Great Reisen Labyrinth

Instead of teleporting as they had initially planned the group had explored the forest for a bit before departing.

Coincidentally they had come across the labyrinth there meaning they could now get there whenever they pleased.

When they did finally make it out of the forest they had switched to their newest form of transport. A mini helicarrier that came with a cloaking device.

The desert was way too hot for them to go straight through it on foot and his portable Lambo didn't have enough seats.

The entire ride went by fairly quickly. Yogiri and the gang spent the latter part of the ride playing a board game and getting to know Shea more.

Shea although being a beastmen was an Atavist. This meant she could directly control mana without needing a circle. Apart of that was also her unique ability; future sight.

She could once a day view the future albeit very briefly, and she also sometimes without her control would forcefully receive a vision when she was in danger.

The last usage she had with this ability was called 'Branching Paths'. It allowed her to see possible futures based on her choices.

This was how she was able to locate Yogiri and the gang, as well as how she saw herself in that shameful position.

Despite her pretty useful unique ability, her affinity for other magic was downright terrible. She couldn't really use any other magic besides body strengthening and magics that affected her and never left her body. At least then though, she proved to be ingenious with its usage.

She had mastered 4 levels of body strengthening in the time they had trained her. In terms of strength, she had around 1/5 of Darkness's even when in her strongest form.

This was more a testament to Darkness's own skill with body strengthening as well as her growth over the past month or so.

Even when Shea did manage to catch up, she'd find it very very challenging to actually take down Darkness. The girl's durability was unreal, and that combined with her pain conversion meant she would just continue to grow in strength while enjoying the constant beating.

The last thing they had verified was Shea's insane close combat ability. She had mastered 6 of the techniques Tsukasa had vaguely picked up along her life.

Even when Tsukasa didn't fully know them all it took was a video from her phone to finish it.

And yes, they did inform Shea of the other worlds, as well as of the group chat. In her mind, they were beings who were brought together by a higher power and were given missions by that same higher power across various worlds. Along with that, they had quite a bit of knowledge about the world given by that same existence to help them complete missions.

This helped a lot when they were strategizing how they would speedrun the next labyrinth. They didn't plan to fall into her pranks and walk in circles for a few days before finally realizing.

The place was basically a maze. Luckily for them, they were not affected whatsoever by the magic limitation, well everyone but Shea.

The plan was that they would break through the labyrinth walls until they finally made it to the center. It was a very simple plan but it was perhaps the most applicable given their advantage.

Another plan was to have Nemesis zoom through the entire maze with her insane speed but that was only secondary if their first plan didn't work.

As for the conditions to get the ancient magic, he was sure beating the big guy at the end was enough. He also doubted Miledi would deny them, especially given what they could do.




Yogiri had finally decided on what he would first use his summoning magic for. The group needed a transmutation master, or someone who was good at smithing.

Ideally, he'd like to summon someone like Hephaestus from Danmachi, but when he checked the conditions they were just a bit too much.

There was also another girl from the same series called Tsubaki Collbrande. She was fairly skilled. His only problem was how she would react to suddenly being taken from her world and familia even when he could guarantee loyalty.

His list of possible candidates went as follows.


Kururu-Shijou Saikyou Orc-san no Tanoshii Tanetsuke Harem Zukuri

It was a short list but they were all he could find in such a short time. As for why he didn't go with any of the male options... Shut up.

In the end, he decided to just go with Tsubaki. He'd probably end up going to Danmachi anyway so why not.

Activating his magic, he imagined the image of Tsubaki in his head. Right, when he did so his magic swirled around until it formed a simple piece of paper and fell down to him.

On the piece of paper was an image and description of Tsubaki along with her abilities. After that were the conditions to summon her.

Tsubaki Collbrande:

Summoning conditions:

- Adequate magic power, 5x your maximum amount. It is recommended you store mana and then use that for summoning.

- A workshop/land to build a workshop.

The conditions were fairly simple, the problem came with the conditions to win her loyalty.

Loyalty conditions:

- A way to get back to her world.

- 1 ton of material/s she has never seen before.

- A way to cure her Goddess's eye.

- A promise of power.

A lot of the conditions were easily accomplishable such as a way to get back to her world, and a promise of power. He would definitely be able to achieve that.

He could also eventually find a way to cure Hephaestus, most likely using metamorphosis magic.

The hardest part was a ton of material she had no knowledge of. Though even this was accomplishable as long as he searched through Oscar's workshop and gathered some ore from the labyrinth. Though it would most definitely take some time.

With that decided he stored the paper and promised to do the summoning after they clear this labyrinth.




The group now stood back in the hot desert.

They all looked at the seemingly normal side of a mountain, though their main focus was on the small indentation.

"Let's start with plan one," Yogiri said as he took the lead and pushed against the small indentation.

As the secret door opened he was quick to activate his psychokinesis and stop the arrow that was 6 inches from piercing his skull.

"Be careful. This place is one giant death machine." Yogiri noted before continuing inside the door.

As the door opened more arrows shot straight at him but a simple wave of his hand was enough to destroy them and the contraction that shot them.

Ignoring the sign that served to mock them the group continued in taking note of the various traps and wires that were put all around the entrance.

The labyrinth, in the beginning, didn't look too unlike Oscar Orcus's.

Approaching the wall where the maze began, Yogiri threw a simple punch, causing the wall to cave in.

'1.. 2.. 3..'

He counted as he watched the wall repair itself.

"Well, it's not instantaneous," Yogiri noted before he began infusing his various abilities into his fist and then yet again punched the wall with enough force to destroy a house.

The wall of the maze now had a giant hole leading to a different part of the maze.

With a similar speed as last time, the labyrinth began healing itself starting with the part that was destroyed first.

"We just have to be quick," Tsukasa spoke as her body began glowing with a golden light, and 4 more arms sprouted from her shoulders.

"What if we don't make it in time." Darkness questioned as she too began applying body-strengthening magic.

"If I had to say, the walls would overlap with your flesh and you'd die a horrible excruciating death." Nemesis happily nodded as she watched Darkness's baffled reaction.

"Eh, maybe we should choose a different way?" Shea a little terrified backed away and hid behind Darkness.

"It's not like we need to pass through it, any place Nemi can see she can teleport." Yogiri shrugged looking at the transforming weapon.

"Nemi? Is that a nickname?" Nemesis a little surprised asked appearing on his back.

"Calling you Nemesis every time is a bit of a hassle, plus it doesn't exactly give off the best of an image."

"Nemi... I like it, I shall adopt that nickname." Nemesis chuckled hoping off his back and back onto her carpet.




With their method decided the group began their journey. One of them would destroy whatever wall was obstructing them and then use Nemesis to teleport to what they saw past the wall.

It wasn't all easy sailing, however. Every time they teleported there would be a trap waiting to which they had less than a second to react to.

Most of the time they were put at bay by Yogiri's psychokinesis or his devil fruit, but other times the girls would act before him.

Shea had unfortunately been the one to sustain the most injuries from the traps, oftentimes failing to react to pitfalls or random hammers that fell from the ceiling.

They had purposely let her sustain those injuries. She needed to learn and she needed to contribute to get the ancient magic.

After her 5th spike filled pitfall, she had gone into a rage and ripped one of the spikes off and used it to thoroughly pummel the entire area.

When she was done, all traps had been destroyed in that area, and she had to rest after depleting too much energy.

There were constant signs all along the labyrinth, saying things like, "Did you really fall for that?" or "You must be a masochist if you would go through all this pain."

Safe to say Shea was thoroughly pissed and promised she'd rip the head off whoever was responsible.

Funnily enough, Nemesis wasn't much different. She was fully prepared to torture Miledi until she died. There was no bigger sadist than her.

Tsukasa, Yue, and Yogiri were relatively nonchalant about the entire thing.

Darkness on the other hand was having the time of her life purposely falling into traps or being hit by giant hammers.

A lot of the time she had purposely stepped up to Shea to take the pain she was about to get.

After a certain point, Yogiri stopped dodging and just used Darkness as a shield.




They weren't sure how long Hajime and the others in the original took to clear the labyrinth but their group took only 4 hours to arrive at the boss room.

They had completely decimated the room filled to the brim with iron knight puppets before they passed through the door.

The room was... Dark.

That was all that could be really said.

Various platforms were floating around the giant room, but besides that, it was just a dark room that made it a little hard to see.

Using various means the group eventually made it to the center of the room where one big platform was.

At the same time, the room got quite a bit brighter as from below them, white orbs pierced the darkness.

Slowly but surely a large metallic knight ascended toward the platform until it stared menacingly down at the group.

For a few seconds, silence permeated as the group stared in marvel at the badass armor.

That was until that same armor, in a voice that completely didn't match its demeanor spoke out.

"YAHOO! I am the one beloved by all the dazzling Miledi Reisen-Chan." The voice was very girlish and somehow fit perfectly with the various signs they had read.

"Great, you better hide now. When I destroy this puppet I'm coming after you next." Nemesis without any sort of fear nor bafflement floated up until she reached eye level with the golem.

"Hmm, you people truly are weird. You can already fly, and from what I can tell one of you already has my ancient magic, or at least something similar somehow." Miledi used her giant pointer finger and tried to touch Nemesis, but she just dodged.

"To think someone like you is actually the last remaining liberator." Yue scoffed as she frowned at the golem.

"HEY! THAT'S MEAN. I guess that means you guys already cleared a labyrinth if you know about me being the last. Well am I right, little girl who for some reason doesn't have her magic affected?" Miledi annoyingly asked.

"If I didn't sympathize with the isolation you no doubt were forced into I would have already started attacking... You are correct, we have defeated Oscar Orcus's labyrinth." Yue sighed as she rubbed her head. Even a cool-headed person like her was getting annoyed.

"Eh? The old man's? Why though? You know you stupids that one was supposed to be cleared last." Miledi mocked.

"Really? It wasn't much of a challenge." Yogiri scoffed as he took a seat on the platform.

"Hey! You! Weirdo who copied my precious magic, don't disrespect O-kun." Miledi shouted a slight bit of anger entering her tone before it seemingly evaporated.

Yogiri didn't even bother to retort as he just yawned, "I'm only stating the truth."

"Tch, why are you guys here anyway, why do you want my magic?" Miledi asked.

"That information doesn't matter to a dead man." Nemesis annoyed at all the talking grinned before she with insane speed zipped around to her back and transformed her hair into a weapon.

She tried to slash through the armor but it proved to be a lot tougher than she thought.

"Hmph, attacking out of nowhere like that. Do you have no manners? Not like it matters though, this armor is made of pure Azantium." Miledi scoffed as she showed the mobility of her armor by slapping at her back with one of her giant hands.

Nemesis was forced to retreat but she gave it one final kick of annoyance before doing so.

"Azantium huh?" Yogiri perked up, his eyes opening as a grin made its way to his face. As it seemed he might not even need to go scavaging for material. He just found a shit ton right in front of him.

"What's with that grin, you really are a weirdo huh?" Miledi questioned as she too prepared to attack.

Yogiri, utilizing his gravity magic flew up before he sent a wave of psychokinesis to knock the golem's arms away.

With the torso now visible, it didn't take even a second before an enraged rabbit made a mad dash toward the golem and slammed her gauntlets into it.

There was no mark left on the armor, however, her punch did serve to knock the golem back and cause it to stumble.

With that opportunity, Yue using her new staff sent out a barrage of 7 magic attacks, all only a step down from her strongest attack with each element.

The barrage proved to be too much for the armor as the torso was gouged out.

Looking inside Yogiri got a good look at the giant magic stone powering the armor.

Before he could go after it though, Miledi had regained her balance and used a giant wrecking ball to sweep across the entire platform.

Everyone was forced to jump in the air. During that time Yogiri observed as the Armor similar to the labyrinth began regenerating.

He was broken out of his thoughts though when a giant red glowing fist was aimed to ram into all the members who were currently mid-air.

Nemesis and Yue had already moved out of the way, but the rest were left helpless.

Right when Yogiri was about to use his gravity to force them all to the ground though, Darkness who was right beside him intercepted the first with her body.

Instead of being pushed back though, she activated her skill, immovable.

Her hand had gripped into one of the knuckles of the golem and as a by-product could not retreat until the skill wore off.

Darkness on the other hand was just enjoying the pain and burning sensation, as she smiled in bliss.

With the pervert keeping one of the arms restrained Yogiri and the rest fell back to the floor.

"Tsukasa, Nemesis, hold back its other arm. Yue go for the torso again, we're gonna destroy the core."

As soon as Yogiri said his orders, Nemesis and Tsukasa went to work.

Tsukasa, already using her devil fruit, summoned her boosted gear on her arm.

"BOOST!" The prideful feminine voice of Rhach rang out.

Nemesis was the first to reach the arm.

Miledi had attempted to swing the giant wrecking ball, but she had using one of her rings and teleported the ball right back at her.

The giant rock slammed into the golem's head causing a slight indent and stunning it.


Tsukasa on the other hand had been raining down fists on the shoulder, slowly but surely destroying the shoulder blade.

Yue had yet again begun charging her magic while Yogiri and Shea had protected her against the laser beams the golem had decided to reveal from its eyes.

Shea using the power of her gauntlets sent the same attack back at the golem and watched as the head was forced upward.

During that time Yue had finished her preparation and like previously sent a barrage of spells that ripped through the armor.


With that final announcement, Tsukasa had managed to break through the armor and watched as the joint that helped control it broke down.

At the same time, Yogiri and Shea hopped right through the hole made by Yue, and with just one empowered fist from both obliterated the magic core.

The light in the eyes of the golem dimmed, and the body began to fall.

Before it could though, Yogiri stored it into his inventory and carried himself and Shea back to the platform. He couldn't do it before as part of Miledi's soul was inside of it.

'That should take care of that requirement.' He nodded putting down a semi-exhausted Shea.

At the same time Darkness, whose skill allowed her to ignore gravity also fell to the platform after deactivating the ability.

"That was the best one yet." Nemesis, carrying Tsukasa with her yelled happily satisfied at the quick but challenging battle.

"Agreed." A panting Darkness giggled weirdly as she rubbed the side of her face that would be melted if she had the same defense she had before coming to this world.




"NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR! NOT FAIR!" A small golem cloaked in a yellow hood stomped its foot as it looked at the group that just walked through its door.

"Someones pissed." Nemesis laughed as she sent a sadistic smile at the golem.

"SHE'S STILL ALIVE!" Shea who was about to rampage again screamed.

"That was just a puppet, I said so before remember?" Yogiri sighed before he went ahead of the group.

"Well, magic transfer time. Hurry it up." He said gripping her by her golem head.


Yogiri just threw the girl to the floor and sighed.

Miledi rubbed her head pretending as if it actually hurt even when she didn't have any nerves to feel pain.

"You never even answered my question why are you even after my magic." Miledi pouted.

"To complete what your group couldn't." Yogiri shrugged as the rest of his group closed the distance.

"You want... To kill Ehit?" She dumbfoundedly asked showing genuine emotion on her face.

"That's the plan."

Hearing his honesty Miledi just looked down.

"Maybe you can do it..." She muttered in barely a whisper.

"Ugh, fine." She groaned before lifting herself up and guiding them further into the room where the magic circle was.




The process was the same as last time, though the pain was a lot more bearable. Well, that was except for Shea, who was going through it for the first time.

Miledi taking the time when they were all distracted walked to a different part of the room.

"Well I was going to do a whole bit and give you all the locations of the labyrinth in some sad farewell, but you RUINED it." Miledi sighed.

"But now, I don't think you deserve it!" She continued sticking her fake tongue out. All of a sudden a rope fell down from the ceiling.

"So, GET THE HELL OUT ALREADY!" She said before tugging at the rope.

Unlike what she expected, however, nothing happened.

"Nah, don't think we will," Yogiri said with his right hand extended.

He had just sent out a psychokinetic wave and cut the rope before she could pull it.

Golem Miledi stared blankly as the rope she tugged fell onto her face.

"This place is big. I'm sure you don't need all of it. So... I'll take it." He said shamelessly almost as if he was doing her a favor.

"W-what. YOU CAN'T STAY HERE!" Miledi screamed, losing her composure.

"I frankly don't care for your input. Plus, two of my friends have a bone to pick with you." Yogiri shrugged before Nemesis and Shea both walked in front of him cracking their knuckles.

"Ehm. Sorry?" Miledi with a stiff smile backed away.




As Nemesis and Shea tied up Miledi and found ways to abuse her, even with her not being able to feel pain, Yogiri was busy occupying the new space he claimed.

Frankly, he really didn't need this place whatsoever but he kind of just wanted to piss off Miledi. Plus, he could use it as a workshop for his newest member.

He spent around 2 hours transferring back and forth with Nemesis's rings to Oscar's workshop.

He had been taking all the valuable stuff he could use to make a new workshop.

He had placed them all in a way that looked the best to him, though he wasn't knowledgeable about most of it.

After that, he had put all the ore and material from Oscar's own collection into the storage space Miledi had.

And yes, she indeed had. Tons upon tons of not only Azantium but various other powerful ores and materials. It was a treasure trove for any smith.

Yogiri had told the girls of his summoning plan as well as the conditions. Darkness had been pretty upset at being replaced but Yogiri just stuffed his dick in her mouth to shut her up.

When he had looked at the paper again he had seen that all the requirements had been met. Even if he technically couldn't just bring her back to her world, nor could he cure her goddess's eye, but he did have methods to do so. They would only just take time.

That alone seemed to be adequate as all the requirements including the promise of power were complete.

Each box had a checkmark on it, and on the paper, the words 'All requirements met, please infuse this paper with enough energy to start the summoning.'

After that for around a day, Yogiri had borrowed Yue's energy storage device to store his energy.

When he was drained below 80% he'd just wait for a while until it recovered before doing it again.

During that time Miledi had been finally let out of her confines.

This time though she did not attempt to drive them out and just observed the group.

Tsukasa became quite interested in her, more so for the reason of her age. So while threatening to call Nemesis and Shea over, she forced her to help her master gravity magic while taking the time to talk to her.

Besides that, Yue had set one of the portable houses up, and the girls just relaxed in Yogiri's room while he was stockpiling his energy.

Eventually though, when he reached enough he began infusing the magic in the paper until it was filled and a white light overtook the paper and it disintegrated.

Seconds later a similar light overtook the room and before long a beautiful girl with brown skin, long black hair, and red eyes appeared. Over her left eye was an eye patch.

She wore a pink, white, and purple sarashi, and a red hakama. Both only barely managed to cover up her well-endowed figure.

On her waist, she wears a naginata.

For a few seconds, it remains silent until the girl dropped to a knee, and with a very respectful tone spoke "It is nice to meet you, master."