C 31- Strange Atmosphere.

The auxiliary chapters have been updated. Thank you.☺️


Ur town. The mountain range area in the North and Uldeia lake in the West brought abundant resources to the town. Currently, the town was encircled by an "outer wall" that didn't exist last night as the town was wrapped in a strange atmosphere.

It was made with Ken's terrain manipulation skill and Yue's Earth magic . It wasn't tall enough to hold all the monsters off but it wasn't short for common ones to jump across. In front of this outer wall is a trench created along the wall without leveling the land. The world's strongest party didn't need this wall and trench to face the army of monsters, it was made to give Yue the high ground while she casts her spells and also to give a sense of security to the townspeople in this crisis.

The thing about the approaching army of tens of thousands of monsters was already known to the townspeople. Considering the monsters' movement speed, the vanguard would arrive right before evening. Naturally, the townspeople panicked. People began to insult the town leaders including the mayor; others cried and collapsed on where they were, people closely embraced the person next to them, some scrambled to escape even among companions, and there were those who started to blame each other. Tomorrow, this town would be destroyed and they knew they'd lose their lives if they stayed here, so they didn't have the luxury to remain calm. The way they were acting couldn't be helped.

" — Compassion for your fellow man—?

What a joke, they share smiles and live with good words because there's an abundance.

When the heavens fall, angels fall with it.."

But there was someone who made them regain their composure. It was Aiko. She stood at the watchtower with her students and now awoken knights escorts. They woke up with a weird feeling in their gut and a few gaps in their memory, but they were unable to guess what happened or missing as the towns crisis news reached their ears.

And as volunteered escorts, their first thought was the safety and protection of Aiko, who they soon found with dropped shoulders and an absent mind. Not having the time to think or ask about the circumstances, Knight Chase steps forward and advises Aiko and her students to tackle issues one step at a time.

So, here they are, putting the situation under control by using their worth which is their titles of goddess of good harvest, apostles of god and Temple Knights respectively, to their advantage. And it works as people are soon gathered orderly for safe evacuation.

The women, children and old evacuate first to seek shelter whiles the abled men split in two.

The first are those who will accompany the shelter group and be an additional defense for them. The second being the defend-our-home group, who against all persuasion decided to fight to the last man. Although it passed midnight, the appearance of people embracing each others for separation in tears could be seen everywhere.

The shelter group went out of the town while carrying their luggages before dawn. The sun had raised high now, the people were divided between those who prepared for the battle and those who took a nap.

Even if the people had decreased, there was more liveliness than usual so Ken sat on the instant bulwark behind the town, it was unknown what was happening as he was laughing as he watched something on his iPad. Naturally, by his sides were Yue, Shia and Riveria.

During their private time, Yue and Shea got curious about his life as any normal lived human won't be able to give his speech. Not feeling right, Ken promises to tell them in due time and they choose to believe as everybody has a past to escape even Yue.

Right now, they're looking at the monster army through on the iPad and they talk and laugh once in a while. Ken proposed this idea of watching the monster army and see the ones that are crushed by their own overwhelming numbers. The funny part comes in when some common class monsters are walked over by a big monster general and that monster is then crushed by a bigger monster leader and then, that leader is eaten by a larger monster species. Even with this Riveria sits there in kuu mode but her eyes shows the dere-ness inside as she also finds it funny.

Aiko, the students, Tio, Will, David, and several guard Knights soon arrived there. Aiko looks at Ken with a weird expression, as she couldn't believe someone who said those 'truths' to her could sit there and laugh with cute girls like it's a regular job they do.

Even though Ken noticed Aiko and the others approaching, he didn't turn around and made David and the Knights frown, but Aiko called on him earlier than them.

"Kiyama-kun, how are your preparations? Did you need something else?"

"Hahaha~ look that that one, haa. No, there's no problem, sensei."

Of course Ken simply answered so without turning around. Unable to endure his attitude, David wanted to snap on him but Tio spoke at which Ken and his party seemingly pause for her.

"I have matters to discuss with you, may I?.

Although it will be more of a permission to help out"

""...??..."". "...Oh right, Tia".

With so much going on and the thing with Aiko, Ken somehow genuinely forgot she was with him. It was so strange, looking at her she had a defined presence that naturally drew eyes but she seems to go unnoticed when eyes are off her.

"Y-you...huff huff... f-forgotten my name didn't you?"

"Stop smiling... and they're here... the monsters I mean, with doubled numbers for you to prove your worth"

The implication that she was worthless before caused Tio to twitch from the bottom up but the others had a more frightened look. Just yesterday the monster army counted an approximate of 30000 but now It's double that number?.

' How are we to face such absurd numbers and win ' is what the weaklings beside the world's strongest party were thinking as their bodies trembled as if telling them to flee and fight another day... with great numerical advantage of course.

With their silence the strange atmosphere already existing became more real and heavy for the defend-our-home group behind the bulwark.