C 32- Picking Up Goods

Ken turned his gaze towards the mountain range area in the north. He displayed his narrowed eyes as he looked at the distance and back to his device. Even though they weren't in location that could be seen by naked eyes, Ken and party can clearly see it from the image from Third eye which displayed on his iPad.

"D-double?... meaning 60000" (Aiko)

"They doubled in just a day...?" (Sonobe)

"He can't possibly control that many... ... right?"(Aikawa)

""... ...""

From the way he spoke, although Aiko's manner showed she didn't want to believe it, the rest were convinced it was Shimizu Yukitoshi 9 out of ten cases.

"From what I can see, there's a mix of more than two types of magic beasts and monsters. The small and common class beasts/monsters of both the ground and flying types are the cannon fodder and vanguard, followed by the weak commander monsters then the big and strong.

At the back of the army is a human in all black on an unknown big wolf like monster surrounded by smaller ones.

And although I can't see his face... it's 85% Yukitoshi Shimizu "

"Kiyama-kun. About Yukit–the black-robed man…"

Apparently, that's the subject. Anguish oozed out from Aiko's words.

"Don't worry Sensei, I won't kill him, for the time being I will bring him here... ...he has a family awaiting him afterall..."

'And who knows what purpose he might serve in the future '

"Hm?... they're moving much faster than expected with no rest it seems"

The others follow Ken's line of sight and at the end of their sight, they could see a thin black line filling the horizon and the longer they watched, the thin line turns into a black cloth.

""...!!..."" (weaklings)

"They'll be here within the hour...are u prepared?"(Ken)



Smiles and nods. (Riveria)

"This worthless one is ready"

The townspeople pick up their bows, magic staffs, swords and other cold weapons and gathered behind the bulwark. The ground began to tremor, and monsters' roars could be heard together with dust storm in the far distance. Some people started to pray to the god and some people wore expressions as if they'd be dead at any time.

"Temple Knights and Will, can you gather on the ground with them?" (Ken)

"We're Aiko's escorts, why would we leave her side?" (David)

"I just want to address everyone's bravery with the goddess of good harvest and the apostles of god as the focal point"

"Oh! why not!!"

Will and all the temple knights around Aiko, even the sceptical Chase, descended the bulwark and stood in front of the group and they all focus on what Ken was about to say. Ken raised his right hand and a ring could be seen as he was not his gothic gauntlets now.

The ring briefly shines and an orb with different colors appears in his hands as he holds it for some seconds at which it starts to glow. He then throws it down and against all expectations it floats Infront of the group behind the bulwark. The knights reacted fast as some closed their eyes and others their nose and mouth but it's all futile as in less than a second their eyes becomes unfocused like the townspeople as they stood there.


"W-what did you do to them"

Aiko asked the million dollar question that was on the minds of hero students and Tio.

Tio as a magic prodigy could make an educated guess of them being trapped in some form of illusion, how they were easily trapped while being fully awake and aware was beyond her since the knights were strong. Ken's party however knew what that was as Ken and Yue would converse back and forth during their various try and error trials in it's creation.

"They're in an illusion... there are certain things they shouldn't see"

'I knew the it'll work on crowds but this is a perfect result. The illusionary orb {see in auxiliary chapter 3}is a success with this test run'

"Sensei and the others should retreat to the watchtower of the towns original defenses"

"I see. Kiyama-kun... ...I want you to know whatever has happened or will happen, I will still be your sensei"

Aiko and the others retreated back leaving Ken with a funny face.

"She still affected me huh".

"... ...Ken?"

"It's okay Yue, am fine".


"You guys ~"

Ken not responding to Shea's feeling of unfairness, wears his gauntlets, Outlaw helmet and puts on his hood, looking more battle ready than his party has ever seen him be.

{A/N: I feel like I should clarify here since I might not mention it often, Ken's helmet and hood isn't always on. If you've read the auxiliary chapters, you'd know that his helmet as well as the others– with the exception of Shea who wants to feel the wind– are connected to Third eye's hive mind, seeing things it sees.

You should also know that only Ken's helmet was made with battle in mind since he acquired [Thought Acceleration] and [Parallel Thinking] meaning he could watch the battle and fight with great efficiency. The others' helmets were built to watch scout images while on their cycles. His hood mostly goes on when the helmet does.

His gauntlets are also worn during fighting only.}

When his party were ready with their weapons and eyes on the battle field, Ken turned to Yue and she nods to him with both hands raised.

"Great Destruction"

With a single spell Yue left Tio in awe and also erased the ground on both sides leaving a narrow pathway for the rapid approaching monsters.

"I have to collect some goods before I step on the battlefield... Tio, I want you to make sure no monsters fly over that line Yue made. The rest have their orders"


Ken walked ten steps before he started to fade away like a mirage which left no noticable change on Yue and Shia's face but on Tio and Riveria's. Tio frown because even with her draconian eyes, his speed was blurry which is dangerous in battle, as Speed is King.

'He's improved again from ten to seven steps. He walked about seven steps before accelerating his speed so fast, untrained eyes sees his afterimage walk an additional three steps... ...The gaps between our proficiencies is widening again'

Riveria's mind roamed as different emotions swelled up inside which causes her to sigh deeply as she turns from Ken's vanishing location.


Ken was using light flash steps to run through the woods at the left side of the monsters' path as he evades incoming monsters.

Ken frowns underneath his helmet, because the Third eye cannot locate the black robed human anymore. Heat sensors are useless in these crowds of heat sources.

'Forth Sight'

Ken uses Forth Sight through the Third eye and soon found his target in a good hiding spot.

'Did he separate and move behind the boulder when Yue used Great Destruction, thinking the battle as started?. Well now I don't have to fight a horde of monsters to get to him' thought Ken as he stopped the usage of this great ability.

In less than a minute, Ken covered 10km before reaching his target's location.


"What the hell was that attack?... looks like it won't be easy but Aiko has to and will die...hehe haa ... and I will be a hero" (???)


The monsters that guarded the dark mage growled in welcome to the intruder and also to alert the man. The black robed man on top of the wolf like monster squints his eyes as a human wearing a black hooded trenchcoat with a black facemask from which he could tell and holding no weapons walked out of the woods near him.

"Yukitoshi Shimizu right? Aiko-sensei is so worried about you... she wants to talk" (Ken)

"W-who are you supposed to be?"

"Me? I'm Kiyama Kenshiro, remember?"

"Hm? Kiyama?... y-you should be died"

"I'm very much alive, you see?" replied Ken who still had his helmet on, not expecting his identity to change the outcome.

"Then let's make your dead status permanent... hehe~ I'm very busy you see~"

The ten out of the eleven monsters with him moved towards Ken in great speeds with killing intent.

Ken smiled as his left hand held Orochimaru, his O katana, with his thumb on it's tsuba. He pushes his thumb a little to release the habaki from the scabbard and holds the handle with his right as he flickers.


''Hm?... it dodged?" said Ken in astonishment, as he just missed his first strike. To further access things, Ken dodges a bite and counters with a swing which still missed but he just smiled.

'I see... anime and manga really is different from real experience. I'm faster and stronger but they're more sensitive with four eyes and beast ears; more agile with four legs and have multiple tails giving them increased balance. I could take them with time or a few faints but I have a battle to return to, so...'

"Presence Of The King"


Using this move Ken pressured them which stunned them for a second, enough to bisect five of them instantly. The other five couldn't keep their balance were easy pickings who died from beheading.

After killing off all ten, Ken turned to find the big one under Shimizu, who he reconned to be the monster leader, to be fine under his 'presence'. It was cautiously and slowly moving backwards as Ken could see Shimizu freaking out and ordering the monster to retreat.

"I can't wait to see what abilities your meat will give me *slurp* . How about this then–

Presence Of The Demon King. "


The pressure/gravity increased about five fold which immediately broke the monster's bones and caused Shimizu to fall unconscious without so much as an "Ouch".


Ken lifts the monster with one hand, applying a little force which breaks its neck and it vanishes into the treasure trove, ending this confrontation in less than two minutes. He then proceeds to put a red collar on Shimizu's neck before he vanished with him on his shoulder.

.... ..