Noint and continuation

"She is ready."

At the same time, nemesis spoke the apostle known as Noint shot up. Her previous injuries were all repaired and she had returned to her prime state. The only thing she had that could even resemble clothing was a black collar that wrapped around her neck.

Noint looked straight at the wall she was next to. Her eyes were hollow and none of the previous vigor she had before was present.

She was broken.

She had spent what felt like years trapped in her own mind, pleading for help but never receiving it.

"Stand." Nemesis narrowed her eyes as she stood over the girl.

Wordlessly Noint followed the order. In a robotic fashion, her legs supported the rest of her body, and soon she was standing. Her eyes however remained locked on the wall.

"Mm, So you broke her? That's not very fun."

Yogiri frowned a bit, he wasn't interested in a broken puppet.

"Just wait."

"Noint, who do you belong to?"

In response to Nemesis's words, Noint began shaking.

"Who do I belong to?" Her voice became increasingly less robotic after each word. "You ask who I belong to?" She slowly began turning around. "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!"

Her last words were filled with a heavy mix of emotions. Matching that was her fist that gained a white glow and headed straight toward Nemesis's face.

"AHH-!" Before it could make contact however the collar around her neck began glowing a faint purple light and she fell to the floor in agony.

"WHY?!" She screamed and writhed around on the floor. "Why have I been forsaken!" She screamed to the being she formally referred to as Lord.

Her cry's that she was finally able to express physically came bottling out like a fountain.

Noint had turned into a child as she screamed and threw a tantrum.

"See? Still rebellious. A lot of fun is to be had." Nemesis despite the mental regression she was seeing nodded her head in approval.

"Why?" After a while, Noint's loud cry's ended in quiet sobs as she bawled up into the fetal position.

"You really did a number on her." Yogiri approached the apostle. With the little time to prepare he was still as naked as can be.

His hands poked at her exposed back, trying to see if she was still even conscious.

The reaction he got was a lot more extreme than he anticipated, however.

Noint shot up to her feet a few feet from her initial position.

Her face was one of absolute shock as she stared at who had just touched her. Her eyes couldn't help but scan his entire figure from the tip of his hair to the bottom of his feet.

"S-stay away from me." There was genuine fear on her face as she backed further away.

Her gaze remained locked on a certain part of him and her breath began getting heavier and her hand fell down to her pelvis.

"What?" Yogiri asked Nemesis, confused at what was happening.

"Hmm." Nemesis smiled in amusement.

"STAY AWAY!" Noint said again before she ran out the closest door to her.

It was only then that Yogiri was made aware of the liquid substance that followed after her and trailed down her leg.

"That was something." Tsukasa who until recently had been in a mini coma commented as she lay on the couch.

"Indeed, this shall mark the start of our conquest my dear partner. Don't chicken out on me." Nemesis said before she followed after where Noint left.

Along the way, she stopped in front of Yogiri and gave his still-erect member a side eye before running her hands along its length. She bit down on her lips and rubbed her legs together but ultimately continued on her way.

"I call dibs all day tomorrow." Those were her last words before the door opened. She never did get a chance to join in on the orgy, considering she was entirely focused on Noint.

"What was that screaming?" As soon as Nemesis left a different door opened and in walked the previously resting group members.

Shea, whose eyes turned to hearts when she locked eyes on Yogiri jumped all the way across the room intent on feasting.

"Nah ah." Yogiri caught the horny rabbit by the head and threw her back. "You'll need your energy for the labyrinth."

"Tch." Shea sucked her teeth averting her attention away from him.

"To deprive this lowly servant, how cruel." Tio shuddered in arousal.

"Let's just get going. Where did that switch go." Yue who finally woke up from the double stuffing she just got stood up without caring about the substance trickling out of her. She was admittedly annoyed at being bested twice within such a short time.

It was only a coincidence that she just so happened to be standing directly over Darkness who happily lapped up the cum dripping on her face.


Tsubaki was quickly catching up to the 2nd generation group members in terms of strength and her overall ability to keep up.

She had been the last to recover from exhaustion but was only a few minutes behind Tio. She was admittedly a lot less skilled of a combatant and generally was slower than the others when it came to dispatching large swarms.

Still, her growth was noticeable, she wondered what her status would read were she to be back in her home world.


50 floors. That's how many layers made up the beginning of the labyrinth. After that was the entrance to the final boss room.

Well 'ENTRANCES'. There were two primary ways to get to the final boss room. One being through a maze, while the other being through a complex puzzle.

What option did they choose?

Fuck all, and bulldoze through.

It was like Miledi's labyrinth all over as they went through the labyrinth walls like butter.


The final 'Boss' was in actuality a multitude of lava snakes, all inside a giant lava pit. The room in of itself had very little in terms of platforms to stand.

Terrain aside, however, the 'boss' themselves were not that strong. Certainly stronger than any of the other lava constructs in the labyrinth, but not quite matching up to something like the hydra in Oscar's labyrinth.

One by one, the lava snakes burst apart into molten lava that destroyed most of the already minimal platforms.

In the end, the magic caster of the group Yue ended up dealing with the rest, while Yogiri kept them floating mid-air after the last foothold was destroyed.

"Let's get out of here, if any more of my cloth burns I'm gonna throw a fit." Tsubaki wastes no time and beelines for the a door that just opened on one of the walls.

Her top was mostly gone, leaving her underboob exposed on one side, and a nipple outright exposed on the other.


"I think I'm done with labyrinths for a while. Even when they are not hard, it's still annoying." Shea groaned out as her bare feet touched the nice hot water of the hot spring.

"I hear you." Tsukasa to her right nodded in approval.

The girls who had also come to the spring nodded in agreement all suddenly rubbing at sore muscles.

Surprisingly, Nemesis and Yogiri were missing from this scene. Instead, Nemesis was making due on her dibs of Yogiri in a nearby room.

This room just so happened to be where Nemesis ordered Noint to remain.

The collar around her neck forced her to obey every order. Even so, she still was in control of her thoughts, and hated every moment.

As for breaking the collar, that was a lot harder than putting it on. Even if her willpower was to skyrocket there was still a very low probability of it falling off.

She was to be nothing more than a slave.


Spatial magic. That was the ancient magic offered by the Grand Gruen Volcano. This magic in actually allowed one the manipulation of boundaries. The limits of space could be pushed past what should be physically possible.

Example? Hajime's house in the after-story. His basement makes use of spatial magic to expand way past the space it should.

It wasn't much of a surprise to see Nemesis reach a level within a day, that the original holder took years to reach. Well, at least according to Miledi.

Tsukasa also had a fair bit of rapid success with the magic.

As for everyone else, their progress was steady but progressive.

Thus marked the end of the 3rd labyrinth and the gaining of the 3rd ancient magic.

Yogiri had long since predicted that each of the magic when combined, formed the structures of existence. If he were to fully master all the ancient magic and gain access to concept magic, he could theoretically produce any outcome. In essence, each individual magic was a small part of what could be considered omnimagic.

This world even while being so weak in comparison, held a considerable amount of power.