcano and Yue was filled to the brim, to the point where it would be a miracle if she wasn't pregnant.

She fell to the bed her arms and legs both extending away from her body, while she spasmed from her intense orgasm.

She was tempted to ask Yogiri to let his sperm remain there but ultimately just lay still as he used his psychokinesis to remove the cum from the girl and throw it away.

"We only have a few more hours left and I'm nowhere near satisfied. Get on your knees." Yogiri without rest suddenly switched his tone.

"Nn, yes daddy~." Yue just as quickly squealed happily as she got on her shaky knees and began servicing his cock.




{Yue rolled 2x energy replenishment rate(A rank)}

{Yue rolled a pair of Dior glasses(D rank)

{Yue rolled Dirt(F rank)}

{Yue rolled a suitcase(E rank)}

{Yue rolled endurance x1.5(B rank)}

{Yue rolled a tennis racket(E rank)}

{Yue rolled a rock(F rank)}

{Yue rolled a pet bat(D rank)}

{Yogiri rolled a leather chair(D rank)}

{Yogiri rolled a Lamborghini Huracan(portable)(C rank)}

{Yogiri rolled lint(F rank)}

{Yogiri rolled strength x1.5(B rank)}

{Yogiri rolled advanced observation haki mastery(B rank)}

{Yogiri rolled a hanger(E rank)}

{Yogiri rolled Multiversal summoning magic(limited+conditional)(S rank)}

{Yogiri rolled speed x2(A rank)}




Throughout the week they had of course been doing the daily gacha with most it being stupid stuff they would probably never use.

However, they chose not to focus that and instead looked at the first S rank any of them had gotten so far. An ability that let's summon things and beings below a certain level. That level was decided by the user's strength.

There were also various requirements to induce the summoning as well as even more if you wanted the person you were summoning to remain completely obedient.

As for their new little pet... Well, her name was Batricia. Yue's name, not Yogiri's.

She came fully trained and for whatever reason could understand human words and commands.

They made her a little home in the corner where it was fairly dark. For food, they mostly fed it bananas or other fruit. It probably wasn't good for them to deprive it of its main source of food, bugs, but Batricia seemed pretty content.




(Yogiri): Ready

(Tsukasa): Ready

(Nemesis): Been ready

(Absolute Filth): Uh, ready?

(Yogiri): Great see you all in a second

Like that Yogiri clicked accept on the quest and suddenly found himself and Yue glowing in a white light before they both suddenly disappeared.




Yogiri didn't have any expectations of what would happen, or even where they would end up.

However, the last thing he would've thought to happen was suddenly being tackled to the floor by a black blur.

He didn't even have time to take in his surroundings as it seemed like a homing missile locked onto him as soon as the teleportation died down.

"There's my Yogiri." A happy chuckling voice came from atop him as a tan loli smiled down upon him with all the shine of a brilliant star.

"Did you miss me?" Yogiri with a strained voice spoke, to the girl who wasn't quite living up to her name at the moment.

"I did." Nemesis's smile widened as she moved her right hand behind her. "And this too." She said rubbing along the bulge in his pants.

Yogiri only realized now just how much years of isolation could affect someone. Just a week of genuine happiness and living without worries and she turns like this after only a week and a day of separation.

That combined with the fact that Nemesis, was not one would consider dishonest, well at least not entirely. She was a depressed loner who until fairly recently thought it was her entire life's goal was killing. Oh, and she was also a sadist.

Taking away or at least slightly altering that mindset she had been both created and forced herself into, your left with this.

An energetic sadist who wants nothing more than to travel along with her newfound friends as they travel various worlds becoming strong as fuck. Oh, and perhaps forcing people to kneel and submit to her like loyal dogs.

Point was, Nemesis was changing. Part of that was something she wouldn't admit, but the other parts she knew and accepted with glee.

Before Yogiri could speak anymore Nemesis suddenly disappeared in a black streak before a yelp was heard from across the room.

Darkness who had been previously staring strangely along with the rest of the girls at the strange display jumped up in surprise as she felt a sharp pain suddenly insult her backside.

"I missed you too Darkness." Nemesis spoke as she whispered into her ear from behind, her hand still a little tingly from the surprising resistance she felt when hitting the girl.

Yogiri ignoring the overbearing girl stood up before turning his attention away from Nemesis who had switched targets and instead looked at their surroundings.

Covering the three directions his vision let him see were three brick walls all variations of the color white, although it was hard to tell the exact difference with how the only light source being provided to them was the big clear beautiful moon hanging so elegantly in the sky.

Turning around he caught view of various tents of different colors draped around wooden stands, all empty and devoid of the product they once sold. Following along the various buildings they lined across was a reddish-brown brick path that led to various parts of the town they seemed to be in.

Most strange of all, the walls of rock that encompassed the entire place on all four sides. The walls were so large in fact, that even when Yogiri stood very close to one of the buildings, it remained in view. Overall it gave the feel of being inside a large crater.

Turning his attention back to Nemesis who had just moved on from hugging Tsukasa to glaring menacingly at Yue as they stood facing each other, Yogiri walked toward the group to give his own greetings.

"You certainly came prepared." He with his arms in his pockets examined the crusader.

A yellowish-orange and black dress with white trimmings, and black chainmail armor underneath. On her left shoulder, was a metallic shoulder plate while on her right was a white one with rugged points that extended outward giving it a feathery feel. Towards the knees of her skirt, two sides split off and leave a single pointing cloth. The opening in her skirt allows one to see the silver metallic high boots that overlapped her black chainmail.

On her back, the newest addition to her knightly look, an azantium two-handed sword put away inside a metallic sheath with beautiful engravings.

Even with the armor, the girl's natural beauty and insanely endowed body were made clear.

"Stunning as always, too bad you can't go a second without ruining it with your masochism." Yogiri nodded with a sigh as he finally reached within 3 feet of the girl.

Darkness in response whispered something to herself as she rubbed her knees together.

Despite his words, Yogiri remained with a smile as he brought the armor-clad girl into a hug.

Darkness at the sudden non-painful action could only confusedly wrap an arm around his waist.

Soon though the thing she had been expecting, or more so anticipating came, as like Nemesis had done earlier he gave a sharp and painful slap to her backside. The sudden sensation caused her to jump while simultaneously moan heatedly.

"Y-Yogiri." Darkness red faced stared into his eyes.

"I hope you're ready. I'll make sure to have you take all our enemy's attacks, maybe then you will actually be useful for a change." He with his hand still firmly pressed into the now panting girl's arse whispered into her ear.

He could practically feel through the orbs thoroughly pressing into his chest, her erect nipples that could probably cut diamond.

"You're always so cruel Admin-sama. I do enjoy genuine praise on occasion." Darkness muttered her breath hot.

"How's this for praise? Despite your clear lack of skill, you're so absurdly fucking hot that half the time when you're in my presence I want to strip you down, tie you up, and make the other girls watch as I break you and make you my masochist fuck pet." Yogiri with a husky voice spoke into her ear.

Every word that left his mouth was followed by an increase in grip strength on the girl's ass cheek, as well as him continuously pulling the girl closer to him.

By the end, his cock which had hardened was pressed thoroughly against her covered groin, and his hand had probably left a considerable mark on the girl.

Darkness meanwhile had drool falling from her mouth as she bit down hard on her lip. Her eyes nearly rolled up into her eyes as she actually came without any sort of physical stimulus.

The natural pleasure she already got from being insulted was only enhanced due to her pain conversion skill, which turned all the rough treatment she was getting into mind-shattering pleasure.

"No way?! You really are a huge slut." Yogiri dumbfoundedly laughed as he could see feel the wetness coming down her leg.

He was definitely gonna be more proactive with making this girl his.

It took a full 30 seconds before Darkness came out of her stupor. She stared at him in amazement before her blush returned and she quickly backed away and crouched down in the corner.

With Darkness thoroughly abused, he turns his attention to the sole girl he had left to greet. His relationship with Tsukasa although a bit closer than before still remained pretty distant. She was perhaps the girl, he had spent the least amount of time with.

Either way, walking up to her he paid attention to her body movement to see what she was comfortable with.

"So how has the gacha been treating you the past week?" His words caused a twitch in her smile as she groaned.

"I don't wanna talk about it." At the same moment, Yogiri using his newly gained observation haki picked up a twitch in both her elbows.

At the same time, he brought his arms up and wrapped them around her thin frame as she did the same to his.

"I'll take that as your luck being terrible?" Yogiri said before he practically felt the vibration in her throat as she let out another groan.

"Well," Tsukasa started as they began to separate from their quick hug. "I did manage to pull this." She finished before closing her eyes and suddenly materialized a red gauntlet with a green orb in the middle.

"The boosted gear?" Yogiri questioned observing the design.

"Mhm." Tsukasa in a sudden change of mood grinned.

"So did you awaken Ddraig yet?" He asked staring into the green gem-like orb.

At the same time, the orb glowed green, and a feminine voice spoke to him. "There is no Ddraig here, my name is Rhagoriaeth-Coch, the Red Dragon Empress, but I'd prefer you to call me Rhach, or if you'd like Rachel."

(AN: The original name for the Red Dragon Emporer was Ddraig, which comes from the welsh phrase Y Ddraig Goch. This sounds a bit masculine so I changed it up a bit and instead used the welsh word 'Rhagoriaeth' which can mean supremacy. Putting it together with the word 'Coch' which means red and you get Rhagoriaeth-Coch or how I put it together Rhach which is like saying, Rachel but without the last two letters.)

"Rhach huh? So not the same as the anime." Yogiri concluded.

"Such an amusing thing, this anime you call it. I have looked through all my host's memories and I can say for certain what has been depicted in that very informative device has all been true." The girl, Rhach's voice had a wildness to it that gave a feeling of constant excitement.

"So how far have you gotten?" Yogiri crossed his arms and questioned, by now all the other girls had crowded around as well.

"Well, we at least get along... For the most part." Tsukasa sighed, clearly a little unhappy about her progress.

"I understand not why you are so crestfallen, even with just getting used to my power, you of all my hosts have shown the most growth in such a short period." Rhach sounded like she had just repeated herself for the 100th time.

"Disappointed out our progress, are we?" Yogiri questioned the agitated girl.

Tsukasa didn't reply and instead just looked down at the gauntlet.

"Well, most of DxD's power is achieved through bullshit methods. Hell, the main character powered up by touching breasts. I'm sure you're upgrades will reflect your personality when the time comes for it." Yogiri tried to comfort her.

"Exactly, listen to your strange friend here, trust in your own abilities as well as the limitlessness of my gear." Rhach continued with an upbeat tone.

"And why exactly am I 'strange'?" Yogiri squinted his eyes as he peered into the green orb as if trying to stare into the girl's soul.


"She is very skeptical of you as it seems, you have been very mysterious from the start." Tsukasa chimed in.

"There is also the fact that of all of the people in this so-called 'group chat' you remain the only one who doesn't seem to be portrayed as a work of fiction. Even if you simply aren't one, you being able to rescue that blonde-haired girl from her confines all while not having any prior power is admittedly very strange." Rhach spoke as if questioning him.

"I believe I told you before not to do this. Do you want me to give you to the mc of the world depicted in that anime?" Tsukasa growled.

"Eek, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, MISTRESS." The sheer terror that came out of the gauntlet was amusing, to say the least.

At this point, though the question had set in already and everyone looked at Yogiri as if wanting an answer.

"A prior ability you say? Well, I guess it could be considered that. As for what that is... Don't feel like telling you." Yogiri responded simply.

"Is there a reason for why you can't tell us?" Darkness asked.

"It's not that I can't more like I don't think I can introduce it without sounding exceedingly edgy. Hmm, how about you try to guess for yourselves?"

"Your entire reason for staying so mysterious is because you want to avoid sounding like a chuni." Tsukasa deadpanned hearing the reason.

"Exactly." Yogiri smiled nodding as if to say 'you got it.'"

It was almost comical how the faces of the rest of the girls fell.

"Is it something related to breaking things down? When you saved me I saw how you destroyed the door and the sealing stone." Yue tried her luck.

"Hmm, well that's a by-product, not actually my ability." Yogiri shrugged.

"Internal destruction?" Tsukasa asked with a raised eyebrow.


Afterward, the group while still in the alleyway kept guessing as to what Yogiri's ability could possibly be.

In the end, though they were forced to give up.

Right then a notification appeared in their inbox.

{A optional Quest has been received.}

{Quest: The two siblings}

{Quest description: Reach the absolute top in terms of power and meet the one who started it all.}

{Rewards: ???}




"Strange for that to appear now of all times." Nemesis narrowed her eyes at the 'coincident'."

'So that's how you want to play it Mio?' Yogiri internally spoke.

'Well, whatever. When we settle down later tonight teleport me to your place, I think my sister deserves a thorough fucking as punishment.'




"Horaud town, a town that exists for the entire purpose of being an entrance for adventures to get into the labyrinth." Tsukasa summarized as she read the wiki.

"I say we camp out until morning, then sneak into the labyrinth later. I'd like to explore a bit before we get into the main quest." Nemesis spoke up.

It was at this point that Yogiri finally got a good look at her appearance which had slightly changed.

At the top of her head where her silky black hair ran down, she now had a golden-colored ring that expanded out and wrapped around her head like a crown. Past that were her bangs that in the middle reached down to her nose.

Her golden eyes every so often would flash in a silver-grey color that when they asked the reason, she proclaimed she had been given an eye ability that allowed her to gauge someone's strength.

Past even that and following along her dainty neck was yet another golden ring, this one wrapped around and laying atop her collarbone.

She hadn't done anything to change her body, and still wore the same yukata, although the sleeves of it were shortened allowing for her small arms to be seen.

On the wrist of both her arms was yet again another pair of golden rings small enough to look like bracelets and not interfere with her movement.

The last two rings lay rested on both her ankles which led down to her exposed feet which she still did not bother to cover with shoes.

The girl's charm only seemed to increase with new extra accessories.

Something's never changed though, as Yogiri observed when he decided to join Nemesis atop her cushion and idly play around with her body. Underneath her yukata, she remained as naked as the day she was born.




After a few hours of looking around Horaud and its surrounding areas, they used one of Yue's instant houses decently far away from any civilization.

They had a celebratory dinner with food bought from the system before Nemesis dragged him inside one of the bedrooms for another 'round'.

The girl when not restrained was exceedingly difficult to beat, and in the end, they were forced into a draw, mainly because it was approaching the time they had decided to enter the labyrinth.

Right when he finished shooting yet another load inside the girl's mouth though, he suddenly found the world around him stopped before a second later his surroundings changed to that of a giant platform surrounded by nothing but endless space.

Looking to his right, Yogiri caught sight of Mio who seemed to not move from her previous position.

"Mio." Yogiri greeted her.

Instead of responding though Mio turned to him with a smile before she sat up on the bed, she was laying on revealing her naked form.

Yogiri shrugging wasted no time in manhandling the girl until she was laying face down on the bed with her ass high in the air.

In that place where time didn't exist the two took their time in 'catching up'.