Great Gruen Volcanao

Noint had been thrown recklessly atop Nemesis's trusty cushion.

Yogiri would have raised an eyebrow at the girl's willingness to throw away one of her luxuries if not for a few seconds later when she jumped right on Noint and used the girl as extra padding.

Noint herself had remained unresponsive for the past hour they had been traveling. Her limbs and most of her vital organs were busted to a point where it was a miracle she was still 'alive.'

Nemesis remained secretive about exactly what it was she had done to the girl, even when she for whatever reason transformed her hair into a blade and slashed along the apostle's pupils.

The group managed to put that out of their mind though, just in time for them to reach the sight of their next adventure. The Grand Gruen Volcano, home of the labyrinth that would give them spatial magic.

The group were as of now quite a bit ahead of the original plot. Hajime if he were to still be alive and with the original cast would still be somewhere in Miledi's labyrinth, getting relentlessly teased by the girl.

That was honestly not that big of a deal, however as the group had never planned to act according to the plot in the first place. That being said the original plot was a reliable source of predicting the future, even if this world was slightly different.

'At the very least, Freid is gone.'

Freid had been the one on the dragon that day Shimizu was killed. As it seemed this was the last mission he had before he was supposed to clear the volcano labyrinth. Unfortunately for him, this meant he was only in possession of [Metamorphosis magic]. On top of that, he only came with a single monster as backup, leaving him only a mild annoyance to Nemesis.

'This should be relatively easy. Though at what cost?'

Ehit, with the death of one of his major pieces- was sure to be aware of their little group. If Yogiri had to guess he'd say that was the reason Noint had been watching them.

'I doubt he'll do much. If he's anything like the original his God complex should be shrouding his judgment. He won't act personally to deal with something he considers wildly beneath him.'

'He might send more apostles though... Perhaps we should speed up our conquer?'

Yogiri, who had been lost in his head shifted his body so he could get a clear view of the quickly passing scenery.

'Meh, if worse comes to worst... I'll interrupt my fun.'

He narrowed in on the large mass of earth that was slowly becoming increasingly closer.

'Whatever. For now, I don't have much to worry about. With Noint's defeat, we are good to clear the Divine mountain. In the time it would take Ehit to act we should have more than enough time to at least complete 2 more labyrinths and train plenty.'

Yogiri concludes his mental planning as he stood up on the black scales that encompassed his current mount's neck.

"We'll be arriving soon." He called out to three of his companions as he stood up effortlessly on Tio who was easily going 800 kilometers per hour. His gravity abilities had reached a level where he could easily hold not only himself but the girls atop the dragon and prevent them from flying off. All the while he was isolating Tio enough so that she wasn't being weighed down by gravity.

"I'll get the rest."

A golden ring expanded allowing Nemesis to enter into Miledi's lair the place some of the other girls decided to relax in until the start of the next labyrinth.

"Mmmmm." A stretching Yue stands up with a stifled yawn, making her way over to Yogiri and taking in the sight.

All the while, Tsukasa was still comfortably lying on her back, a Magikarp as her pillow. Her hands were occupied with Yogiri's game console as she was focused on spamming ultra balls at an in-game Spoink.

The pokemon had been claimed as her favorite, even if she had extremely bad luck when it came to catching them. That luck becoming increasingly more questionable when you consider the already high catch rate.

'Yogiri, I am becoming bored.' Taking him out of his observation, Yogiri acknowledged the voice and image of Mio that suddenly materialized in his head.

'You're the one who subjected herself to just watching.' Yogiri rolled his eyes at the mental image she had projected of her naked body laying in the same position she had been in when he left.

'You know... You are right.' Mio mysteriously tapped her chin before a small smile appeared on her lips.

'Let's play hide and seek, you're the seeker.' Those were the last words she spoke before her voice and image disappeared completely from his head.

'The hell is this girl thinking.'




The heat of the volcano was a problem, that was until they all put on the necklaces made by Tsubaki that blocked all that heat out.

Aside from that, however, the labyrinth was even easier than Miledi's. The monsters were really only as strong as the monsters on floor 50 of Oscar's labyrinth.

They did have the annoying characteristic of exploding and letting their lava constructs spew in every direction, but besides Darkness and Tio who purposely let themselves get hit, it wasn't much of a problem with Yue and Yogiri watching their backs.

They decided to break at around floor 30, at the request of Tsubaki who was considerably fatigued.

The good thing about Nemesis's gates were that they could leave the labyrinth whenever they wanted which they did.

While Tsubaki, Tio, and Shea were resting, the rest were relaxing in the living room of one of Yue's portable houses.

The girl in question was spread out over the dining room table, thick jizz flowing out of her, proof of previous events. She wasn't unconscious more so in an incredible daze.

Nemesis, instead of joining in on said event was in a corner of the room sitting on a naked Noint, who was still unconscious but had been healed with a senzu bean.

Her face was eternally planted with a smirk as she stared down at her newest toy.

As for Darkness and Tsukasa… The latter was sitting beside him her eyes glued to the television playing an episode of One piece.

Such a normal scene was completely skewered by the fact that she was naked, with the fingers of the man next to her invading her depths. She herself was no better as she with one hand groping her breast, used the other to force Darkness's head further down his length.

The blonde crusader was on her knees in front of the couch sucking long and hard on her master's glorious shaft.

"Nemesis." Yogiri not stopping his wiggling fingers, called out to the transformer.

"Yes, dear."

"Bring Aiko, please. It's best we know how things are going with the hero party." Yogiri noting how she was in a particularly good mood requested her services.

"Mhm, of course. By the way, she will awaken soon." Nemesis nodded with a smirk before without her even needing to move her arms, the golden ring resting on her head expanded and swallowed her body.




"W-what." Aiko was speechless when she arrived.

Whether it be from suddenly being teleported or the fact that there was a girl on the table with cum dripping out her pussy, another girl naked in the corner, another pink-haired girl getting her insides ravaged by the hands of the man who had recently become her sex friend, and the last blonde haired girl who was in absolute ecstasy as she choked on that same man's dick.

"So… In other words, the church is becoming even more insane and sent those 'willing' back to the labyrinth."

"Yes. I- I don't know what to do." Aiko's pleading eyes failed to hide her intention.

Ignoring the ludicrous activities Yogiri was partaking in—she grabbed onto his shirt unconsciously.

"It's better to be more open to your request." A carefree voice broke Aiko from her thoughts, and her eyes turned to the girl Yogiri had been busy stuffing his fingers in.

Tsukasa's face was red and her breaths were ragged. She'd been waiting for the irredeemable pervert to finish but she was taking too long.

And so...

"Ughh... Thank you." Her foot met with the blonde's exposed breast and Darkness flew back a few feet, and her mouth forcefully unwrapped around Yogiri's member.

"Yogiri is a man driven only by his never-ending lust..." Tsukasa licked her lips at the pulsating cock that was now unoccupied as she straddled him.

"Mmmmmm. Finally~." She exhaled one hot and passionate breath as her body sank down, the rod invading her.

"He'd probably help you as long as... Nn~ he got a good fuck out of it." Tsukasa finished, her attention entirely switching to beneath her as she rode him well and hard.

"I'd like to think I can act on more than just lust." Yogiri pouted even as he moved his hips along with the riding girl.

"But well, yeah she's right. It wouldn't be too much of a hassle anyhow."

"Is that so?" Aiko muttered as her gaze couldn't help but lock onto the exchange of passion. Her legs rubbed lightly together as she got a clear view from her place sitting on the armrest of the couch.

"Well, y-you can use my body however you, please... Just please save my students."

Aiko's face flushed at her own request. Unfortunately, she didn't really understand the two's previous words.

"Aww, how cute." A different voice from the other two answered, this time coming from the girl who had brung her here.

"I'm sorry?" Aiko a bit uncomfortable asked.

"He wasn't referring to your body mam, if he help's you the love and devotion of all your cute female students shall be forfeit." Nemesis chucked even as her eyes never turned away from Noint.

"W-what, how could I possibly accept these conditions?" Aiko jumped up in bewilderment.

"They're not conditions." Yet again a different voice spoke up.

This one was slow and lacked feeling.

Yue, who had woken up from her Cum-Coma walked to the couch still naked as the day she was born.

"It is simply what would happen if Yogiri was to get near hormonal girls. They'll eventually fall into his grasp and throw themselves at him." Yue still clearly not fully awake tossed herself onto the other end of the couch. Luckily, by now the substance had dried.

"Such a thing... Impossible." Aiko stuttered out.

"You say that but look at yourself... Even being as much of a prude as you are, you're nothing but a horny pervert in front of him, look down, you're leaking." Nemesis narrowed her eyes in amusement as she pointed to the puddle forming beneath Aiko.

Aiko shocked also looked down, her hands going beneath the nightgown she had on and feeling her crotch.

She was soaked.

As her face grew redder Yogiri couldn't help but to raise his head in pride even as he hammered Tsukasa into the couch.

"In front of Yogiri-sama, all females will be rendered nothing but desperate sluts for him to play with as he pleases. Instead of fighting it, we should embrace such overwhelming dominance." Darkness shuddered in the floor as she preached her philosophy, the normal amount of self-control she'd usually have to hold in those words, gone.

"Not everyone is a filthy masochist like you." A foot came crashing down on Darkness's face, the source: Nemesis using her rings.

"Thank you~." Darkness was too far gone.

"I suggest you try not to think about it much, when your students inevitably fall to his hands, know it will be out of their own volition." Tsukasa even as Yogiri moved her into a new position gave her best smile and thumbs-up, before her face melted and her eyes rolled up.

"Do you mind?"

In her pleasure, Tsukasa didn't even register that she had been holding onto Yue's shoulders for support as he pounded into her.

"Sorry~." That was all Tsukasa could say, she didn't even attempt to move.

Instead, Yue stared with a deadpan as the pink-haired girl was fucked into a similar state as her previously all while the two's various fluids dripped onto her body.

In the end, Tsukasa lay legs spread on top of Yue. Yogiri midway seeing the ease of access had pulled out of Tsukasa and dropped a few more loads inside Yue before leaving them both to rest.

Afterward, Aiko was shown just how true Darkness's words were, as all her reservations about Yogiri corrupting her female students disappeared and she was forced to understand the power of his cock.

The once prude and shy teacher turned into a nympho manic who begged crazily to be impregnated by him.

It wasn't until she fell on the couch, unconscious that the lust party finally ended, just in time for Nemesis to stand up, a smile etched on her face.

"She is ready."