Seriously, please just quit.



*Huff* "Saviour-sama, please we cannot take this anymore." A man with rabbit ears spoke as he collapsed on all fours.

"Ah man, well guess I can't train you anymore if you can't-."

"Absurd." A skinny man with dark blue hair and a beard says as he cuts off Yogiri and walks up to the man who was on all fours on the dirt floor.

'For fucks sake, just quit.' Yogiri groaned internally as he seriously didn't wanna train them.

"Do you want to be weak forever? To be looked down on and laughed at by every other race?" The blue-haired man-Cam Haulia asked his fellow brethren as he tightened his fist.

"N-No. But chief." The man on the ground looked up while biting his lips.

"NO BUTS. Get up Fred, or would you rather stay miserable for the rest of your life?" Cam yelled into the man's ear as he grabbed at the cloth he was wearing.

"YES, CHIEF." The man as if having a fire lie under his has jumped to his feet and got back in the formation.




It had been only a day since the group had reached the Haulia. As expected they were pitifully weak and after a while, Shea came to him begging for him to help them not only survive the night but to survive independently in the future.

Making sure his reluctance was known he agreed and here he was. While Shea trained with Yue and the other girls, he trained the rest of the Haulia.

He thought he'd at least get a good fuck with some of the girls, but in the end, they were all skin and bones.

Still, he did persist although he intentionally made the training hard to deter them.

'Please, quit.' Yogiri for the thousandth time sighed as he prepared to give his next instruction.




For days after he decided, he might as well train as well and started using his gravity to increase the difficulty of their training.

He made them run until they collapsed and kill monsters until at some point instead of retaliating the monsters ran away from them. He made them quit their vegetarian lifestyle, and ultimately made them destroy what they once found beautiful.

If he was going to do something he was going to do it right. There was nothing wrong with being a vegetarian but in their case, they couldn't afford it.

After a full two weeks, even after predicting the outcome, it was still surprising to Yogiri. The once frail and fragile Haulia had transformed into true beast. The men had muscles that could probably rival professional bodybuilders, while the girls had toned bodies.

Yogiri's enthusiasm, as a result, had increased as he found two of the newly transformed girls in his bed every night.

These girls were Lana Haulia and Mina Haulia. Lana had blue hair lighter than Cam's yet Darker than Shea's. She had great proportions that outmatched everyone but Shea. She gave off the feel of a big sister.

As for Mina, she had similar dark blue hair as Cam, unlike Lana though her hair was shorter. She was pretty well proportioned in her own regard. She too had a but of a teasing nature, but would blush madly anytime things escalated.

Yogiri had suppressed his pheromones initially as he didn't felt like if he thrust into one of the girls they'd break.

When the girls went through their transformation however their horniness became apparent and without him needing to do anything they waltzed into his room announcing themselves to be the 'Saviours Personal, Relief Force.' Yogiri, not one to look pass up on a good fuck made sure to thoroughly get them addicted to the pleasure he could provide.

The girl's though unfortunately didn't have much when it came to sexual stamina. Even while trying their hardest it only took two rounds before they were out of it and fell unconscious.

To help with this they added more members to the 'SPRF'. There were now 14 girls who wholeheartedly lined up in wait to receive the magnificent rod that was his dick. In their minds, they wanted nothing more than for him to bestow them with a child.




On the final day, Yogiri announced the conclusion of their training and as proof of their growth told them to gather all the food they would need to make a feast.

She at the same time had announced that she would be departing to join Yogiri's crew. Most had wished her a happy adventure and some had expressed jealousy.

Cam had wished her a happy adventure while trying his best not to cry.

Later that night after running through and plowing all the girls who said they wished to come with him, Shea had walked into his room.

By now his pheromones had started working as previously. Shea who was already blushing in embarrassment even before she went into the room nearly fell to her knees after being exposed with the heavy scent of sex.

The girl who wore an all-white nightgown only had a minuscule amount of clarity, though it was enough for her to express her purpose.

"I p-promised you I'd do anything for your help." She said as she lifted her nightgown showing her all-white panties that were drenched in fluid.

Wordlessly Yogiri just smiled before he picked the girl up with one arm and slung her over his shoulder like a sack.

He then departed from his room leaving the unconscious cum covered girls to sleep.

If he was gonna take his main prize he would do it in a fresh setting. It only took him a few steps to reach the room at the end of the hallway.

Shea who was feeling his hands hold so tightly onto her thighs was shuddering in absolute pleasure.

When he reached the room, Yogiri didn't bother to knock as he forced the door open.

Inside the large room, on the large king-sized bed, was a confused Darkness.

"I'm using your room," Yogiri said before throwing a shuddering Shea onto her bed.

Shea landed right next to Darkness who was in a similar nightgown. Her eyes dazedly stared into the confused girls as she didn't even have the clarity to recognize what was about to happen.

In seconds Yogiri was already towering over the girl and was in the process of dominating her mouth. Her legs stiffened and waved aimlessly in the air as her arms instinctually wrapped around his waist, trying to bring him further into her mouth as she too fought with her tongue.

For a few minutes, Darkness watched in an aroused fascination as right on her very own bed, her leader was ravishing another girl.

After breaking away from the kiss, Yogiri uncaringly ripped away the girl's garments, leaving only her white lingerie to hide her womanhood.

Even that, however, was soon discarded as Yogiri pulled down her bra, and not even taking a second to admire the large soft breast, brought hid face down and began sucking in one of her cherry blossom-colored nipples.

The girl's reaction was instantaneous as her hand went to his head, futilely trying to escape the pleasure.

"AHHHHH~." Her moans penetrated the door of the room and made its way to all parts of the house.

Her back arched even with Yogiri atop her and with the gush of water, she released nearly ripped a hole straight through her panties.

The girl had reached her first orgasm. The feeling was addicting, yet her low sexual stamina already proved to be detrimental as she felt like blacking out already.

She wasn't allowed to whoever as before she could even breathe again, her panties were moved to barely hang onto her feet, and her thighs moved atop his shoulders.

The position allowed Yogiri view of the light blue fuzz that sat above her pink clit and wet lips.

Sure enough of her readiness, Yogiri slowly began inserting himself into the girl's opening.

As he filled her Shea's toes curled and a wave of fluid flew from out of her and splashed against his chest.

'She's more than ready.' Yogiri grunted before he carefully yet harshly penetrated the girl until his dick knocked against her baby room.

There were no grunts of pain, nor any blood. Just a loud unadulterated scream coming from the lips of Shea as she reached the most intense orgasm of the night.

Every part of her felt filled to the brim, and the feeling was beyond addictive. She felt like if she had to die here and now she wouldn't mind as long as it meant the large rod plugging her to her depths remained.

Over and over Yogiri sheathed and researched his sword into the girl's hilt. Her moans had long since penetrated the house and he was sure even her father was hearing his daughter being railed.

Eventually, he broke through her cervix and entered her womb. That was enough, that the pleasure became too much for her, and with one last scream her back yet again floated off the bed and she nearly ascended to heaven.

At the same time Yogiri, making sure his seamen was infertile loaded the girl up to the brim before he pulled out. Surprisingly none of it poured out it seemed like her womb refused to let go of a drop.

Rolling to his side Yogiri maneuvered his arm under the unconscious girl and wrapped it around back to her chest, where he took a nice helping of her ample breast.

Their close proximity allowed him the soft sensation that came from her bunny ears.

Looking to his right at Darkness who had long since discarded her clothes and was masturbating intensely, Yogiri just put his free arm behind his head all while still groaping the bunny.

"Clean me up slut." He said indifferently his eyes pointing to his large cock that still had residue of cum on it.

For a good thirty seconds, Darkness just stared wide-eyed at the sudden command.

"Do I need to say it again you worthless bitch? Get to work." Yogiri growled harshly as he commanded the masochist.

"To force me to do such a depicting act? You are truly ruthless." Darkness not able to hold back her perverted smile nearly jumped toward his cock.

After smelling its musky scent for a while she gave it a lick before hungrily wrapping her entire mouth around it and sucking up all the juices.

Whether it tasted good or not frankly didn't matter to her as she just focused on the task her leader had forced her into.

Eventually, Yogiri had sent another load straight down her throat making her choke a bit.

"That was terrible, next time do better," Yogiri said as he with his foot kicked the girl off his dick.

Darkness fell backward to the floor, that same perverted smile on her face.

"As useless as you are you can at least put an effort to satisfy me as my personal cum toilet." Yogiri rolled his eyes at Darkness who struggled to stand up, trying to recover from the orgasm she had just received.

"Forcing me into such a job, as I thought if it wasn't me you'd just make someone else do it. As a crusader, I can't let such a thing happen. You can abuse me with that thick, manly, outrageous...thing all you want, but you will never have my heart." Darkness with her fist to her naked breast pledged.

"Whatever slut, I wasted my valuable sperm on you. What do you say, you ungrateful piece of trash?" Yogiri scoffed as he glared into Darkness's eyes.

"T-thank you." Darkness said blushingly as she rubbed her thighs together.

"Truly worthless, come here." Yogiri sighed before he called over Darkness.

As she approached he reached into one of the drawers of the nightstand and reached around for somethings, soon enough he found them.

Tape, 4 vibrators, and anal beads. They were all things Darkness had gotten from the gacha and had secretly used when alone.

Darkness blushed but when Yogiri commanded her to turn around she did exposing her drenched pussy lips.

First, Yogiri inserted all the oval-shaped vibrators in her pussy one by one. He then taped the straps to her thighs. Afterward, he in one quick motion lodged the beads into her ass until all that was visible was the cord to pull it out.

"As punishment for being unsatisfactory, you will go the rest of today with those inside you. You will not leave the house, and you are not allowed to wear clothes. Understand?" Yogiri asked as he turned his body away from the worthless masochist and laid his head on Shea's chest.

"YESHH~." A constantly orgasming Darkness said as she felt the intense vibrations coming from her pussy.

"Good, now make yourself useful and go make me a snack, and bring a glass of water with you." Yogiri dismissed her, using the remote he held to lower the vibrations giving her enough clarity to actually act.

Darkness without fuss made her way out of the room and down the stairs.

Coincidentally the rest of the girls were all relaxing downstairs and they couldn't help but laugh at Darkness after seeing her appearance.

The girl only getting further aroused by the mockery set about making what her new master had ordered from her.




Darkness that night had been forced to sleep on the floor of her room while Yogiri and Shea cuddled warmly on the bed.

He hadn't even given her a blanket, not a pillow. The experience to her was...Exhilarating. She enjoyed every last second of the torture he inflicted. Truthfully, she was depraved enough that she got off on being ignored by him, even when she blatantly showed her body to him.

Even then, when she was forced to sleep on the ground like a dog, he never once allowed her to take out any of what was inserted inside her. Not like she wanted to anyway.




The next day, after forcing Shea to take a senzu bean to revitalize her 'damaged' body, the group said bye to the Haulia.

The 'SPRF' had still been knocked out when they woke up the next morning, so Yogiri just dropped them off at one of the tents the Haulia used while they worked on building their new home. He did leave them a note saying 'He'd be back.' and 'To keep your heads cool, and your pussies warm.'

Shea had shed a few tears as she said by to her father. He wanted to have her visit her mother so she could tell her how much she had grown but her burial was in Verbergen, the place they were kicked out from.

Still, with a fire in his heart, he promised one day he'd burst through those gates and force his way to that tree where she was buried.

The Haulia were considerably less hostile than their anime counterparts though they still seemed to be addicted to killing. He was sure if they went a day without murder they might just drop dead.

Thankfully, Shea wasn't the same way. Throughout her training with Yue and the girls, she had reached a level similar to or even greater than her previous counterpart.

As of now, the group didn't have any hammer to give her, but Nemesis had gotten a pair of B-rank gauntlets from the gacha.

They were made from Azantium, and had various abilities such as absorbing mana from attacks and shooting it back at a target, as well as having a rocket feature where she could fly or accelerate in a certain direction for a few seconds. It also kind of served as a twice critical from DxD and allowed her to double her strength.

They had just enough mobility that even if she wanted to carry another weapon as she did in the original, she wouldn't need to get rid of the gauntlets.

After a rageful morning of yet again spinning gacha, the group left the newly established Haulia compound and made their way to the next labyrinth.