Wind Sword shouted loudly, and the atmosphere in the field was extremely tense.

" Well, Lu Xuan?" That person was the most outstanding talent in the Hu family's generation, and his strength was no worse than Feng Yijian's. But why did Lu Xuan come behind him? He did not notice it at all, which shocked him.

But as soon as he thought about it, he felt relieved. It must be because he was too focused in fighting in the field that the other side approached him. Anyway, he found that he was hidden behind a recognised good-for-nothing, which made him lose face and his face extremely gloomy.

" You good-for-nothing, but you didn't die. You're really lucky. Hehe, but you dare to come here by yourself. How dare you! I will kill you, good-for-nothing, first, and then play with little girl Lu."

" Lu Xuan, let's go!" Lu Xiaoyu was also surprised to see that Lu Xuan was not dead.

Although she looked down on Lu Xuan, they were from the same clan after all. She did not want to see him die in someone else's hands. Seeing that Hu Fang was going to attack her, she shouted anxiously.

As soon as she was distracted, she was immediately scratched by Feng Xuexin's hands on her shoulders. She was no disgusted that she wanted to throw up. She shouted in a sweet voice, " I will cut off your paws!"

Lu Xuan ignored Lu Xiaoyu and knew that she would be fine for a while. He just stared at H Dang with a cold look in his eyes and said slowly, " Who are you calling a good-for-nothing?"

" Humph, apart from you, who else do you think is more suitable to be called a good-for-nothing?" Hu Fang sneered mercilessly.

His words made all the people present laugh out loud, and they all looked at Lu Xuan with a playful look.

" I think he is mire suitable than me." Lu Xuan looked at a disciple of the Hu family beside Hu Fang. With a flash of sword light, the disciple who was targeted by him screamed and slowly fell down with horror in his eyes.

" You are such a good-for-nothing.

How dare you kill a disciple of the Hu family? You're courting death!"

Lu Xuan's sword was so fast that Hu Fang didn't see how he made his move, let alone block it.

Seeing the Hu family's disciples die miserably under the opponent's sword, Hu Wu was so angry that his blue veins stood out. He was so angry that he didn't realise why Lu Xuan suddenly became so terrible.

Lu Xuan ignored him and welded his sword again. With a scream, the other disciple of the Hu family fell straight to the ground and died with a grievance.

He responded to Hu Fengs words with his actions!

Lu Xuan's attack was too fast. His body was like a residual shadow, almost invisible to the baked eye.

Hu Feng could not even see clearly how he approached, attacked, and retreated to his original position.

This time, he finally realised the problem. When did Lu Xuan become so powerful?

" You are such a good-for-nothing! How dare you!" After Hu Feng was shocked, he looked at the two fallen disciples of the Hu family and was furious. He slammed his palm on Lu Xuan, trying to smash him into minced meat.

Hu Fang saw that the aura of his body was not strong, and it was far inferior to his. He was sure that Lu Xuan depended on speed. If they really fought, he was definitely no match for him. So he suddenly launched a sneak attack and wanted to seriously injure Lu Xuan.

But as soon as he struck out his palm, he only felt dizzy in front of him. A breeze blew, and Lu Xuan had disappeared from his sight. A scream came from behind him, and another disciple of the Hu family was cut into two pieces by Lu Xuan's sword.

" What? How did he do it? it's impossible. Even a super expert at the tenth level of the Spiritual Meridians can't kill three elite disciples of the Hu family so easily in front of me!"

Hu Fang was stunned and took a deep breath. He started at Lu Xuan as if he were looking at a monster.

His cultivation of the Ninth Heaven was noting in front of him, and the elite disciples of the Hu family were as weak as cabbages in front of him. He could cut the. if he wanted!

The more Hu Fang through about it, the more frightened he was. Was the person in front of him really Lu Xuan, the former good-for-nothing?

The strength the other party displayed today was too shocking. His methods were cruel and even more shocking. He didn't look like a youth, but more like a demon

" Call me a good-for-nothing, and use your Hu family's life to wash away my humiliation. It's not a big deal." Lu Xuan turned around and said overbearingly.

If he was called a good-for-nothing, he would pay for it with the life of the Hu family. Hu Fang shouted three times, and he killed three people without hesitation.

" Overbearing!"

How vicious!

This scene shocked everyone, and the rest of the Hu family disciples were so scared that they rolled and crawled. They just wanted to stay away from this God of Massacre, lest it was their ture next time.

Lu Xiaoyu and Feng One Sword, who were fighting to fight also stunned. They forgot to fight and looked at this direction in a daze. In their eyes, Lu Xuan had become extremely strange and terrible.

"Lu Xuan!" Lu Xiaoyu shocked excitedly. After the shock, her heart was full of joy. She thought that she would definitely fall into the hands of these scums, and it was better to die than to live. Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan came out.

" Let's go together and kill him!" Feng One Sword and Hu Fang winked and quickly surrounded him. A dozen people trapped Lu Xuan.

" He's just fast. As long as we surround him, he won't be able to gain an advantage. He'll definitely die," Feng One Sword said confidently after he surrounded Lu Xuan.

He saw that Hu Fang was shocked by Lu Xuan's means just now, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Lu Xuan, so he said something to wake him up.

When Hu Fang heard this. he felt that it was reasonable. He nodded and was secretly ashamed. To think that he would actually be frightened by the number one trash in Hidden Dragon City . This was simply embarrassing. He secretly hated in his heart as he gritted his teeth and said, " All of the Hu family's disciples listen up, chop him up and avenge our brothers who died just now."

" Are you sure I'm just fast?" Lu Xuan snorted disdainfully and glanced at the crowd with contempt.

Surrounded by so many masters, he did not panic at all.

He had the most overbearing ghostly bloodline, and his combat capability was invincible at the same level. As long as he didn't encounter anyone who had integrated with the demonic soul, he didn't care about any Spiritual Meridian Realm expert. I will count to three. Let's make a move together. " Feng One Sword shouted.

"Lu Xuan, I will help you." Lu Xiaofeng was in a bad situation. He rushed over in a hurry to help him out. If something happened to Lu Xuan, not only would she lose a strong helper, but Old Master Lu would also be sad.

" Lu Xiaoyu, get out of my way!" Lu Xuan shouted coldly and said to her, " All you have to do is to open your eyes wide and watch how I split them up one by one. Today, I will let everyone in Hidden Dragon City know that I, Lu Xuan, am not a good-for-nothing. "

Lu Xiaoyu was frightened by his momentum and stopped. She looked blankly at Lu Xuan, who was domineering and of confidence. He was completely like another person. He was very strange, but he gave off an aura of incomparable trust.

It seemed that Lu Xuan had obtained a lot of opportunities. After his strength rose, his character had changed a lot.

Judging from the strength displayed by Lu Xuan just now, maybe he could really fight against the strong alone.

" Okay, I won't interfere." Lu Xiaoyu nodded and thought to herself, " If Lu Xuan is no match for me, I will help him."

" One!"

Wind Sword shouted loudly, and the atmosphere in the field was extremely tense. Smoke filled out air, and it was about to start.

Everyone knew that after Feng One Sword shouted three tines, it would trigger a rare fierce battle between the younger generation of Hidden Dragon City. Lu Xuanjun would be attacked by many masters of the generation.

" Two!"

" Ah ah!"

As soon as the second sound of

" Wind One Sword " fell, a pig-killing scream waw heard immediately.

In the field, Lu Xuan turned into a phantom and rushed out. The person in front of him was cut off by a sword. The upper half of his body flew up with blood, and hid eyes widened. Looking at his lower body separated from his upper body, he let out a terrible howl.