Chapter II

Sasuke was watching his Savior.

It was the first time that he observed a being of that size and with so much power; he could feel the power overflowing despite being too diluted. When he observed it, only one man came to mind.

— Uranus —

That was the only thing he could articulate when he looked terrified.

I had never observed him before or even knew of his existence, despite that, I felt that I should have respect for this deity.

15 years later.

15 years had passed since the time Sasuke had arrived on this earth, at that time he learned quite strange things. One of the things that surprised him the most was that he was now a god.

He learned many things at that time, Uranus had been in charge of recounting absolutely everything about existence, Who were his parents, how reality was divided, How universes, dimensions, and the onmiverse were formed in general.

It turns out that before everything existed.

There were three beings that formed the world, Vishnu, God and finally Chaos. 

Chaos was the very representation of all the emptiness that existed, it was a formless being, it was the very representation of the opposite of the world, the soft and the hard, liquid and solid, fire and ice, everything and nothing.

Despite all that, chaos was a being without conscience, yet he had something that made him even more dangerous than his two brothers, and it was the ability to kill any existence in the multiverse. it was the very representation of destruction, if it ever were to be used in the wrong way, He would be able to erase the same creative deities such as Vishnu and God.

In the beginning of the times Vishnu and God, they decided to create the world, from that representation they formed very powerful beings, capable of dominating any physical or mental law of existence, but there was a problem, Vishnu wanted to rule everything and absolutely everything.

He believed that they should give a destiny to all the things that exist in the world. He did not like to know what other beings, other than the two of them, have absolute control of your destiny and free will, instead, God believed that all things should be free, God wanted to give you free will.

That discussion came to form a war between the two brothers, a war that ended absolutely everything and everyone in the universe, in the end God was the victor, Because he couldn't kill him, he sealed it in the center of the main universe.

In that fight, chaos What was the representation of everything created, spread throughout the world, and being a being without conscience, he could not reform again, so it joined 2 objects.

With the power they released in their struggle, the beings we all call primordial emerged.

They were born with great power, they were the very representation of a domain of the universe, they could never be eliminated or eradicated, such as its creators.

God was devastated due to that fight, it all ended with this, no living being, with one of his brothers sealed and the other missing without knowing where he was or how to find him, he began to rest in a deep sleep.

This is how the world was formed.

Each of the gods had emerged and taken part in the main universe, not only that, but the onmiverse had also formed.

The primordials joined and created their pantheons, others were the union of several primordials, although there were some universes that were only made up of a single primordial.

He also learned about the levels of power that existed in the hierarchy of the gods.

There are five levels of hierarchies in the gods:

Low-class God: These are gods with the ability to destroy solar systems just by raising their aura, in this position we could find both the lesser gods of water, of the wind or we could also find the nymphs and the dryads who would be recognized as minor goddesses.

Middle-class God: Middle-class gods can find gods with the ability to destroy galaxies just by raising their power, In this position were most of the gods who are not so relevant in the world, in this we can find God is like Eros who represent love.

High class God: in this position we can find gods with the ability to destroy entire universes, in This position we can find various gods such as Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, Tsukuyomi, Susano'o and most of the other gods that we can find in this position.

Supreme class God: This position is reserved by a select few, such as the Leaders of each pantheon How: Zeus, Horus, Amaterasu, Quetzalcóatl, Odin.

In this position only Gods could be found, with such power and magnitude, their power was so great that they could destroy entire multiverses, and used the highest powers in the world.

Their Power had no comparison, They did what they wanted, Where they wanted and how they wanted it, in this position we can also consider the Titans such as chronos and their brothers.

Primal Gods: As already mentioned in this place, we could only find the primordial ones, beings with such great power that no one would be able to face it.

With their very presence they were able to shake the supreme gods, it is said that if a primordial raises all its power to 100% he was capable of destroying absolutely all the infinity of multiverses and dimensions that exist, there were rumors that the primordial ones had reached the power of the creators themselves, who had started the whole world.

At first Sasuke had a hard time learning about the greatness of the world, only at this point did he realize how insignificant he was in the face of these deities, before, a powerful being capable of destroying entire continents was believed.

But these gods were capable of destroying everything around them just by raising their power, and if it wasn't too much, they couldn't be damaged by any weapon, The gods were divine energy, There is no weapon that has been created by mortals; that I managed to harm a God, no matter how powerful the weapon is, Or if you even have the ability to destroy the world, if you do not possess divine energy, you will not be able to harm a god.

All deities were looking for something in general, And that was the two divine objects, which carried the power of Chaos, until now no one had found them.

Sasuke did not give much importance to everything that was happening in the world, but if he wanted to become strong, he had to train, he did not trust Uranus, he began to train his powers in secret, He discovered that he had all his abilities before he was reborn in this world, despite not having the rinnegan, he had the ability to master all abilities.

He trained in absolutely all of that, Sasuke also knew that he should have claimed his dominance 10 years ago, but for some reason Uranus did not allow it.

One fine day, Uranus called Sasuke to his palace.

— Sasuke, I have been training you for over 15 long years, It is time to receive my reward. —

Saying that, Uranus released strange chains from his body and they became entangled through Sasuke's body. Although he was a little surprised, he was already waiting for him, they believed nothing of what Uranus said to him.

— You really think you can stop me now, You are just such a weak being, You do not have a real body to harm me. —

— That is what you will help me, I have been training you for more than 15 years so that your body is fit to receive my existence. —

Without saying absolutely nothing else, Uranus threw himself on Sasuke's body. When he was close he realized that everything was an illusion and the one who was chained was the same.

— So you cheated on me, I didn't expect anything less from you, Although you can't do anything to me because I don't have a physical body, you are not able to harm me, Instead, I have the ability to harm and take your body under my control. —

Uranus said it calmly with a smile, He was quickly confused to see how Sasuke was also smiling.

— I knew you wanted something from me, although I didn't think you would come low enough to want to take my body, but I don't care right now, because if I can't harm you then I will devour you, and your power will be mine. —

With those words Sasuke began to absorb all the power that Uranus had. It was not a real fight, Uranus tried to escape.

When he finally absorbed it completely, Sasuke left Uranus' palace, When he did he was able to observe absolutely everything, Sasuke knew absolutely everything that existed in the world both where it was and in other universes where the atmosphere existed, he was also able to observe some of his memories, although not all, but he was able to observe some memories of Uranus.

Taking about 4 steps, he found himself floating. Also with the figure of Uranus in the sky fading.

— You were stupid, you know that nobody can defeat me, I am a primordial, a being that cannot be vanished or sealed nor can it be controlled, I just needed you to absorb me so that I could finally die, And with it I will reform again, in doing so my power will be restored to 100%, when I return there will be absolutely no one who comes to stop me; Thank you very much Sasuke, although soon You will be the one who is Fading —

Sasuke didn't take it very important, but by looking at some of Uranus' memories, they were all totally useless except one, That gave the exact location where one of the treasures that had the power of Chaos was sealed, With that information Sasuke began to laugh.

The hardest part is already done, now you just have to see how to distract someone with the ability to see absolutely everything, and that was Chronos, the primordial of time.

No one would be able to see through it, could observe the past, the present and the future, I was in all three states at the same time, so I couldn't let you know where you are. You came up with a pretty crazy idea, but it sure will work, yes I was successful with this, it would be an almost invincible being. No one would be able to touch it or even harm it.

Sasuke continued training at that site, thousands of years passed, where he continued training tirelessly day and night, afternoon and tomorrow, in order to gain enough power to break the fabrics of time throughout the omniverse.

If he succeeds, he would be able to face Chronos and defeat him. And as predicted, Uranus had all his power again, but as soon as Sasuke reformed, he used the power he stole and chained him, he would not let anyone get in the way of his plans.

At this time Sasuke had claimed his domains, which if asked were interesting, since they touched the domains of air, lightning, storms, hurricanes, darkness, the moon, evil, death, weapons, gravity and god of idealistic warriors (beings that fight for their ideals and not for the ideals of others).

At that time he could observe a kind of war, Sasuke realized that it was a war where supposedly demigods were Facing The Sequaces of the Titan Chronos.

He didn't care about this, he had a duty and that was to eliminate Chronos, and he also had to get rid of The primordial of the inevitable Ananké, they would be the greatest power and the most powerful beings, capable of seeing absolutely everything in the omniverse, they were the biggest problem that Sasuke had at the moment.

With everything ready, he went to war.

In the Ananké Palace and the Primordial Chronos Palace, Sasuke found himself observing the most beautiful palaces, they were like the stars themselves in the sky.

He started the fight by giving a powerful attack on the Chronos temple, but what he did not know is that Chronos was already waiting for him, and thus a war without quarter was formed, where absolutely no one was a winner or winner.

They were in a tie, where no one had the advantage, but at the same time Sasuke, who had a copy Looking for The Treasure That Hidden the Power of Chaos, he knew he was destined to lose, but if he managed to gain the power of chaos, the balance would tip in his favor.