Kill the good-for-nothing.

Hu Tong was the Fifth strongest amongst his peers in Hidden Dragon City. He was at the ninth level of the spirit vein. Although he didn't merge with the fate soul of the demon clan, his strength was astonishing when he went mad.

The fist shadow smashed down with a loud whoosh, bringing about a gust of dust.

Faced with Hu Tong's fierce attack, Lu Xuan did not dare to be careless. He took eighteen steps in the Wind Chasing Steps and swayed left and right like a willow branch in the wind. In the eyes of outsiders, he seemed to be blown away by Hu Tong's fierce fist force like a paper man at any time.

In reality, Hu Tong's every punch missed its mark and couldn't land on him no matter how hard he tired.

Other than Hu Tong, everyone else thought that Lu Xuan didn't dare to confront him head on.

" Tsk, just now, this trash sent Hu Tong flying. I was wondering why he suddenly became so fierce. Now, it looks like he relied on his footwork to launch a surprise attack and succeeded. Now he's still being chased by Hu Tong until he's hiding everywhere. A good-for-nothing is a good-for-nothing. "

" You're right. Hu Tong is one of the strongest people in our generation. Which of our Lu Family's peers isn't made a fool of by him? if we fight face to face, we can beat this trash with a single punch. Heh heh."

The disciples of the Hu and Ruan families saw that Lu Xuan only dodged and did not retaliate. They thought that he was afraid of Hu Tong and heaved a sigh of relief.

If the good-for-nothing who had been demoted by them suddenly had a powerful fighting strength and defeated Hu Tong, wouldn't that make them look even more useless?

After a while, Hu Tong was so tired that that he was panting like a cow. He unwillingly glared with his blood-red eyes and shouted, " You trash, if you have the guts, the. fight me face to face. Hiding like a rat crossing the street. Don't tell me that your Lu Family are all cowards!" Lu Xuan was irritated by his opponent's words and shouted coldly, " You can't even touch my clothes. Who gave you such a shameless courage to challenge me face to face? Well, today I will teach you how to write the word 'death'!"

Lu Xuan's tone was confident and overbearing, full of contempt for Hu Tong.

" Tsk, tsk, this Lu Xuan really doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, he's quite brave. If it wasn't for him relying on his body movement, he would have long been beaten into a meet pie by Hu Tong. Now, he still dares to speak such arrogant words, daring to teach Hu Tong how to write the word 'death'!"

"I think he's crazy. Did he really think that by relying on a sneak attack and sending Hu Tong flying, he could be compared to Hu Tong? You should know that young master Hu Ton is the fifth strongest among his peers. Even Lu Jin couldn't take a hundred moves from him. This piece of trash is simply courting death. "

When the disciples of the Hu and Ruan families heard Lu Xuan's words, they all mocked him mercilessly.

In their eyes, there were only three or five people in their generation who could compete with Hu Tong.

Of these five people, no one from the Lu family was included, let alone the number one trash in Hidden Dragon City.

Although he didn't know where Lu Xuan had learned a set of mysterious footwork and relied on it to walk a few moves under Hu Tong's hands, the most important thing for a martial practitioner to dear with an enemy was their own strength.

Although Lu Xuan's footwork was excellent, as long as he was late for a business trip, he would die or be disabled after being punched by Hu Tong, whose cultivation was at the ninth level of the Spiritual Meridian.

This was a battle without suspense.

Hu Tong also throught the same.

Being looked down upon by a good-for-nothing like Lu Xuan and shouting in public, he was so angry that his lungs exploded. His face turned red and he roared, " Little bastard, how dare you call me shameless! I will tear you apart!"

Hu Tong angrily threw out a palm!.

He was so furious that he wanted to kill his opponent immediately and spare no effort.

The few Spiritual Meridian in his body were crazily swinging like snakes, giving out a huge suction force. They quickly absorbed the Spiritual Qi around him into his body and turned it into yuan qi. For a time, his meridians had expanded a lot.

All of the vital force was Frantically poured into his palm and spewed out like a dragon or a snake spitting out mist. The thick and tangible vital force was rolling. It was like an invisible sharp blade. If it were to be struck by his palm, it would definitely be ripped to shreds .

" How terrifying. As expected of Hu Tong. Even Ruan Xingmin wouldn't dare to take this blow head on. Lu Xuan will definitely die this time."

" I should teach Lu Xuan, a good-for-nothing, a lesson a d let him know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. If he didn't learn a little footwork. he wouldn't be able to put on airs in front of the disciples of the Hu family. "

"Kill the good-for-nothing. the young disciples of the Lu Family deserve to die. We must not let them go!"

Seeing the power of Hu Tong's palm, the disciples of the Ruan and Hu families exclaimed and cheered for him.

" No. Lu Xuan, get out of the way!"

Lu Xiaoyu, who was standing by the side was shocked. She was so scared that she broke out in a sweat and shouted at Lu Xuan.

Although she had seen Lu Xuan kill Feng One Sword and Hu Fang and knew that his current strength was extraordinary, she definitely did not think that he would be Hu Tong's opponent.

Hu Tong attached with all his might. Even if Lu Xuan barely managed to take it, he would definitely be seriously injured.

Just when everyone through that Lu Xuan would die without a doubt, in an instant. Hu Tong's palm landed on Lu Xuan. His eyes narrowed as he coldly growled in a low voice.

" Back off!".

Another simple punch smashed towards Hu Tong's palm.

The difference was that a blood colored Spiritual Meridian suddenly appeared around him. It roared like a dragon and emitted a terrible suction force. Everyone could clearly feel that the Spiritual Qi around him was rushing toward Lu Xuan and was instantly swallowed up by hid blood colored Spiritual Meridian.

After obtaining a large amount of Spiritual Qi, the power of the Mountain Shattering Fist could not be compared to it. The black fist radiance flickered with golden light, which blocked the opponent's big palm and could not be stopped.

The moment the first and palm met, the golden light in the black fist radiance was like a flood dragon in the angry sea, twisting the opponent's palm force into nothingness. The black fist radiance penetrated through the palm and went straight into hospital flesh and bones.

Crack! Crack!

A few crisp sounds, accompanied by a miserable howl, sent Hu Tong flying once again. He fell heavily onto the ground. hugging his arms as he cried incessantly.

Just now, the bones of his whole arm were shattered into several pieces by Lu Xuan's overbearing fist strength.

Before he could get up, a figure rushed over and steeped on his face.

" Well, you know how to write the word ' death ' this time, don't you?" Lu Xuan stamped hard on the other side's face with his feet. His eyes were cold and filled with endless ridicule. It seemed that the so called fifth master of his generation was just so-so. Wasn't he trampled by me?

Hu Tong was so angry that his lungs exploded. He glared venomously at Lu Xuan and roared angrily, " You piece of trash, I will count to three and immediately remove your stinky foot. Otherwise, I will guarantee that no one in your Lu Family will be able to leave the Great Wastelands Secret Realm!"

" I, Lu Xuan, am not afraid of being threatened. Hehe, it seems like you want to eat a few more shoe soles?" Lu Xuan had a shoe under his feet, and he fiercely slapped the other party's mouth. In just a few moves, Hu Tong's mouth became swollen like a sausage, and his teeth and blood spurted out.

Everyone was stunned. When they saw Lu Xuan crazily slapping the face of the genius from Hidden Dragon City with his shoe soles, they gasped and forgot to react for a moment.

" Enough, Lu Xuan, stop!"

Hu Tong gritted his teeth and refused to beg for mercy from Lu Xuan. On the other hand, Ruan Xingmin, who was standing to the side, could not stand it and stopped him in a cold voice. Hu Tong was on the same side as Lu Xuan, but he was also humiliated by Lu Xuan.

" It's enough for you to say that why? I haven't been addicted to it.

Hehe, my favourite thing is to slap the so-called genius's face." Lu Xuan didn't take him seriously at all.

He waved his fan again until Hu Tong's face was swollen like a pigs hear.

Ruan Xingmin was so angry that his face turned livid and his whole body trembled. He said with a murderous look, " You have guts. Let go of him immediately. Otherwise, this is the first time you have seen Lu Jin!" .