After Feng One's escape, the others were not In the mood to fight the enemy. They were killed in a few moves and scrambled to run for their lives.

" Lu Xuan, you dare to kill them first!" Feng One Sword had not yet counted to three, but Lu Xuan took the initiative to kill the three of them in an instant, which made him angry.

" You idiot, If I don't take action first, will i wait for you to kill me?" Lu Xuan sneered. He didn't slow down at all. He waved his long sword, and the sword bloomed like a flower.

Sword flowers bloomed one after another, accompanied by a rain of blood.

His moves were extremely fast. With the help of Tianpeng's body movement, he shuttled back and forth in the crowd like a ghost.

Such a strange body movement made it impossible for Wind One Sword and others to even touch his clothes. It was impossible to defend against him.

After fighting for a while, Lu Xuan knocked down the other three people.

Lu Xuan's fighting capacity was already very strong, and no one present could match him. In addition, he moved like a ghost, so the attack of Wind One Sword and the other failed.

Lu Xuan was right in front of him, but he failed to stab him with his sword. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air. There waw no way to hit him.

After a while, Lu Xuan knocked down three more people. Feng One Sword, Hu Fang, and the others were also forced to gradually change their attacks and defend.

However, Lu Xuan's moves were so fast that he stabbed at the upper plate. In the middle, his moves suddenly changed and were cut down. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't defend.

" what kind of fortuitous encounter did this Lu Xuan have? Not only did he improve his cultivation, but he is also good at such tricky swordsmanship. It's too terrible!"

Hu Fang had already been frightened by Lu Xuan's cruel means just now. At this time, he saw that Lu Xuan's sword skills were superb and his footwork was exquisite. His side couldn't even touch a corner of his clothes, but the other dide had killed ten people on his side. He was already scared out of his wits.

He thought that even if Lu Xuan got some natural precious materials to improve his cultivation and supernatural power, his martial arts technique were far inferior to theirs. It seemed that he was wrong.

However, there was one thing that he couldn't understand. Even if Lu Xuan got some powerful martial arts techniques, he couldn't be so quick and humorous even if he practiced them by himself. It was as if he had practiced them for several years without any flaws.

Feng Yijian was equally anxious. He gad incited everyone to attack him earlier because he thought that Lu Xuan's body movement was exceptional. Who would have thought that the other party's sword art would be so exquisite that it was as if he had received guidance from the Grand Master, the Ming family.

They had never expected that in Lu Xuan's sea of consciousness, there was an old devil who had lived for tens of thousands of years, who personally guided Lu Xuan to cultivate in the middle of the bird nest.

As a master of a devil who had surpassed the Sky immortal Realm,

Lu Xuan's cultivation had not changed at all. It came naturally. The martial technique that he had practiced for a few months was better than that of his peers for ten years.

With more and mire companions falling down, it was even more difficult for them to resist Lu Xuan's attack. They had several wounds on their bodies and could not hold on for long. They could not escape.

With so many people joining hands and losing to the number one trash of Hidden Dragon City, If word got out, they would lose face and live in Hidden Dragon City in the future.

They had no choice but to fight back with gritted teeth.

" Hu Fang, he won't be able to hold on for long. Let's not confront him head-on. Let's think of a way to exhaust his internal energy before we finish him off!" Feng One approached Hu Fang and said in a low voice.

Hu Fang nodded, and the two began to teach the elite disciples of the two families, Yi Feng and Hu family, to fight head-on. They left as soon as they touched each other, and did not confront Lu Xuan head-on.

Lu Xuan immediately saw through his opponent's skills and sneered. He thought to himself, " I have the bloodline of the netherworld, and the speed at which I devour the Spiritual Qi of heven and earth is a hundred times faster than that of ordinary people. How can my internal strength be exhausted? I'm afraid that your plan will fail."

Because the two families did not dare to confront each other face to face, they wandered around, and Lu Xuan's pressure was greatly reduced.

He laughed cruelly. These people were really stupid. They clearly knew that his footwork was extremely fast, but they still used this trick? If they concentrated their strength, It would be a little difficult to kill everyone.

A disciple of the Feng family stabbed toward him from behind. After being blocked by Lu Xuan, he did not attack again instead, he turned around and fled.

"Can you escape?" Lu Xuan stepped on the Sky Roc's footwork and instantly rushed behind him. He slashed at him with his sword.

The other two elite disciples of the Hu family attacked him from both sides at this time. After failing, they immediately jumped out of the circle and let the other people fill in the position to attack.

However, Lu Xuan stared at one of them and rushed out like an arrow out of the string. Before the other party could react, a horrible sword radiance fell from his back and was cut into two halves with a scream.

Lu Xuan would kill whoever attacked. After the five people died, everyone saw Lu Xuan's determination at that they didn't dare to attack anymore. They all locked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to take a step forward.

" You good-for-nothings!" Seeing this, Feng Yijian was both angry and resentful.

" Oh, so you are not a good-for-nothing? Well, if you have the guts, try to make a move."

The others were scolded but did not dare to say a word to Lu Xuan, however, sneered and started coldly at Feng One Sword.

Feng Yijian's hearts trembled when he saw the hungry wolf- like look in his eyes. He couldn't help but take half a step back with an ugly expression on his face.

He turned his head and shouted at Hu Fang, " Hu Fang, he's already at the end of his rope and his cultivation is far below yours. He's definitely no match for you. Hurry up! I will personally support you."

" Feng One Sword, you're really despicable! if you want to fight me, we'll all support you." Hu Fang was trembling with anger at Feng One Sword's shamelessness.

" Lu Xuan, he...." Lu Xiaoyu was stunned as she watched from the side. Her small mouth was slightly open and she could not close it for a long time.

She was worried that Lu Xuan was no match for everyone and was ready to help at any time. However, when she saw his exquisite swordsmanship, she sighed that she was inferior to him. Not to mention her, no one in the whole Lu Family could complete with him.

She even suspected that the person standing in front of her was indeed Lu Xuan? How could he have grown from the number one trash in Hidden Dragon City to a super expert that even Hu Fang and Fang One Sword, two of the top ten experts of the same generation in Hidden Dragon City, feared in such a short period of time?

With doubts in her heart, she wanted to ask Lu Xuan immediately. However, she was more delighted. Since the fall of Uncle Yuan Feng, the Lu Family had suffered too many blows. They fell so low that they attracted the attention of the families and were in danger of being exterminated at any time.

At this time, there was Lu Xuan, who had the same momentum as Lu Yuanfeng in the past. In time, he would definitely lead the Lu Family to the peak again .

" The Lu Family is saved," Lu Xiaoyu said in a daze. " Hu Fang, its not the time to start an internal strife. Why don't we fight together?" Feng One Sword suggested.

Hu Fang nodded and let all the disciples if the Hu family to attack Lu Xuan. Feng One Sword also waved his hands to let all the disciples of the Feng family rush up. When they surrounded Lu Xuan, he ran away.

" F*ck you, Feng One Sword, you coward, how dare you trick me!" Hu Fang was so angry that he cursed.

" All of you, die." Lu Xuan attacked again. He rushed into the crowd like a hungry tiger jnto a flock of sheep. No one could stop him. Soon, the crowd was defeated.

After Feng One's escape, the others were not In the mood to fight the enemy. They were killed in a few moves and scrambled to run for their lives.

" You can't escape from me." Lu Xuan laughed wildly. As soon as he performed his footwork, those people were caught up before they could run far. They screamed and several people were pierced by the sword in the instant.

" Kill! Kill! kill!"

Like cutting cabbage, Lu Xuan madly killed the disciples of the two families. These people were not his opponents at all. Now they were running for their lives and were in no mood to resist. In terms of speed, they were ridiculed by Lu Xuan, which was simply a massacre.