Off to ‘save’ the heroes

Noint's mind remained occupied with the image of Yogiri. Even now while she was allowed to roam around a bit she stayed locked in a random room, and huddled up in a corner.

Why was she reacting like that?

Her body became so unbearably hot every time she saw or thought of him.

Even now she remained without a single strand of cloth. Her cave never stopped leaking with her bodily fluids. Her nipples were harder than diamonds. She was so damn aroused that it was unbearable.

She had long since thrown away all dignity and tried to pleasure herself, but never seemed to be able to do it satisfactorily.

Instead, she tried to beat quality with quantity, not stopping even when she heard the door to the room open.

After that... It was hell. She watched, without being able to look away.

The sight of her former warden being railed and made to moan and scream like a whore. How that giant rod pierced her holes and caused her body to submit to his every whim.

Her arousal skyrocketed...


'Make that bitch pay!'

Eventually, she found herself smiling like a madman. Seeing the smirk that tanned girl always seemed to have devolved into a disgusting grin was heaven.

Yet at the same time...

'That should be me.'

Memories of her time watching herself through the display surfaced. When her face was even more messed up than that of the girls. When she in the display seemed to have no other worries and entirely devoted herself to that man.

'That should be me!'

Tears beganforming in her eyes yet she still remained looking. Even with the sorrow, her arousal never ceased, and the only action she did was desperately rub at her clit and finger her vagina.

Not once did they even pay attention to her miserable state.




'That time' was approaching.

It was honestly a very insignificant event, but something Yogiri planned to enjoy either way. Though he didn't feel like wasting so much time on it, so the only ones that'd be participating would be him, Nemesis and Tio. Everyone else decided to stay at the base and train as usual.

Nemesis had given orders to Noint, to inform the group of everything she knew about Ehit. The girl easily relinquished such information albeit a bit lifelessly.

Afterward, she was told she could return to her room. Nemesis had already given a series of commands that guaranteed she'd never try to hurt one the of the people at the base.

They had no real idea when exactly the heroes would find themselves in that predicament hence why they brought Tio. She'd have absolutely no use with creation magic but learning it was still needed for conceptual magic.

As she was forced without rest to go through the labyrinth, Yogiri and Nemesis relaxed in the spot the ambrosia was found initially. They kept two portals open, one on the floor they remembered the fight to have taken place, and one constantly switching to watch Tio.

The girl already had pain conversion like Darkness, so she could reach pretty far. However, beating the hydra by herself might prove difficult. As such, at any point, Yogiri or Nemesis could send attacks through the portal and obliterate it.

For a while, they just relaxed. Occasionally they'd fuck but most of the time they surprisingly just sat there reading and talking about manga.

It wasn't until the 2nd day that they finally heard the commotion and voices of sentient beings.

"It was time for their entrance"


"I've finally found you. Is the hero supposed to be hiding like this." A red haired demon spoke. Her eyes glowed a crimson red a few shades lighter than those of Yue. Her breast spilled out of her long dress, that did little to conceal her curvaceous physique. Her ears typical of her race were pointed and she had 3 markings under each of her eyes.

Her sinister look only became more so when she saw the hero holding his arm in pain.

"Shut up demon! I'll defeat you you'll see!" The brown-haired unimportant being known as the hero spoke aloud.

"Kouki-kun, you're still not fully healed!" One of the main heroines in the original, a black-haired girl dressed in a priestess uniform spoke aloud.

The situation wasn't good for any of them.

Still, the hero pulled out his sword and prepared to fight once again.


Everything went as it did in the original. Meld was seriously injured, and Kouki lost his shit.

The dumbass hero was given an opportunity to put an end to their suffering but what did he do?

He hesitated, unable to kill someone that even remotely looks human.

And so, yet again they were pushed back.


Kouki was down. The rest of the heroes? Most shitting their pants and refusing to even make a move. The others, make a valiant effort to save their comrades but in the end, it is for naught.

Shizuku Yaegashi, the last of the stand falls to her knees as the giant monster with a horsehead looms over her.

Behind her, the person she had known since forever, and the one she vowed to protect no matter the dangers they faced.

It was a promise that she never conveyed verbally, but one she made in her heart of hearts.

Unfortunately, under the eyes of that same person, her promise would come to an end.

Even with the monster breathing down her neck, Shizuku's attention was never averted from her.

'Kaori.' Her thoughts looked for a way to allow her friend to escape, yet nothing came. She wanted so desperately to see that face of anguish disappear, to make all her sorrows vanish.


A hot searing pain came from the back of her head as she was shot through the air, straight in the direction of her best friend.

The two collided, rolling back on the dirt before they finally smacked into the labyrinth wall.

"Ugh, Shizu-ku."

Ignoring the pain, Kaori desperately attempted to even slightly heal the girl that lay still in her arms.

"Kaori." The rough soft voice of her friend responded to her, even though her magic never seeped through. She was out of magic. She barely even had enough to stay conscious.

They both watched in agony as the giant monster yet again approached. Shizuku herself was amazed her body had yet to give out, a testament to her rigorous training. That endurance wouldn't last long, however.

"Hmph." The monster snorted as it got closer. Its face showing clear signs of anger. Much of its brethren had fallen only minutes before from one of the girl's hands.

No one made a sound. The other heroes just watched in silence and terror as the monster approached the girls. They were too afraid that even a sound would direct that killing intent toward themselves.

The giant refrigerator-sized arm of the beast raised in the air, promising nothing less than a painful death to the receiver. And with one last, roar... The first fell down upon the two.

Death is not what happened.



A loud thump, followed by a splat. The entire floor of the labyrinth rattled. When the dust finally settled down the giant beast was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, two figures stood in its place. Or rather... Hovered. One was a Japanese youth, the other a voluptuous tan woman wearing a loose kimono.

Both hovered in place, the arm of the youth extended in a punching position. His fist was coated in a blue substance they all recognized as the monster's blood.



One of the kids that had remained silent until then spoke up first, before the redhead demon finished her words. A clear panic was on her face as she stepped back in horror and trepidation.

"Who?" Kaori spoke aloud clutching at Shizuku and leaning further into the wall.

"Maybe a little too much force?"

"Who cares, dead is dead. Let's carry on."

The man waved his hand trying to get the blood off while the girl to his side suddenly dashed forward to the nearest enemy.

"Yeah yeah, hold on." Yogiri rolled his eyes dismissing his surroundings as the shell-shocked enemies died without even knowing how.

"Eat this." He landed on the ground in front of the girls he had so bad-assedly saved. Before any of the two could question it, both had a senzu bean in their mouth.

Kaori had bit down on it by accident, and before she could try to spit it out, Yogiri used his psychokinesis to forcefully make them swallow.

"What?!" Kaori shouted in shock as her injuries completely disappeared.

Shizuku too shot up, feeling her entire body. Every cell in her body felt rejuvenated, and even the mangled arm that was barely still attached to her was put back in place perfectly.

Unlike Kaori though, Shizuku didn't stay idle as she immediately stood up sword in hand, ready to do fight once again.

"Let us, just watch from there." Yogiri grabbed her by the shoulder before she could dash away and pushed her back to the floor before he himself disappeared to take care of the monsters.

"I know not who you are, but it was very stupid of you to reveal yourself."

"Kill them!" The demon held her hand out sending a wave of monsters at the two.

Yogiri with a wave of his hand halted such movements. The next second the monsters seemingly caved in on themselves, their heads reaching their legs.

Blood busted from the compressed bodies painting the labyrinth in their entrails. The scene proved too gruesome for some, as they turned away in disgust.

"What... are they?" The golden child of the group, the one they all acknowledged as their leader, their hero, questioned from his place on the floor.

He watched as they easily slaughtered everything that until then had been causing them harm. Every monster was reduced to nothing.

Yogiri and Nemesis. The two stood side by side as the clear victors.

Cattleya gritted her teeth as the two annoying hovered above her, looking down on her like she was nothing.

"Golden-eyed lizard, be gifted with magic..." She began uttering an incantation, hope still very present in her eyes.

Yogiri and Nemesis just stood there staring at her, not bothering to stop her spell.

'Arrogance is bliss.'

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! THAT'S PETRIFICATION!" Kouki tries to warn but the two remain static.

"HAH, ENJOY THE AFTERLIFE!" Cattleya shouts before a large torrent of smoke shoots from her hand and begins rushing toward the two.

"MOVE!" Kouki shouts again but it falls on deaf ears as the two are surrounded by the fog.

For a good 5 seconds, the fog remained, not a sound or movement coming out of it.

"No matter how strong you are, you make contact with the alarm... You're mine." Cattleya with a smile walked forward.

"Now let's see what type of statues you made." She giddily spoke before her face fell when suddenly all the fog began getting sucked in.

Before long it had all disappeared and soon, the same two people appeared, not as a statue but just as before.

The difference being the smirk on Nemesis's face had transformed into a large grin, and she was staring at Cattleya like a predator would its prey.

As for Yogiri, his expression remained neutral.

"You're kidding." Cattleya stumbled backward with sweat pouring down her cheeks. "Even after all that."

"So that was one of the ancient magics? Powerful... Too bad it was wasted on a weakling." Nemesis asked appearing behind the demon and stopping her retreat.

Cattleya just gritted her teeth trying not to show her annoyance as she realized she had no escape.

"You best kill me, I will tell you nothing."

"NO DON'T!" Kouki shouted. "SHE'S STILL A PERSON!"

Yogiri and Nemesis couldn't help but to deadpan at the kid, their eyes dismissing him with clear disapproval. Something that caused him to shudder.

"Hmph, a hero to the very end. Pathetic." Cattleya spat before she suddenly felt a hand on her throat.

Looking straight, Cattleya took in the sight of the tan woman, her piercing eyes looking into her soul and her smile terrifying her to no end.

"Get it over with. Just know... My lover will avenge my death." She finished before closing her eyes, expecting the pain that came with being sent to the afterlife.

"Oh, lady. You don't know how much more enjoyable you're making this."

Her acceptance of death was interrupted as the girl holding her in a vice grip spoke. An opening of one eye revealed the girl to be rubbing her legs together as she panted.

"You won't be dying today."

Those words left Cattleya confused but truthfully she was becoming even more afraid.

"What are you going on about." Cattleya leaned back trying to escape her grasp but suddenly she found herself thrown forward, straight into a portal that appeared out of nowhere.

Like that, Nemesis and Cattleya disappeared from the labyrinth.


"You're a friend of Aiko?"

After Nemesis left Shizuku and Kaori approached Yogiri much to the disapproval of the hero who warned them away.

Their first question was of course what happened to the demon they were fighting, something Yogiri replied to with just "She's being handled."

After that came the "who are you"'s and the "what are you doing here".

"Yup, saved her a while ago. We've been in touch ever since and she asked me to save you." Yogri shrugged as he ignored the hostile glances he was receiving.

'I'm gonna enjoy watching your faces.'

'When did I become a sadist?'

"Saved? Is Aiko okay?" Kaori asked with her hands clasped.

"She's in perfect health."

"And that woman. Who is she?" Shizuku spoke for the first time. Her feelings at the moment were complex. The guy was a stranger and his showing up when he did was frankly weird, on the other hand... He saved her and her best friend's life. There was also this...air around him. Something even she found was influencing her.

"My partner." Yogiri didn't elaborate more.

"..." Shizuku was expecting more but she knew when not to push boundaries.

"You're not from this world... You look Japanese?" Kaori pointed out. "Are you like us?"

Yogiri waited for a moment, his expression neutral before he raised a hand and turned it back and forth. "You are correct, as for your other I won't say more."

"This guy is from Japan?"

"Where was he when we were summoned?"

"What does he mean so-so?"

One by one the kids fell out of their daze and began questioning one another.


Kaori with her revitalized energy was able to heal all her classmates enough to avoid serious long-term injury and give them enough energy to walk.

Immediately, Kouki's main focus was questioning Yogiri. When that proved futile he tried to recruit him. When that didn't work either he began accusing him.

The way that the nonsense he was spouting was actually seeming to work on the idiots annoyed Yogiri and he retaliated by giving the kid a strong punch in the gut when he tried to convince Meld to put him in jail. The controlled strength only left him barely conscious.

"Don't forget the reason you're all still alive is me. I have no problem taking that away." Yogiri didn't even mean to sound menacing, his words just seemed to come out that way. These kids were annoying.

After that, Shizuku made damn sure to keep Kouki away from Yogiri. She just barely escaped death, she didn't need to go plunging back into it.

The mood of the room was dark, that was until Yogiri had told them he'd be bringing them to Aiko. After that, almost everyone seemed to forget about Kouki as they expressed their gratitude.

"Yeah yeah. Let me retrieve another one of my companions first." Yogiri spoke before space tore apart and he reached inside.

When he pulled back, the skinny leg of an attractive female came with him. Tio gracefully landed next to her master.

"Master? Has thy completed what thy needed done?" Tio asked with a head tilt. She tried to annoy the drool of the fodder as they looked lustfully at her.

"Yes. How far did you get?" Yogiri said, being quite a bit nicer than he usually would.

"This one reached floor 99 master." Tio proudly boosted with her chest held high.

"Descent. You can finish another time-."

"WAIT!" A shout came from Kaori as she rushed to Tio.

"Floor 99 of this labyrinth?! Tell me have you seen a boy or girl down there?!" She shook the girl's clothes as hope sparked in her eyes.

"Kaori stop!" Shizuku tried to pull her back but her grip was too strong.

"The two you are referring to... Perished. I saw their corpses on the final floor of the labyrinth." Yogiri ripped the bandaid right off without warning.

In response, Kaori fell back. Her legs shook below her and she fell to her knees. "What? That-that can't be true... YOU'RE LYING!"

Kaori had a breakdown after that. Shizuku spent time trying to comfort her but it was getting nowhere.


Yogiri transported them all to where Aiko was in the castle. The reunion was sweet but a bit tense. Aiko informed them all of what Ehit truly was and everything else about the world.

Most, especially those that followed Kouki dismissed it and in an idiotic fashion yet again accused Yogiri of brainwashing her.

This time, they were all knocked unconscious... For the sake of discussion. Coincidentally, it was only the boys who were the ones to riot.

Kaori knocked herself out and was promptly put in Aiko's bed.

Yogiri realizing nothing was coming of today, told them he'd be leaving. But that he'd drop in every once in a while secretly.
