Back on track

Shizuku was conflicted. She had never been one to blindly trust anyone especially after only experiencing a small perspective. The only reason she was dragged along into the fight against demons was because of the rest of the group, as well as her annoying morals.

She knew Aiko, long before they arrived here. She was a charismatic and clumsy teacher. She was not one to lie.

Whatever method it came to fruition aside, she truly believed Ehit was not of who the church portrayed. In fact, everything made sense.

At the same time though, she could have been misled, and everything she said could have been nonsense.

She was stuck. And with the inclusion of Yogiri Takatou a being of unknown power, and who, like them, originally came from Japan in a way different from themselves.

Ah right, and he refuses to answer almost all her questions. He really wasn't helping.

For now, she had no choice but to be thankful to him, however. They'd all be dead without his interference.

Still, she needed to play it safe. That meant getting rid of any debt they may owe him. She knew not however how she'd go about paying that debt.

'I hope it's nothing too absurd.'

Shizuku flopped onto the soft luxurious bed below her. Her pink nightgown fluttered as she did so.

It was a clothing item she was remarkably embarrassed by but was unable to deny due to Kaori's childish desire to have matching sleepwear.

Looking at it caused fond memories to surface for Shizuku.

"Please wake up, Kaori." She gazed at the girl who lay at her side. Her eyes remained closed and her body was still.


It had been a full day since the events of the labyrinth and she has not woken up once. They got her tested by a doctor and it came back that she might be in a depression-induced coma, but she should snap out of it soon.

Any desire to return to the labyrinth had been stomped out after the event. First with the behemoth, then with the strange demon. In the minds of the heroes, the place was cursed.

Of course, after hearing about what had happened from Kouki, the church was on edge.

News of Yogiri spread within the castle, but a gag order was released to suppress it before it reached outside.

Pope Ishtar at first started by trying to interrogate Aiko for the location and Identity of Yogiri. His intention to add him to their forces was obvious.

After finally realizing that interrogation wasn't going to work, they switched to a different tactic. This involved treating Aiko like a queen.

Her room was upgraded to something that rivaled even the king's chambers, her meals were of supreme quality, and she received numerous amounts of gifts.Aiko denied all of them, but they kept sending more her way.

Kouki and his gang of mindless followers took to training nonstop. Kouki's opinion of Yogiri had already reached a low point. He was partly convinced he was not what he seemed.

Aside from them, however, two students, in particular, remained hidden. The times they were seen only being together, and always with a sinister smirk.


Back in the hideout, 1 week later...

Nemesis had been in and out for the last week. She claimed she was busy but everyone knew what she was really doing, especially when Noint had disappeared as well.

Tio had completed Orcus's labyrinth and Miledi's. Miledi grew tired of constantly having to remake her giant golem and so with Tsubaki's help she was working on a solution.

There was one problem that was becoming increasingly more prevalent, however. The energy reserves of some of the group were completely inferior to some of the other original members. This was slowing down training by a lot and made labyrinth conquers a lot slower.

A solution was needed to fix this. They didn't have an infinite amount of senzu beans to give out after all.

At first, they came up with the idea of using Noint's access to a nigh-infinite amount of mana. This was dismissed when they concluded that, that mana more than likely came from Ehit's own pool and was not truly infinite just massive.

The second option, was to somehow build/ monopolize on a mana generator. This was proposed by Tsukasa, after pointing out her noticing of being able to not only turn mana into electricity but being able to turn electricity back into mana.

She truthfully got this information from the after story of the original but either way she brought it up.

And so, a solution was found. Though even then there was still a problem. Not a single one of them had any sort of clue about how to build any sort of power plant.

Thankfully, there was a solution in the form of Yogiri's summoning magic.

And so he went through the steps yet again.

{Requirements for summoning:

-A giant isolated area

-3x your magic power}

{Requirements for loyalty:

-A way home.

-Good food.

-Any books related to magic.

-Personal space.}

This time the summon requirements were very easy to fulfill, and as it seemed this time, Yogiri wouldn't be boning her... Probably.


At an undisclosed area somewhere in the multiverse. A girl picks up a phone and scrolls through it a bit.

{Admin- [A loving older sister], has joined the chat.}

{Member: [Modern day samurai], has joined the chat.}

{Member: [Stalker], has joined the chat.}

{Member: [Glass Cannon], has joined the chat.}

{Member: [Mecha Otaku], has joined the chat.}

The girl smiles.

[A/N: I'm changing the new members personality and history slightly to fit the story.]

"This is a long list." Yogiri scratched his head as he looked over the paper their newest member gave him.

The member in question was Ringo Ōhoshi, a character from the anime "High school Prodigies" and the person considered as the best inventor in her world. She had light brown hair and amber eyes. She wears a red hat that looks similar to an apple, and goggles around her neck. For clothes, she wears a pink skirt with a brown button-up on top. Her green boots went a bit far up her leg but stopped and left the rest to be covered by her stockings. She always had on a pair of green oversized gloves.

She was responsible for creating a mini and portable nuclear fission reactor, and a method to get rid of all harmful substances from radioactive waste. In other word's she was exactly what the group needed for their project.

Since her summoning, she had been spending most of her time isolated in the room Yogiri got Tsubaki to build.

"It is essential sir," Ringo responded with a bow as she hid her face in her jacket.

"Hmm, I'll get it to you, but it'll take a bit." Yogiri nodded. Most of the stuff was material she wanted to experiment with. She was completely unfamiliar with the properties of some of the materials and only had books as a reference.

"Please hurry." She bowed before scurrying off back to her room.

She was finding it hard to cope with not having her AI Kumausa to speak to, and things were getting lonely. Thankfully she had tons of books she could pour over given by her new boss.


While Tsubaki and Yogiri used their gravity magic to locate veins of ore, everyone else aside from Nemesis, Tsubaki, and Ringo focused on training.

What that meant at an intermediate level is nonstop sparring with people at their level. For example, Yue found that she was challenged most by Darkness, as the girl was durable enough to get within close distance and land blows.

As for Shea, Tio was her best bet as she was fairly close to her skill level, and had scales durable enough to withstand her powerful fist.

Tsukasa would usually train with Yogiri, so in his absence, she just practiced new skills. Her main weapon of choice recently had been the boosted gear, and her training as of recent had revolved around it.

This meant she had been neglecting the use of her byakugan which now that she thinks about it, could have come in handy a number of times.

With that said, she made her way back to the sea of trees, vowing to expand her range enough that there was no way she'd be able to get lost.


"Please... no more." In a dark room with unknown size, a single beam of light illuminates a quite bewildering display.

A naked woman, with fiery dark red hair, purple eyes, and pointy ears is chained from the ankles and wrist.

The positioning forces her to stand on the cold hard floor. Below her eyes are red showing that quite a number of tears had been shed.

The most bizarre of all however, was the puddle below the girl, which upon closer inspection was not one of her waste, but of her vaginal fluids.


A menacing voice rings out through the darkness and a second later Cattleya's whole body spams uncontrollably. A painful cry echoes throughout the large room and another few drops are added to the puddle.

When it finally ends Cattleya's body yet again goes limp dangling from her chains without any energy to resist. Her heavy breaths are aimed at the ground as she can't even muster the energy to raise her head, not even when she hears familiar footsteps approaching.

From the shadows, two figures appeared before her. One she recognized as her warden, the other, a woman she assumed had the misfortune of being subjected to her before herself.

She felt a hand grab her hair and lift her head up. She was met face to face with her jailers eyes, eyes that beamed into her soul as if she could see everything.

"Do you submit." The girl's smile angered Cattleya to no end.

"NEVER!" She screamed, desperately hoping her defiance would prove to much and she would let her go.

Alas, that was simply a foolish thought.

"That so… again, and up the intensity." The girl's smile widened and for a second she thought her defiance is what the girl wanted, before all that was forced from her mind.

The phallic objects that had been jammed in both her ass, and vagina, as well as the vibrating orbs that had been stuck to her clit and nipples all activated again. This time however it was at an even greater intensity. Her swollen vagina became even more so and he tits stood painfully erect.

Noint watched all this happen in no small bit of confliction. She hated being ordered around by this woman, but at the same time being able to take out her frustration on someone was a good feeling.

"You're doing good Noint." Nemesis turned to the girl, who still was not allowed any clothes. "Master will be pleased, and I'm sure you will get your first reward." Nemesis watched in amusement as her words reached Noint.

The girl could barely hold back the smile that wanted to come about. Unfortunately, the hardening of her nipples and drips of fluid spilling below her were not something she could hide.

"Yup." Nemesis chuckled, feeling the girl's gushing folds before pulling away with the slimy vaginal fluid on her fingers. "He will be pleased indeed."

The thought of it all excited her to no end. Her hands reached down to the opening in the bottom of her kimono and thanks to her dislike for panties. What happened next was blind to Noint as she turned away from Nemesis and looked back at Cattleya.

'Tch, only that much and she's like this?' Her thoughts conveyed her anger. Truthfully, she was upset that her corruption was a lot more brutal than that of this girl.

'Suffer more, until you can even comprehend a sliver of what I was forced to experience.' A corrupted smile overtook her lips as she yet again upped the intensity with the remote in her hand.

'No matter what, I'll make sure you remain beneath me.'