


That was the only thing I could observe.

– Where am I?; ¿What's going on? ¿Who I am? –

Those were the only questions he asked himself, as he watched around him, no matter where he was seeing, it was all darkness.

After a few minutes, he began to remember, like a wave in the sea, he began to observe all his memories.

Now he remembered everything.

He was Sasuke Uchiha, one of the proud members of the Uchiha clan, those heirs to the lineage of one of the wise men of the 6 ways.

There, in the middle of nowhere, he began to remember, from his family, his cousins, companions, uncles, his parents and finally his brother, He remembered his mother's arms when he gave her a hug, he remembered his father, although he was not very sociable, he loved them.

He began to remember the Uchiha massacre, the day he decided to take revenge on Itachi, his time at the academy, team 7, the chunin exams, when he deserted konoha, his time with Orochimaru.

There, in the middle of nowhere, he remembered how he killed his brother, and how later he swore to destroy konoha. He also remembered the war, how they faced a goddess, and finally, he remembered the fight with his best friend.

I can't stand the clash of powers, even so he wondered how they will be, what life will be like in konoha, despite being dead, he didn't regret anything, As much as he had done bad things, he did not regret it, and he was sure that if he won that confrontation, he would destroy the corrupt before freeing everyone from the Tsukuyomi.

But that didn't matter anymore, he was dead, and with that, the entire Uchiha lineage. A few moments later, he watched Shinigami approach, when he was about to grab her soul and take her to the afterlife, Sasuke felt stupid.

¿Would he accept his death just like that? He would let himself be carried away and possibly punished by this stupid god! No, he was Sasuke uchiha and would fight to the death if necessary, he is not going to be dominated by anyone.

With that in mind, I use the infinite chakra I had, thanks to being dead, to activate his rinnegan and begin to absorb the energy of Shinigami, the enormous being, Realizing what he was doing, he decided to attack.

In doing so, Sasuke employed the power of the deity and created the shinra-tensei, in doing so, an explosion of apocalyptic magnitudes was generated, the whole void trembled, a tiny crack formed in that space, taking advantage of this, I enter that place.

He didn't know where he was taking him, but he knew that if he stayed he would end up losing, when he crossed that crack, Shinigami watched him and then saw the crack with his power, Sasuke didn't understand why he did that, until he felt his body start to burn, he wanted to scream, but every time he tried, nothing came out of his mouth, after a while he ended up passing out.



You could see women and men scattered on the floor, some had a bottle of wine in hand, but we won't focus on that.

In one of the rooms you could see a couple resting, the woman was a beautiful young lady of about 28 years old, dark brown hair and a beautiful body.

This was neither more nor less than Hera, the goddess of marriage and wife of Zeus

The man next to her was a young man of the same age, had dark hair, and a beautiful body.

This was Poseidon, the god of the seas.

— brother, what have we done? — Hera exclaimed, in a horrified way, she quickly picked up her clothes and left that place. I knew no one would remember anything, so he didn't care much.

She remembered how she found her husband, the bastard was fucking one of the many women who existed in that place. That filled him with fury, so he went to his sister, the goddess of the family, to be comforted. When he couldn't find her, he went to have a few glasses of liquor, and then he just remembers that he was riding his brother.

Some time later she realized she was pregnant, that horrified her, since not only had she failed her husband, but she was pregnant with another god. She was also horrified by her sister's oath.

Everyone knew the oath of eternal chastity that the goddess Hestia had made, but what few knew was that Zeus had said in one of his silly jokes.

— my sister will marry the bastard son that my wife will one day have. — At that time everyone had seen it as a joke.

But what they did not know; is that he had done it for the sole purpose of preventing his wife Hera from being unfaithful to someone like that, the goddess of the family got rid of getting married and he made sure that his wife was not unfaithful to him.


After a while I began to regain my senses, I was observing other people, but one caught my attention, she was in bed and it seemed that she had just given birth, the others seemed to be trying to persuade this woman.

A few minutes passed until he strangely understood them. — Vasta, I have already made my decision and if you disobey I will do it for you —

And with that that girl started to get closer, and when she was a few steps from me, I tried to separate and hit her. The key word is to try, since I just realized there that I was a baby, everything started to add up, she was my mother, in a strange way, but she was, Another thing I saw was that this place was very luxurious.

She carried me in her arms and took me up a hill, and while looking at me she spoke.

— you are an aberration that should not exist, no one can find out that the goddess of marriage broke her vote. If not, not only will I be stained, my sister also —

And with that he released me into the void. And again I was falling to my death, but this time I had nothing to save myself with.

Out of nowhere, the air began to swirl around me, and from one moment to the next I began to float towards the sky. Right there was a rather strange being, he was made of storm clouds and he looked at me as if he wanted to eat me, after a moment of inspecting me he spoke.

— you will be the one to help me recover what is rightfully mine, and take revenge on those who betrayed me, from this moment your name will be Zagreo, great-grandson of Uranus and Gea. —

End point of view.