Soul killing knife.

Don't hurt my brother!" Seeing that Ruan Xingmin was going to kill him.

Lu Xiaoyu was so scared that her face turned pale. She cried and hurriedly looked at Lu Xuan with pleading eyes.

Lu Xuan remained unmoved and said to Ruan Xingmin, " Kill him. I don't care about his life or death.

Everyone in the city knows how I was pushed aside by the people of the Lu Family. There is a grudge between me and Lu Jin. If you really kill him, I have to thank you."

Ruan Xingmin was angry.

He had wanted to use Lu Jin in exchange for Hu Tong, but when he heard Lu Xuan's words, he felt that Lu Jin had become a chicken rib in his hand.

He held back his anger and said,

"Anyway, he is your cousin. Do you really want to watch h him die? The genius of the Lu family died in my hands. As a member of the Lu family, aren't you ashamed?"

" There are only three people I'm the Lu Family, but you have dozens of people. You killed the siblings and paid for it with dozens of lives. No matter what, its worth it." Lu Xuan's mouth curved slightly and he said indifferently.

Although Lu Xuan did not have a good impression of Lu Jin, he did care about her life. But he knew that the more anxious he was, the more Ruan Xingmin would use Lu Jin's life to threaten him.

" Well, then I will kill Lu Jin first, and then deal with you." Ruan Xingmin's eyes turned cold and he was about to kill him.

" Wait, I changed my mind again. " Lu Xuan saw that the other party was forced and really wanted to kill him.

His heart skipped a beat, bit he pretended to be indifferent and lazily stopped him.

" So, are you going to exchange hostage?" Ruan Xingmin's eyes were full of ridicule. It seemed that he was laughing at Lu Xuan's weakness or not.

" Whether to hand it over or not, it depends on what other people choose. "

" What do you mean?" Hearing his tone, Realm Xingmin seemed to be reluctant to hand over the hostage.

He was stunned and a little anxious.

The Hu and Ruan families were an alliance. There were many disciples of the Hu family watching. If he saw He Tong being killed, the two families would definitely turn into enemies. The elders of of the Ruan family would definitely not let him off.

Lu Xuan ignored him and turned his eyes to Lu Jin who was steeped on the ground by Ruan Xingmin with a sullen look. The corners of his mouth lifted sightly. " Lu Jin, I used to listen to you call me a good-for-nothing and enjoy it. I haven't listened for a long time, so I'm not used to it. Why don't you call me 'good-for-nothing,' and save me? I will save you. What do you think?"

"Hmm? Is Lu Xuan stupid? He asked Lu Jin to call him a good-for-nothing and then he was willing to save her?"

" Yes, I think he must have lost his mind. Tsk, tsk, there are people who think that they are called trash less and want to be called to him in public. Their hobbies are really unique. "

The people of the Ruan and Hu families burst into laughter, as if they were watching a monkey show, waiting to watch the show.

Only Ruan Xingmin, Lu Xiaoyu, and Lu Jin, who were quick witted, knew that Lu Xuan wanted Lu Jin to make a fool of himself in public.

In the past, Lu Jin thought of herself as a genius and looked down on Lu Xuan. She always called him trash.

Now that he was stepped on, he had to ask the "cripple " for help.

Wasn't that saying that Lu Jin was not even as good as a piece of trash?

This was going to make Lu Jin unable to raise her head in front of her in the future. This move was really vicious!

Ruan Xingmin laughed with unclear meaning and said to Lu Xuan, " I admire you. In order to humiliate others, you don't even care about yourself being called a good-for-nothing. You are more ruthless than me."

However, did he know how to call someone as arrogant as Lu Jin?

Lu Xuan snorted and looked at Lu Jin.

Lu Jin was so angry that her face was like a pigs lung. She stared at Lu Xuan with resentment I'm her eyes. She gritted her teeth and wanted to pounce on hum and bite him a few times. However, she refused to let him go.

Originally, asking him to ask for Lu Xuan's help was already a deep blow to his arrogant self-esteem. If he really did what Lu Xuan said, he would be called "cripple, save me."

How could he be a good-for-nothing if it was spread out?

"Lin Jin, you seem to feel that it's more glorious to be steeped on and surrounded like a monkey. In that case, don't say that I didn't care about our brotherhood and gave you a chance. You don't know how to cherish it. Don't worry, after you die, I will kill them all and bury them with you."

Lu Xuan said in a relaxed tone, with a hint of ridicule.

Lu Xiaoyu watched anxiously from the side. With tears in her eyes, she said to Lu Jin, " Brother, don't be stubborn. Hury up and call me!"

Ruan Xingmin was afraid that Lu Xuan would refuse to exchange the hostage, so he added to fuel to the fire for Lu Xuan. He said to Lu Jin sinisterly, "Hehe, it seems that you are very stubborn. I am curious. Is your face more important or your life more important?"

After that, he took out his life and deliberately aimed at the little brother under Lu Jin.

" No! I, my name is...." Lu Jin was not afraid of death, but she was afraid that Ruan Xingmin would really humiliate her in public.

His face was extremely embarrassed. He wished he could dig a hole and hide in it. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Lu Xuan. With a mosquito-like voice, he said, " You good-for-nothing, save me."

As soon as he finished speaking, his face was as hot as fire.

After exchanging the hostages, the members of the Ruan and Hu families immediately surrounded the three of them

Hu Tong's face was as swollen as a pigs head. He crazily pointed at Lu Xuan and shouted, "Damn little bastard, I'm going to tear you into pieces!"

Lu Xuan asked Lu Xiaoyu to hold the seriously injured Lu Jin and retreat behind him. He laughed and said, " When I stepped on you just now, you were as quiet as a chicken. Now that you have just left my soles, you are barking like a mad dog. Your face has become so fast. "

Lu Xuan's mouth could be said to be vicious. His words not only scolded the other party like a chicken or a dog, but also made the other party's face swollen like a pig, which made Hu Tong mad.

" When have I, Hu Tong, ever suffered such humiliation? Little bastard, the one you gave me will be repaid a hundredfold today! Go to hell!" Hu Tong no longer said any more nonsense as he furiously pounced forward.

Ruan Xingmin and the others were afraid that something might happen to him, so they also took action to kill Lu Xuan.

In the face of the attacks of so many masters of the same generation , Lu Xiaoyu and Lu Jin were so scared that their faces turned pale, while Lu Xuan calmly took out a long black knife.

" Today, I sill kill them to my hearts content. "

Lu Xuan held the Soul-killing Magic knife in his hand, and a stream of evil spirit rushed into his body, which instantly devoured him. His whole body burst out a kind of cold and terrible aura, as if he had been reborn from a god of Killing.

This was one of the most famous fierce weapons in ancient times. No one knew how many creatures had been killed. Although it was sealed, it was s a peerless sharp knife.

Just holding the magic sword in his hand made Lu Xuan's combat capability rise by 40% and he had the confidence to win.

"Kill!" He gently spat out a word and waved his long saber with both hands. The five young warriors who appeared him screamed and were cut into two pieces

Lu Xuan did not stop, but chopped again with his backhand, and the body of the knife emitted a faint demonic light.

These weak demonic lights were extremely terrifying. They were like divine swords that tore though the void, releasing astonishing killing intent, shocking everyone here, making them feel as if they were falling into ice.

" No!"

An expert at the seventh level of the Spiritual Meridian, who was facing the blade, subconsciously brandished his sword to block it.

Unexpectedly, the moment the long sword in his hand touched the magic sword, it was directly cut into two pieces like tofu.

Seeing the dazzling magic sword fling on his head, he was scared out of his wits.

Even the sword couldn't block it, let alone the flesh. The seventh-level master was instantly cut into two pieces by the knife, and blood splashed.

" Damn it, the knife in his hand is too evil. Be careful, everyone."

" If we attack at the same time, we don't believe that Lu Xuan has three heads and six arms. We must kill him and avenge out dead brothers. "

Ruan Xingmin and Hu Tong ordered. Everyone stared at Lu Xuan and used all kinds of methods. They sword light was pushed away like tides, with various hidden weapons in it.

Even a body treasure expert would not be able to withstand the group attacks of so many spirit vein experts. Lu Xuan's situation was extremely dangerous.