The yeti didn't care about Lu Xuan at all. Seeing him fall down, it sneered and seemed to hit him with a seemingly casual palm. A stream of Primordial Qi gathered outside his palm, intending to shake the opponent's weapon away.

However, as soon as his hand got close to the magic sword, his expression immediately changed. His vital qi was actually cut open by the terrible knife energy. The skin on his pa cracked and blood spurted out.

" Oh no, the knife Qi is actually so terrible. " buddy's heart trembled, and he did not dare to take it with his hands. He rolled back and narrowly avoided it. He looked very embarrassed. When he through that he would be cut into pieces by Lu Xuan, he broke out in a cold sweat.

" Boy, I didn't expect that you would have such a precious sword with such a low cultivation. " There was greed in the eyes of the yeti. He had thought that Lu Xuan's hand was just an ordinary Taoist instrument.

The yeti took a slender sliver sword. It glittered with cold light and was slightly transparent. The Sword Qi was aggressive. At first glance, it was obvious that it was not an ordinary weapon.

" What a good spiritual sword. " Lu Xuan's eyes lit up. He was now in need of a suitable long sword, which was combined with the Illusory Devil's Life-taking Sword Technique. If he could kill the yeti and seize the sword, the power of the Illusory Devil's Life-taking Sword would be several times stronger than that of the magic sword.

The two of them coveted the weapons in each others hands, and soon after, they tore them apart. The sword danced about, and the blade radiance was like raging waves. They interweaved, splitting apart the ground. It was extremely terrifying.

There was an eight-level Taoist Sword in the yetis hand, which could be soft or hard. It was as tricky as a snake and often stabbed from an unexpected angle, making people unable to resist it.

However, Lu Xuan's bladesmanship was overbearing. Although it was not as sensitive as opponent's, it could easily and directly break the opponent's tricky sword technique like a snake Chasing after its body.

The two of them fought fiercely for about an hour, but there was skill no winner. The more they fought, the more frightened the wig became.

He had thought that even if Lu Xuan broke through to the fourth level of the Treasured Body, he could easily kill him.

He used all kinds of attacks, but they were broken by Lu Xuan's simple and easy move. On the surface, it seemed that he was attacking, but Lu Xuan could only defend. Only he knew that Lu Xuan intended to consume his strength.

" Boy, you can die now."

Suddenly, the yeti jumped out of a certain distance and quickly made an Incantation. Its momentum changed greatly. A powerful demon aura rushed out of its body. The demon wind whistled, blowing away the dust in the cave.

A tall beast shadow rushed out and screamed above his head. The terrible sound wave turned into dozens of Sword Qi and rushed over. Lu Xuan was careless and his arm was scratched by a Sword Qi.

The Sword Qi formed by the sound waves was extremely terrible. If he hadn't moved so fast, his whole arm would have been cut off.

Seeing that Lu Xuan was injured, the yeti sneered proudly. He stretched out his arms slightly, like a white crane flapping its wings.

His whole body flew over like an arrow, and the huge demonic beast on his back, like a knife, chopped down.

Lu Xuan got out of the way on the spot. The other side didn't let him go and pounced on him again. A pair of light and shadow wings, seemingly indestructible sharp swords, cut off the mountain walls and rocks one after another, leaving countless terrible knife marks on the ground.

" Roar!"

When the yeti pounced on him again, Lu Xuan had already gathered a terrible stream of Heavenly Dragon Roar True Qi in his stomach and roared fiercely. This time, it was difficult from before. The Heavenly Dragon True Qi was no longer scattered, but condensed into one.

The power increased several times in an instant!

The demonic soul on the back of the yeti was blown away by the powerful sound wave. The yeti was also sent flying and was seriously injured.

Before he could get up, he saw a magic sword hanging high above him, stabbing straight at him.

" No!" He screamed in horror and was nailed to the ground by the knife. After struggling a few times, he stopped moving.

Lu Xuan swallowed all hos power and demonic soul, and then he took out all the things on hid body and picked up the Taoist Sword in his hand.

"Hehe, I gained a lot this time. This person must have a high status in the Sect. He has such a high-ranking spirit pills and an eight-level Taoist Sword. He is also very powerful. I got a big bargain from hum." Lu Xuan mouth was covered with blood, but he was very happy.

After refining the opponent's power, his cultivation improved a lot. With that Taoist Sword, he would definitely be able to display the Illusory Devil Sword Skill in the future.

" Mmm, why are there other cards?" Lu Xuan walked for a while and found that someone was fighting in front of him. It was extremely fierce. It was the youth at the sixth level of the treasured body who was directly put over by the yeti.

The other party was fighting two great expert who were at the sixth level of the Treasured Body realm. Although their strength was powerful, their two fists were no match for four hands. In the end, they were at a disadvantage. Their bodies were slightly injured and their appearance were in a sorry state.

"Kid, what are you looking at? Hurry up and kill me. It's your turn next!"

Zhao Lin was overjoyed to see Lu Xuan. Although the two guards were also at the sixth level of the Treasured Body, their strength was far inferior to his. If Lu Xuan could help him hold one of them back, he was confident that he could kill one of them within 15 minutes.

Lu Xuan knew that what Zhuo Lin said was true. If Zhuo Lin died, he would definitely become the nest target of the two Treasured Body Six Majors, so he did not hesitate to pounce on one of them.

"Humph, you're just a little thief at the fourth level of the Treasured Body. How dare you attack your grandfather? You're courting death. " One of them was very angry when he saw Lu Xuan attacking him. He threw down Zhuo Lin and rushed toward Lu Xuan.

" I hope that kid won't die too quickly. I will get rid of one first." Zhuo Lin was disappointed when he saw that Lu Xuan was only at the fourth level of the treasured body. He didn't hold anything back and hoped that he could kill his opponent before Lu Xuan was killed.

The Strength of an expert at the sixth level of the Treasured Body was extremely terrifying. The moment they exchanged blows, Lu Xuan was immediately sent flying seventy to eighty feet by the other party's fist. The blood in his chest was rolling, and his heart felt like it was going to split apart.

As soon as he steadied his body, the opponent attacked him again.

He punched out with his fists, and the terrible fist force was pilled up, like a raging tide of the sea, coming at him. It was like rows of high walls collapsing, which made him unable to breathe.

Lu Xuan could only dodged with the Wind Chasing Steps.

"Hmm? This guy is interesting. "

Seeing Lu Xuan figure floating back and forth in the wind of hid fist like a piece of paper, he was very surprised that he could not hit him no matter how hard he tried.

" Hey hey, boy, do you think you will be safe just like that?" A soft sword appeared in the other party's hand. It was like a fish swimming in the water, silently stabbing at him.

The opponent's sword was very strange and tricky. When it was drawn, there was no fluctuation of vital qi, which made it impossible for Lu Xuan to use the Wind Chasing Steps with the help of the fluctuation of vital qi. His lower abdomen was hit by the sword.

" Roar...." Before the opponent's could draw his sword, Lu Xuan roared angrily. The Heavenly Dragon Sound of Profound Dipper flew our like a huge current, which directly shook the opponent into flying out like a weed.

Both of them were seriously injured, but in general, their opponent was more seriously injured than Lu Xuan.

" F*ck, if it weren't for the fact that Heavenly Dragon Voice didn't have enough time to prepare and was so close to him, he would have definitely roared to death." Lu Xuan felt a little pity, but he didn't slow down. The Taoist Sword that he snatched from the yeti suddenly flew out.

The two of them were locked in a fight, and it was hard to tell who was the winner.

" Zhan Yuan, don't waste any more time. Quickly kill that brat, and then join hands with me to capture Zhuo Lin." The person who was fighting with Zhuo Lin was no match for him. In just a short while, his body had already suffered several injuries. He was anxious and angry as he hurriedly shouted at his companions.

The person named Zhan Yuan felt extremely wronged. Lu Xuan looked like he was only at the fourth level of the treasured body, but his combat strength was extremely abnormal. He wasn't weaker than him at all. However, no one would believe him eve. if he told others. Hearing him companions urging, he risked his life to launch a ferocious attack in an attempt to reverse the situation.